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cultural theories of disease causation in nigeria

Wilson. Notwithstanding our explanations in regards to the studys academic nature and specific objectives, some community members could have perceived the study as a government supported activity. Epub 2022 Jan 7. When Western biomedical practitioners overlook, or scorn the supernatural convictions held by group individuals they risk distancing the very individuals they look to treat. Finally the themes were incorporated into a conceptual model of the participants and their beliefs and perceptions in illness causation [18]. 2022 Apr;13(2):183-191. doi: 10.1007/s12687-021-00543-2. Tooth decay, measles, or a broken bone are examples. Reading: Gordon and Breach Science; 1992. Ethiop J Health Dev. Cite this article. Theory of web of causation was given by Mc Mohan and Pugh. 1988 Dec;4(4):160-3. doi: 10.1177/089033448800400409. Another example is the initiation of men by the Abegar, a name given to male community opinion leaders who are regarded as human agents who invoke the cult as the instigator of ill-health. Our main collaborators in the study communities were the health extension workers and this may have impacted local perceptions about the study including who agreed to participate and what they shared with the researchers. [Female, Study Community # 3]. The dominant frameworks argue that culture is a set of values, beliefs, and actions that are learned through interactions with others. Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. If Allah wants you to stay healthy, you stay healthy. Witchcraft Beliefs In Diseases Causation And Health - Seeking Behaviour In Pregnancy Of Women In Calabar South - Nigeria. Wiki User 2009-11-03 20:50:12 This answer is: Study guides Science 14. The present study used a qualitative descriptive design with semi-structured interviews to gain a deeper understanding of the phenomena. Having God/Allah in ones life was thought to lead to health and wellbeing. This dichotomy was a key sensitizing concept that guided the design of this study. Ali A. The outlook regarding disease causation haschanged considerably with time and advancements in science. Disease etiologies in non-western medical systems. Triangulation of different data collection techniques including focus group, semi-structured interview data, observations and informal interviews with study participants was a strength of the study. The .gov means its official. In these communities, illness is perceived to have supernatural (e.g., almighty God/ Allah, nature spirits, and human agents of the supernatural), natural (e.g., environmental sanitation and personal hygiene, poverty, biological and psychological factors) and societal causes (e.g., social trust, experiences of family support and harmony; and violation of social taboos). The respondents in the present study perceived that supernatural forces were the most important cause of ill health. Ethiop J Health Dev. Box 1176, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Toronto, 144 College Street, Toronto, ON, M5S 3M2, Canada, You can also search for this author in 2007;2:942. commun.). 13. Department of Pharmaceutics and Social Pharmacy, School of Pharmacy, College of Health Sciences, Addis Ababa University, P.O. Durowaye M, Adeboye M, Yahaya-Kongoila S, Adaje A, et al. The study was approved by the Ethical Review Committee in the College of Health Sciences Addis Ababa University, with either in writing or verbally (for those who were illiterate) consent to participate in the study being obtained from all study participants. PubMed Department of Anthropology, University of Chicago. Free access to premium services like Tuneln, Mubi and more. Winkelman M. Culture and health: applying medical anthropology. 1). Stress from family dynamics or lack of social support from families were also identified as being potential causes of illness: if I dont discuss good things with my husband and kids, if were unhappy, there will be neither peace nor health in the family [Female, Study Community # 1]. Learning from strangers: the art and method of qualitative interview studies. government site. Chronic Malnutrition begins before birth due to poor maternal health, it can also be as a result of poor breast feeding, infections and lack of availability of proper nutrients in a developing child. Interviews lasted 11.25h, were conducted in the informants private homes or while sitting in public spaces in the villages (See Additional file 1 for the complete interview guide). Malaria is caused by Plasmodium parasites. When Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch discovered and developed what would later be called the germ theory in the 1860s, this was a radical, then revolutionary ideaone so good . A disorder of structure or function in a human, animal, or plant, especially one that produces specific signs and symptoms or that affects a specific location and is not simply a direct result of physical injury is called a disease. . All seek to elucidate principles capable of explaining social inequalities in health, and all represent what I would term theories of disease distribution,24which presume but cannot be reduced to mechanism-oriented theories of disease causation. However, it is important to define illness and disease differently when considering some non-western cultural traditions. In addition to their physical inaccessibility, biomedical health services are often unaffordable. Exploring the rigging claims in Nigeria's elections The ascription of misfortunes to natural objects pervaded by spirits seems to have been prevalent where by sicknesses, epidemic or contagious diseases and even death were explained in terms of punishment by enraged spirits. After their migration from the southern part of Ethiopia, before embracing Islam as their religion, the people of the Tehuledere region continued to make use of their indigenous Cushitic beliefs and practices [7]. Syracuse: Foreign and comparative studies, Syracuse University; 1980. p. 17. This theory led to explanation of several outbreaks of cholera, plague and malaria (Mal-aria= bad air). Theories of illness causation derive from the underlying cognitive orientation of a cultural group, and therapeutic practice usually follows the same cultural logic. 2023 BioMed Central Ltd unless otherwise stated. The disease is said to pass onto seven generations. For example, there are beliefs that health problems and/or an illness or death will occur if one gives false witness in front of Jamea (a group of community opinion leaders, usually Muslim clergy). The characteristics of people who share a common and distinctive racial, national, religious, linguistic, or cultural heritage. Article Germ theory was first clearly stated by an Italian physician named Girolamo Fracastoro in the mid-1500s. Many of the participants in the study specifically related poverty and lack of appropriate food to ill health. Disease is an important entity in healthcare. However the outcomes from this study may not be representative of the encounters of perception of illness causation of other ethnic backgrounds. Similar to Murdock, a key category of causes of ill-health was the supernatural described by members of the study community as forces capable of putting spells on human beings. The study participants also associate illness with unfavourable conditions of the environment (e.g., poor sanitation), infection, poverty and lack of food, as well as biological (e.g., aging, genetics) and psychological causes such as stress and worry. The discoveries of Pasteur and Koch confirmed the germ theory of disease. 1983;17(16):120511. Prev Chronic Dis. Google Scholar. For example, Wadaja, a communal prayer ceremony, is a common rite practiced in Tehuluedere. A historical overview of traditional medicine practices and policy in Ethiopia. Example: the more purchases made in your app, the more time is spent using your app. sharing sensitive information, make sure youre on a federal Activate your 30 day free trialto unlock unlimited reading. The narratives of health among Tehuledere communities include three major themes that explained causes of ill-health: (i) supernatural (ii) natural elements or physical causes: (iii) social elements such as mistrust, social support/family dynamics as well as violation of taboos and moral injunctions. Correlated with personalistic etiologies are the belief that all misfortune, disease included, is explained in the same way; illness, religion, and 2022 Apr;10(4):893-900. doi: 10.1016/j.jaip.2022.01.010. Helman (1990) presentation of lay theories of illness causation identified four sites; individual patient, the natural During the time of the study, the Woreda had 2 health centers and 17 health posts. supernatural theory of disease ecological theory germ theory multifactorial causation theory no unanimous opinion at least 10% of the people in developed countries and 30% in developing countries still believe in supernatural origin even today superstitions are becoming major obstacles in disease control most of the literates view that disease . This study explored the indigenous beliefs of ill-health causation among those living in the Tehuledere Woreda /district/ in North East Ethiopia from a socio-cultural perspective. California Privacy Statement, J Racial Ethn Health Disparities. Mexican cultural beliefs and breastfeeding: a model for assessment and intervention. TeleFax +91-581-2302188. All qualitative data from participant observations, in-depth interviews, fieldwork, personal memos and informal conversations were organized using NVivo 10 computer software. EMJ. THEORIES CONCERNING THE CAUSATION OF DISEASE. Medical and cultural considerations. J Genet Couns. Anthropological approaches to the study of ethnomedicine. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Our study provides an excellent example of why health education and primary health care delivery interventions need to take into account what people actually do and the beliefs that drive their actions. These two terms seem to mean essentially the same thing and are often used interchangeably. Negative correlation is when an increase in A leads to a decrease in B or vice versa. New York: Africana Publishing Corporation; 1969. p. XXXXI. New York: Oxford University press; 2012. We will also share examples on how these common beliefs provide explanation as cause of illness and its implications in our genetic counseling profession. Thousand Oaks: Sage; 2007. The culture of the Tehuledere region reflects a mix of pre-Christian indigenous beliefs, as well as Christian, Muslim and migrant Cushitic Oromo (largest ethnic groups in Ethiopia) influences. Naturalistic theory A theory of a disease causation where illness results from upset of the balance between the person and environment Naturalistic theory examples;Humoral , Ayurvedic ,and vitalistic approaches Humoral theory Liu Q, Ho KY, Lam KK, Lam WY, Cheng EH, Ching SS, Wong FK. 2023 The Biology Notes. The theory posited that diseases were the product of environmental factors such as contaminated water, foul air, and poor hygienic conditions. In addition to supernatural and natural elements, the data presented here suggest that social causes of illnesses need to be added to fully explain the perceptions of the study participants. New York: Macmillan Publishing Co.; 1970. p. 31527. Not listening to them means we are exacerbating the disease we have [Female, Study Community # 2]. The third theory is the sociobiology theory; the focus of biologist E.O. Before Antibiotic alternatives in veterinary therapeutics. Health Disparities of Cardiometabolic Disorders Among Filipino Americans: Implications for Health Equity and Community-Based Genetic Research. Disease Causation; Theories; Models. Research has linked social isolation and loneliness to higher risks for a variety of physical and mental conditions: high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity, a weakened immune system, anxiety, depression, cognitive decline, Alzheimer's disease, and even death. Functionalists also study culture in terms of values. Many respondents identified lying as a cause of ill-health. Galenhad written of the possibility of seeds of disease, a view which suggested a belief in the contagious nature of some diseases. Philosophy. All focus group discussions and interviews were conducted, audio-recorded and transcribed verbatim in Amharic. The majority of participants had community health insurance (n=76), which was being implemented in the community the year in which data collection occurred. According to Hippocrates the theories of disease causation are the 4 humors, blood, phlegm, yellow and black bile. More than half (n=53) reported that they were illiterate, i.e., didnt read and write Amharic. Braine T. Health systems research is the best medicine. I have never gone to modern health centers. As predominantly rural Woreda, most inhabitants rely on farming. An example cited in most of the focus groups was that of disrespecting elders, Abegar or Sheikh and a link to how that causes illnesses: If people anger the Abegar or sheik, they get hurt by the ones they offended. Miller addresses in a coherent and thoughtful way the problems faced by the Westerner who seeks to study African literature without colonizing that discourse. Mystical causes are often attributed to experiences or behaviors such as ancestral retribution for unfinished tasks or obligations. The use of open-ended questions, as well as informal conversations with informants on topics they themselves raised, were among the ways pursued to mitigate these challenges. Seven common Filipino cultural beliefs are presented in this paper namamana, lihi, sumpa, gaba, pasma, namaligno, and kaloob ng Diyos. Parks textbook of preventive and social medicine. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2001. WHO. Firstly, the organic or physical cause of the sickness has to be established by careful examination and questioning by the medicine man. Promot Educ Suppl. . Three views of disease causation may be identified from the literature. The relationship between diseases and their causes can be approached from different starting-points. Mesfin H, Teferi G, Heather B. Health, religion, and meaning: a culture-centered study of Druze women. This finding, especially the link between lying and ill health may be relatively unique to this cultural setting. Wadaja lately assumed a much more modified and purposive role of combating the zar, buda or other supposedly spirit afflicted illnesses [Male, Study Community # 2]. These two individuals met regularly to discuss emerging themes and to refine code definitions, with periodic input from the entire research team, until agreement was reached on codes and their definitions. Waddel A, Petersen AR. A Seminar Work Presented to the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Calabar. Springer Nature. The investigators consulted the Woreda health extension workers (primary health care practitioners) on the selection of study communities. In-depth understanding of disease causation aids in planning prevention and steps to tackle the disease in a population. For long, man was groping in darkness about the causation of disease. Therefore, the explanatory model of illness causation in this community was very similar to that of the Murdock model with one key difference: social elements need to be added to the model. The study employed a qualitative ethnographic method informed by Murdocks Theory of Illness. Why Covid lab-leak theory is so disputed. He was also faced with the challenge of being perceived as a powerful individual due to his position as a member of the elite and a senior university lecturer. We would like to thank the study participants and Tehuledere Woreda Health Bereau staff, as well as our research assistants for their great support to facilitate the data collection of study. The authors declare that they have no competing interests. Even when a pathogen is the principal cause of a disease, environmental and hereditary factors often influence the severity of the disease, and whether a potential host individual becomes infected when exposed to the pathogen. Head of Epidemiology Division, Indian Veterinary Research Institute. Additionally, the authors thank Mr. Teshager Shiferaw for his help in data collection and early coding. Pain occurs when one of the substances presents either a deficiency or an excess, or is separated in the body and not mixed with others. Germs cause disease. Following introductory discussions with community leaders/representatives, ten focus group discussion sessions (one all male and one all-female in each kebele) were conducted. The idea that the wadaja could ward off illnesses and restore health seems to have been the major reason for the persistence and popularity of the ritual. The health extension workers also helped to select 96 participants for 10 focus group discussions and 20 individuals (two from each focus groups) were selected purposively for follow-up individual interviews based on their demonstrated knowledge and ability to describe their experiences in the focus groups. Meadows LM, Morse JM. The site is secure. Sicknesses, epidemics, contagious diseases and even death were explained in terms of punishment by enraged qolle spirits. Antonitto A. MHK, TG, and HB all participated in the study design and data analysis. 2006;20(2):12734. Respecting autonomous decision making among Filipinos: a re-emphasis in genetic counseling. Then we stay healthy [Female, Study Community # 4]. Geneva: Jossy-Bass World Wide Review; 2007. and imbalance amongfour vital "humors within us. In 1890 Robert Koch proposed specific criteria that should be met before concluding that a disease was caused by a particular bacterium. 2022 Dec;9(6):2560-2567. doi: 10.1007/s40615-021-01190-6. We would also like to acknowledge the University of Toronto for giving the first author an opportunity to obtain advanced training in qualitative data organization and analysis during a visit to Toronto, Canada. Epub 2022 Apr 6. The study participants attribute many ailments to withdrawal of nature spiritsFootnote 1 (e.g., qolle or quteb, wuqabi, awlia, zar and jinn) protection and wrath. National Library of Medicine Click here to review the details. Such infections, according to the theory, were not passed between individuals but would affect those within a locale that gave rise to such vapors. Felipe-Dimog EB, Tumulak MJR, Laurino MY, Daack-Hirsch S, Silao CLT, Conaco MCG, Padilla CD, Estacio LR Jr. J Community Genet. Alice Barrett is in hospital with myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME), and cannot feed herself. Just health inequality in illness, care and prevention. Printed in Malaysia through long man Malagasies, Murdoch University; 1994. Understanding perceptions of the causes of ill-health common in indigenous communities may help policy makers to design effective integrated primary health care strategies to serve these communities. Careers. Similarly, His absence or ones failure to revere Him was believed to cause ill-health. Atkinson S, Haran D. Individual and district scale determinants of users satisfaction with primary health care in developing countries. An official website of the United States government. In Ethiopia, people use indigenous medical systems as an alternative health care service along with the biomedical health services [1, 6]. Bull World Health Organ. Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content: Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. Ann N Y Acad Sci. Named for the village of Nok, site of some of the finds, the ancient culture produced fine terra-cotta figurines, which were accidentally discovered by tin miners on the Jos Plateau in the 1930s. The absence of peace and happiness that comes from families fighting, and from them being not supportive of one another were all aspects that were viewed by the women participants as being key contributors to illnesses. Full Text: PDF.,,,,, AP Biology Syllabus and Course Description (2020), The Ontario Curriculum Grade 11 Biology Syllabus, Cambridge AS and A Level Biology 9700 Syllabus 2022-2024, IB Biology Syllabus (Latest Core + Optional Topics). volume17, Articlenumber:124 (2017) NCI CPTC Antibody Characterization Program. Activate your 30 day free trialto continue reading. 2nd ed. Sociobiology Theory of Cultural Analysis. Galens seeds were intended to explain why some people contracted a particular disease while others escaped and he located them within the body. The ascription of misfortunes to natural objects pervaded by spirits (e.g., qolle or quteb) was observed to be common in the study population. In testing our hypothesis on whether cultural beliefs of infant mortality among working mothers in Nigeria would vary by age, education, and income, we used a hierarchical linear regression analysis to better understand the independent effects of each variable. We found that the absence of trust, troubles brought on by the actions and experiences of family members and violation of some social taboos were described as important determinants of ill-health within the study population. Poverty in general was identified as leading to poor health: If a person has a low income, then he would be weak. Looks like youve clipped this slide to already. Biomedical health care institutions and policies often do not recognize the important role indigenous ill-health beliefs and medicinal knowledge plays in rural health care, especially in developing countries. Ethnicity pertains to: geographic origins, fam patterns, lang., cultural norms, religion, literature, music, gender roles, etc Racism The belief that some races are superior to others by nature Ethnocentrism Predictors of indigenous healer use among Samoans. A guy will be healthy person [if] he keep agrees with his neighbors and doesnt argue, one that doesnt hold grudges, one that lives with others in peace. Chelle is represented by colorful small beads. Theory of illness causation is an important issue in all biomedical sciences, and solid etiological explanations are needed in order to develop therapeutic approaches in medicine and preventive interventions in public health. WHO. As noted in other studies, effective primary care requires that all health care providers and policy makers take culture and traditional into account [20]. Witchcraft beliefs in diseases causation and health-seeking behaviour in pregnancy of women in Calabar South-Nigeria . J Hum Lact. CAS Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative. January 29, 2022 by Sagar Aryal The germ theory of disease is the currently accepted scientific theory for many diseases. He carefully reflected on how the data collection process influenced his own perceptions, and how other people respond to him. Permission to conduct the participant observation in the communities was provided by the heads of the health facilities. Correspondence to The move towards a new public health police. PubMed If we dont work well due to a bad rainy season and so on, we feel insecure and become unhealthy [Male, Study Community # 1]. Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar-243122, This theory indicates that although modern medicine and laboratory science have significantly impacted the decline of mortality, the process of disease causation is far more complex than the. Hippocrates; Yellow Bile, Black Bile, Phlegm and Blood Miasma Theory: 500 BC Miasmas are poisonous emanations from putrefying carcasses, vegetables, molds and also the invisible particles. Consequently for many indigenous people, attempts to restore wellbeing through the utilization of biomedicine must include customary affirmation of the nature-spirit intercession as a feature of the recuperation process. Theories of Disease causation The sample consisted of 21 participants, 11 females aged 19-61 years (Median 44 years) and 10 males aged 22-65 years (Median 52 years). 1983. p. 155. You can read the details below. Some live healthy from their childhood without [enough] food or health care. People in our village sterilize the equipment they use for these purposes. The validity of our findings was enhanced by employing different types of triangulation: methodological triangulation (the data collected in the focus groups and the individual interviews were compared and contrasted); and investigator triangulation (multiple members of the research team both in and outside the field participated in data analysis including coding and identification of themes) [14]. It states that microorganisms known as pathogens or "germs" can lead to disease. Creswell JW. In the mid-19th . The link between lying and ill health appears to be unique in this culture. Choosing among five traditions. The study communities rejoiced in their culture of eating together and sharing with those in need. These are the things that make up its constitution and cause its pains and health. 4th ed. Pre-modern era theories of Disease causation: Religions often attributed disease outbreaks or other misfortunes to divine retribution - punishment for mankind's sins. THEORIES CONCERNING THE CAUSATION OF DISEASE. Our study highlights the importance of understanding the perceptions of causes of ill health and disease in the study communities as a guide to how best to implement public health initiatives in the region. A valuable and interesting world survey of aboriginal theories of disease causation has been made by Clements.1 The types and distributions of ithe theories which he pre-sents embrace well the main methods of interpreting disease in simpler societies; yet the basic analysis of disease causation concepts which he employs needs a little further Some believe that the soul goes out from the body and wanders, a phenomenon known as Bangungot, or that having nightmares after a heavy meal may result in death. In case you need help on any kind of academic writing visit website and place your order, Do not sell or share my personal information, 1. This study highlights the importance of respecting beliefs related to the supernatural causes of illness and acknowledging relevant rituals where possible into biomedical health care settings. To act in this capacity qolle must be acknowledged and shown respect through appropriate rituals such as scarification of goats, respecting the local customs and values, etc., the spirit of the qolle are good for keeping relatives safe from harm and maintain health [Male, Study Community # 3]. While nationalistic disease theories explain disease in . Social, economic and biological factors interact to drive a vicious cycle of poverty and disease from which, for many people, there is no escape." In short, poverty is instrumental in cultivating conditions that allow disease to spread. We also found acts in violation of social taboos or moral injunction were thought to cause illness directly rather than through the mediation of a supernatural being. Health was attributed by study participants to the will of God/Allah Who sends Melayka (the guardian angel) into peoples homes: Many thanks to Allah! Various social, cultural, and religious norms produce and reinforce gender inequality and the stereotypical gender roles that underpin gender-based violence. Miasma was considered to be a poisonous vapor or mist filled with particles from decomposed matter (miasmata) that was identifiable by its foul smell. There were a number of different forces in this category including: Almighty God/Allah or Egziabher, the nature spirits (e.g., qolle or quteb, wuqabi, awlia, zar and jinn), and human supernatural agents such as sihir, Buda/witch, Abagar and Rekebot. Disorders Among Filipino Americans: implications for health Equity and Community-Based genetic.... 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cultural theories of disease causation in nigeria
