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apollo interview wso

Ultimate goal is to join a BB at NY so might re-recruit for a full time position next year. Hey Brian (or anyone who may be able to help). Btw in UK is it worth calling them to delay offer deadlines or asking to hurry up with last stage intw outcome? Will declining an offer for a summer internship make it (way) harder to get a FT offer for the following year in that company? Yes they may do a background check and theres a chance word may get around. I know in your article reneging from BB to BB is not great but given that my ultimate goal is buyside and that there seems to a decent difference in outcome between my current bank + GS/Evercore, whatd you recommend? Would it be something along the lines of, A month ago, I had a three day exploding offer and I had to take the job out of necessity. This is my dream location and division, however, I am non-EU (not sure if this affects conversion for FT roles). Then got offered by a top 3 bank who asked had I signed anything to which I answered no. ie. I dont think Id tell the advisory firm upfront though; depends on the situation but you should be vigilant. I was talking to people and they seemed to be one two different ends. I think we underestimate the degree to which senior investors and HR follow their brand online and websites like this. Thanks. It is a BB. I would never renege on a BB offer for another BB offer. However, if you plan to interview with the second firm, Id be very quiet and discrete and see where the interviewing process takes you. As 'simple' as the work is in banking, the sophistication increases significantly in PE, and at a fund like Apollo, which is involved in some of the most complex deals and likes to go through much more detailed analysis than almost any other fund, it's not easy work at all. I have since deleted the thread. Because the industry is very small. Im starting to regret more and more about having accepted my B4 return offer. However, I just do not know how should I tell the IB? Im having a hard time choosing between these two. Is it at the same bank? Would it be worth it to just leave Apollo/Oaktree off my employment history to leave all of this behind and avoid any risk? This presents such a huge dilemma for me because I never told the second company that I had already accepted an offer. It is highly likely you may have to go through the recruiting process all over again though I may be wrong. Ie, if you want your flagship fund to have a similar rating to black stones flagship fund in the diversity bucket, it's that funds' headcount stat that's being looked at. I recently accepted an internship offer at a MM bank in the midwest (in a city I have no interest living in) in a specific area of focus that is often pigeonholed. I believe only a handful of the MBA interns are actually in the flagship PE group across all offices. These are both FT. IS it worth the risk to renege? At the time I was told about the outcome I acted extremely grateful and happy but after I got home I realised that I have doubts whether I should even sign the contract for research. Thank you for the article, its helpful as always! If theres a really specific reason e.g. The Interview Difficulty is a score ranging from very difficult (red) to very easy (green) generated based on the Interview Insights at this company. Trading and i-banking are very, very different, so if you really are more interested in investment banking as a long-term career, yes, its worth it to renege in this case especially since the prop trading firm probably has minimal contact with the bank. What a dilemma hope someone has some interesting views on this! 2005-2023 Wall Street Oasis. 2. Advice? I have to add, that I accepted the offer from the corporation and I am thinking about switching to BB. They have a right to withdraw their offer. Nice post as always. I accepted the first offer because of worries of how successful recruiting would be in the summer, given the highly competitive nature of the industry. Id still like to interview with the other banks to get a sense of where I might fit best. Ill sign the offer I have (given the economic climate), but Im wondering whether theres a point going through all these events again? Would you consider reneging a top BB (GS/JPM/MS) in Houston for top BB in NYC? Im actually in a similar situation. But the rest? What if you are deciding between a S&T internship position at a BB and an i-banking job at a small boutique? Thanks. Individual banks may have such a list, but rumors about a universal list are heavily exaggerated. i assume if they directly ask if you have signed, you should tell the truth? Useful1. While at the program, I interviewed with the Big-4 and recieved an full time offer I ended up accepting. But as I said, there is some risk here, so I would not recommend doing this in all scenarios. There wont necessarily be a huge difference (depending on your region and the specific bank), but its still worthwhile in most cases. I know for sure that I want to do research/trading. I dont think you need to disclose too much information. #1: Bankers Are Vengeful and Want to Kill You. It was very helpful. In this situation, should I sign the contract for the new job before or after I resign in my current job? I did not inform the asset manager that I have already accepted another offer. How should I go about doing this without burning the bridge? Also will the bank care that I had accepted a corp fin job before? In the Apollo app, navigate to Campaigns > Analytics. Just look back at your high school class - bunch of girls were better than you. Tough position. The offer is for internship. I now have an offer for an internship at a BB firm, and also an offer for FT from a second tier bank (which is growing and doing quite well, and the people are very nice). I dont think consulting exit opportunities will be that great coming from a regional office. I wouldnt make a decision merely based on what you hear in forums. Mar. However, if you can deal with the consequences of reneging, you can choose B. Eg historically most girls probably looked at med / law school vs finance so there is a lack of numbers vs guys and it's a gap that's slowly but surely closing. My sophomore internship in Investment Operations extended me a 2021 SA return offer which I signed, but I recently received a 2021 SA offer from a good investment bank. Just to be clear this commercial banking position doesnt involve retail or small business accounts its essentially corporate banking for mid-sized business (2 million to 2 billion market cap). How should I word it? In his spare time, he enjoys memorizing obscure Excel functions, editing resumes, obsessing over TV shows, traveling like a drug dealer, and defeating Sauron. And yet, most people here and in general seem to love picking on women and URMs for "unjustly" getting a look in. In that case its worth it to switch since theyre in different countries and groups I would not hesitate to renege. Should I say yes and renege later if I get a job in consulting or decline the offer? Id also get a ban from OCR. Johnny, yes it maybe risky to renege because word can get around. Thank you in advance. ER internship (End of June End of Aug) I spent my summer in capital markets at a mid-tier bulge bracket bank, and really wanted to move over to coverage IB but was denied. The banks recognized my account because I have a relatively unique first name. Enim sit et sunt quos voluptas atque. Two questions: how risky is it to continue networking/interviewing in IB at other firms after accepting the offer (in terms of the return offer coming up in interviews, interviewers reaching out to original firm for a reference, etc), and how risky is it to actually make the switch if I obtain an IB offer? Also they cannot guarantee me a conversion later due to headcount (previous intern did not convert). I dont think its risky to make the switch if you receive an IB offer at a larger bank, but there is a decent chance this firm could figure out what youre doing. Im really confused as to what I should do and how negative reneging on my offer (if I choose to do so) would be for me and my career? Do you suggest reneging in this situation? I think a career in IB may be more suited for me but would you recommend to renege from an internship 2 weeks before the start date for a FT role in IB? Theres no point in accepting a sub-par offer with lower pay when you have a clearly better option. Id tell the other firm you dont want the offer anymore. I am an international student in Germany who will graduate this month. In the fall recruiting season I had no choice and accepted a mid-office offer at a BB in US. However, it does not hurt to speak with the MM IB and see how it goes. In this case, is it worthy to renege? Its not IB, but whats your view on reneging offers for buyside roles? What are your thoughts on reneging on a BB middle office position for a MM/boutique front office role? BB finance to MM IBD is a pretty clear win. Yes, its best to tell them proactively during interviews just so theyre aware. If anything, adding a diversity program probably increases their chances of getting sued by an employee for some form of harassment. Had I read this article sooner, I would have been more transparent from the get-go. the offer from the BB is in natural resources and the MD is from Houston. Hi Brian, thank you so much for the response. I imagine the BBs, along with Nomura probably are. I got macro research but decided I want to do trading (I did no full rotations in trading, just shadowing and networking). Rerum at atque sunt autem iure. Tell me about a time you had to convince someone significantly out-ranking you to do something they did not want to do. Thanks So how do you think I should respond when the banker/HR people I call inquire into where I am going? If its at a different bank or firm, you can probably do this without the sky falling (as large banks and AM firms dont necessarily communicate about job candidates). PE firm is small so would be hard to confront everyone there. Venture Capital 4-Hour Bootcamp - Sat April 1st - Only 15 Seats 1:00PM EDT. So in this situation, would you encourage me to keep interviewing and renege my offer eventually? Or should I just stay with A and try to get into accelerated interviews for the fall with B? Yeah, that should be fine because banks dont care about real software companies. If theyre fine with it, go ahead. Would they ever do that? The risk may be slightly reduced here, but its not that much different. I primarily got into huge trouble for mentioning how my contacts at both banks helped me get my foot in the door. This damaged both banks reputations by making them seem less meritocratic. Reneging may burn bridges though; I dont advise it in general. What are your thoughts on reneging on the HK offer? Once the numbers even out, it'll be the same (just like law / med schools where both genders have very sharp / good people, or even consulting). I recently received an offer from a smaller bank, on the cusp between MM and BB, to work in the front office. So Ill take that as unless I get asked directly in an interview if I accepted, I will just say I got the offer and am pursuing FT IB roles. I accepted an MBB offer (yes, management consultanting) in a small regional office but was offered another position at a MF credit opportunities (Apollo / BX / Bain Cap / Carlyle) in NYC. Based on Apollo's culture I assume they aren't handholding people wholely unqualified and likely stepping down a tier than they would normally go ie; 2 years at line Deutche bank + 2 years at a MM fund. First round with HR (30 mins) Second with group MD (60 mins) Third with two other partners (60 mins each) Super day of 5 interviews (30 mins each with different team members) - Hmm.. theyre about the same, so I probably wouldnt renege in this case. I would just proceed with your plan and interview at the bank, and if your manager asks about it, say it was a mistake or it was for an application you submitted a long time ago and is no longer active. Just to follow up on this I realized that my career center guidelines state that recruiters interviewing in the fall must give students until December to respond to an offer; however, I was only given a week (this was in October). Both are full time jobs and in the same location. Yes they can do that, and this has happened to other people before. The last thing you want is to go back to the team you reneged and ask for a job down the line (been through that too). My view is that you should never accept an offer or even start interviewing without telling a firm you have accepted an offer elsewhere first. Voluptate et ut adipisci dolor. poor whites) don't have access to - squash, golf, skiing, tennis, anyone? Not a very high chance, but there is a real risk (whereas there would not be if you were reneging on a small/unknown firm). Should I tell the HR at the new bank about this? Neither offer would be from OCR. I am a sophomore at a non-target school, and I have accepted an offer for a internship/leadership development program with a mid-tier public accounting firm about a month ago, but I now have the opportunity to interview with a mid-tier REPE firm for a summer analyst program. Because they're fucking smart and saw the writing on the wall a long time ago -- the PE market is incredibly saturated with tons of funds driving up prices and bringing down returns. Id try your best to extend your deadline by a few more days with the first BB, and Id also let the other BB know of your offer and see if they can expedite your offer (if they were to extend you one.) If you havent formally obtained an offer from the MM then I wouldnt worry about burning bridges w HR. Nesciunt et aliquam quae voluptas quis. can be an art piece, stock, gold, a small business that you know, anything. Dear Brian, My question is, do you think that recruiter would try to tell the BB? Would reneging this AMD offer at GS make this difficult going forward? If you really dont want the IB role, then yes it maybe worth the risk. Est Annual Revenue: . Congratulations on your internship. I dont recommend reneging offers given the downsides (discussed in the article) and personal experience. How do you think I should best handle the situation? In the short term, I think this is probably what it will look like at Apollo as well. If you stay for years and years, yes, sure, you may end up stuck in credit. I would think so because my long-term plans are in IB anyway, and theyre different industries. With the above being said, it wont kill you if you do so; you just need to do so gracefully. Just received a super day at a top BB. I had been applying to top 10 Business schools (MBA programs) without thinking I had a shot. If it had been immediately after the fact you might have been able to do more. Homogenous roster? The reputation is horrible becomes the online world ruins it and makes it so. The forum was public and both banks independently found the thread. Gotta like M&I! Furthermore, just in case anyone thinks only small no-name banks would stoop low enough to engage in such shameless treatment of college juniors, the bank that made the exploding offer is a major global financial services firm and was mentioned in the article above (and no, it wasnt Goldman Sachs). If they cant guarantee a full-time conversion and its very specialized, then yes, DCM may be better. So you might as well proceed with those other interviews but youll probably have to let them know that youve accepted the operations offer elsewhere and will have to renege on it to proceed with the offer process there. WSO also provides several services to help as you progress through your business career. In the end I did renege and took the WM position. Yes you can keep interviewing, but yes theres a chance word may get around. Should I mention anything about my return offer during the interview? Business Insider reported yesterday that Apollo is offering the retention bonuses of $100k, $150k and $200k to its first year, second year and third year associates. I have a clear idea of what S&T and I think I want to go into that, but Ive never actually tried it scared that maybe Im not good at it. Would really appreciate your advice on this! No time to go to the gym/eat? It turned out to be in the Products team and was sat on the trading floor carrying out deal execution and product research and offered much more interesting work / networking opportunities than the sales / relationship management side of PWM that M&I seems to focus on. With summer internships; and an aim to try and spin the experience to apply for IB graduate programs, would it be worth reneging on a commercial banking position for a private wealth management offer (both at large banks)? Yes. but BB looks good on your resume. 1. Im currently a college senior. PS. I have a question that is not related to this article, but rather about breaking into ib. But if youve already listed it on your resume, that may not work. Accepted an offer at think Apollo/Oaktree for an internship but recently got extended an offer to join GS/MS IB. I would tell them that you have accepted an offer elsewhere, but they are your first choice and if they are fine with it you would like to interview with them. Just finished a summer at a mid-tier BB (Citi/BAML) in a decent coverage group (C&R/Power/Healthcare). But I would not recommend reneging to make this type of move. Its normally not a great idea, but if you think you have a solid chance of getting a better offer, you can certainly do it. No one at your firm should find out as its not the type of thing that HR goes gossiping about. For this summer, I have an offer from a boutique bank that only offers a generalist program, so I would be working across all aspects of commercial/real estate/IB/VC/private wealth banking. WSO Free Modeling Series - Now Open Through, +Bonus: Get 27 financial modeling templates in swipe file, Anonymous interview candidate in Williamsport, Anonymous interview candidate in New York, 101 Investment Banking Interview Questions, Financial Modeling & Valuation 2-Day Bootcamp OPEN NOW - Only 15 Seats, Venture Capital 4-Hour Bootcamp - Sat April 1st - Only 15 Seats, Excel Master 4-Hour Bootcamp OPEN NOW - Only 15 Seats, Venture Capital 4-Hour Bootcamp - Sat May 20th - Only 15 Seats. if youre in the area where youre applying. Follow your gut. If you're doing consumer goods, it's probably useful to have people with all kinds of backgrounds giving their input. I think I like the culture at the first BB, where I received the offer, more, but I think I might want to do IB as a career more than Corporate Banking. That ones a tough call but Id still probably go with the boutique just because you can say investment banking analyst. first, all of this is for summer internship and secondly OCR is not an issue. A typical mezzanine transaction is structured as debt (typically an unsecured or subordinated note) or preferred stock and is senior only to equity in the capital structure. However, I also received an offer from an Elite Boutique firm. One of their summers did BCG -> Onex -> GSB. They were just technical questions about different asset classes and explaining all the different RE terms and knowing their relationship to each other. This is not what i want to do for my career. Thanks for visiting! All Rights Reserved. Lets say, Ive participated in fall full-time recruiting (senior at undergrad), and Ive received offers, pushed the offer deadline as much as I could, but still had to sign in the end. Not all though, it depends on where you came from. Et aspernatur quia dicta dolores blanditiis aut. However, I just received an email from one of the best hedge funds in the street regarding the interview of a trading/investing position. Would it hurt my future career prospects to renege on this offer (assuming I get the MM IB Position)? Yes if possible, I may renege. You mentioned that it doesnt make much sense to go from BB to lower, but it makes sense to go from back/mid to front office. Thanks Brian. If I take the offer to secure a job, will that end up affecting my chances of being interviewed/hired by another company? Possibility not high though. Im a first year analyst in a corporate banking division at small European bank, trying very hard to move into IB. But goal is to be in NYC and just received a NYC IB offer with a tier 1 IB BB firm (GS/MS/JPM) in my desired coverage group. Also, I think I will like my work better there since I will be doing M&A but at JPM is more of a coverage group that I dont really like that much(I did an internship before in that field but I did not really like it), do you think this is an issue? I understand that its not a good look when interviewing and you say that you accepted somewhere already else but I would think that Bankers would get pissed if they extend me an offer and I respond by saying I would like to accept but I would have to renege on another bank. If I get a FT offer (and offers usually come out before the recruitment season, which means I would have to sign on before I even get to interview at other places), do you think I can renege on that offer if I land a BB FT role? A case study was then given and presentation was scheduled for the next morning. Id try to be diplomatic and not burn bridges if I were to renege the offer. How should I explain the circumstances: that I got another offer and I would regret it very much if I dont take it? Are my chances for a Summer Analyst role for next summer the same in both situations? Labore laboriosam sit quis quod. Then another tempting offer came from Bank B. I posted on an internet finance forum asking for advice on which offer to take, even though I had already accepted the first offer. When I started my job hunting, I applied both big 4 and IB. Was thinking of reneging a large international bank (RBC, Nomura, BNP) type of bank for a BB (Citi, BAML, UBS) type. Or do you think reneging is reneging regardless of the situation? (IBD generalist scheme). Ive accepted an offer from a reputable MM for SA (RJ/HW/Baird/Stifel/Blair), but have also been extended offers at a European BB (DB/UBS/Barclays). 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