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i am malala test pdf

When he got the job he gave his age as much younger than my grandfather. The ISIs Colonel Imam boasted he had trained 90,000 Taliban fighters and even became Pakistans consul general in Herat during the Taliban regime. My father consoled me by telling me about the mistakes great heroes made when they were children. Since Id started speaking at events with my father to campaign for girls education and against those like the Taliban who want to hide us away, journalists often came, even foreigners, though not like this in the road. He then took out the lump and presented it to my grandmother to give to my father, a little each day. My father broke the seal on the wooden storage box of maize and filled their bowls. Our village lies about halfway along on the east. It happened in a manner so dramatic that it sounds like something out of a movie. My father would buy maize and stay up late at night making and bagging popcorn. I was the only girl with my face not covered. It was cramped with twenty girls and three teachers. Enjoy! The brides would wear exquisite clothes and be draped in gold, necklaces and bangles given by both sides of the family. My father is so charismatic that Hidayatullah says he is the kind of person who, if invited to your house, will make friends with your friends. Neither man could get any money from their families, and Hidayatullah was not pleased to discover that my father was still in debt to lots of people from college, so they were always receiving letters demanding money. He told other boys to stop playing marbles in the dust and to play cricket instead so their clothes and hands wouldnt get dirty. They had no interest in developing Swat. try to win back the respect of my father. Our weddings go on for several days of feasting. Like my father Ive always been a daydreamer, and sometimes in lessons my mind would drift and Id imagine that on the way home a terrorist might jump out and shoot me on those steps. as we got older the girls would be expected to stay inside. Join Now Log in Home Lesson Plans I Am Malala: Final Paper and Exam: Final Exam Final Paper and Exam I Am Malala Lesson Plan Final Exam Join Now to View Premium Content. When the judges announced the results at the end, Moniba had won. We have many strands of Islam in Pakistan. He and his family lived with my grandfather, and whenever he saved up enough of his salary, they built a small concrete hujra at the side of the house for guests. Why should you be Each of these strands has many different subgroups. We have a saying, Without honour, the world counts for nothing. We fight and feud among ourselves so much that our word for cousin tarbur is the same as our word for enemy. $18.74/subscription + tax, Save 25% Teacher Editions with classroom activities for all 1699 titles we cover. His only hope was his brother-in-law in Karachi. But that didnt seem much use. GradeSaver, 19 August 2016 Web. My father would make him good tea and offer him biscuits in the hope that would keep him satisfied. It was small in those days, just fifteen members, and my father quickly became vice president. Son, may you be the star in the sky of knowledge, he used to say. For a while her daughters also had to collect rubbish to survive. There are 50 questions total. The local commander, General The mufti would take over as teachers at Malala's father's school. The other girls all covered their heads before emerging from the door and climbing up into the back. After some time they went to visit some tribes in Swat to win their support so they could return to Afghanistan. 9-10, 11-12, 13-14, and 15). Luckily, a neighbour called Mr Aman-ud-din took them in for the night. They dont care if the army is actually flying the plane, they are happy to stay out of the cockpit and sit in business class, close the curtains and enjoy the fine food and service while the rest of us are squashed in economy. I think my mother would do the same for us. There are 24 multiple-choice questions relating to the content of the book, vocabulary using context clues, and figurative language. All we could see was a little stamp of open sky out of the back and glimpses of the sun, at that time of day a yellow orb floating in the dust that streamed over everything. So can he. Then, nearly five years later, another boy was born Atal, bright-eyed and inquisitive like a squirrel. Download I am Malala PDF for free. We also have the Ahl-e-Hadith (people of the Hadith), who are Salafists. Why should a girls life be ruined to settle a dispute she had nothing to do with? They did not realise people from Islamabad or even Peshawar would think me very backward. When I was three or four I was placed in classes for much older children. My fathers involvement in political discussions continued after college. They knew you were stealing, she said. Months would pass and they could not pay the teachers wages or the school rent. I promised myself Id never do such a thing again. Kindness can only be repaid with kindness. resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss thenovel. Shortly afterwards the mufti went to the woman who owned the school premises and said, Ziauddin is running a haram school in your building and bringing shame on the mohalla [neighbourhood]. So one of my fathers nephews would have to go along. By the time I was born it had five or six teachers and around a hundred pupils paying a hundred rupees a month. Her own family would not take her back because it is believed that a woman who has left her husband has brought shame on her family. After paying the rent and salaries, there was little money left for food. My clothes were often from shops and not home-made like theirs. But we always come together against outsiders who try to conquer our lands. I had decided very early I would not be like that. I slept in the long room at the front of our house, and the only furniture was a bed and a cabinet which I had bought with some of the money I had been given as an award for campaigning for peace in our valley and the right for girls to go to school. They said the Americans always preferred dealing with dictators in Pakistan. When his headmasters wife fell ill, my father donated blood to help save her. Use the following pop quiz to check in on your students' reading.This is a multiple choice quiz includes:10 questions from chapter 18Answers includedPlease visit you're interested in future quizzes or if you're interested in using graphic organizers for your classroom.Copyright 2022 Ms Baileys classro, Are you reading I am Malala in your classroom? The important thing is what you learn from it. Near us on our street there was a family with a girl my age called Safina and two boys similar in age to my brothers, Babar and Basit. The Americans say they gave Pakistan billions of dollars to help their campaign against al-Qaeda but we didnt see a single cent. Three children is a small family by Swati standards, where most people have seven or eight. Usman Bhai Jan thought this was a stupid question as the name was painted on the side. Musharraf told our people that he had no choice but to cooperate with the Americans. So one night he invited all the chiefs to a banquet and set his men on them while they were eating. None of the older women had any education but they all told stories and recited what we call tapey, Pashto couplets. When I saw him disappear down there I would cry, thinking he wouldnt come back. It didnt even have its own building. They glimpsed enough of each other to know they liked one another, but for us it is taboo to express such things. She was then furious when she learned that my father did not get a good price for them. The journey usually took about five hours as long as the road had not been washed away by rains or landslides, and the Flying Coach left early in the morning. She might even kill you. Malala - Malala Yousafzai 2018-11-06 A chapter book edition of Nobel Peace Prize winner Malala Yousafzai's bestselling story of courageously standing up for girls' education. There was no kitchen, no plumbing. They are dirty, black and stupid, people would say. I wrinkled my nose as I approached, swatting away flies and making sure I didnt step on anything in my nice shoes. Not a single lie nor a single penny, not even the coins my father leaves around the house, which were allowed to buy snacks with. The Taliban have never come for a small girl. When our bus was called, we ran down the steps. A famous poem was written at that time by Rahmat Shah Sayel, the same Peshawar poet who wrote the poem about my namesake. PART FOUR: BETWEEN LIFE AND DEATH 21 God, I entrust her to you 22 Journey into the Unknown He taught theology in the government high school in the village of Shahpur. In reality what happened was we suddenly stopped. But the salary was low, just 1,600 rupees a month (around 12), and my grandfather complained he was not contributing to the household. apologised for having tormented him. LitCharts Teacher Editions. The questions do tend to test whether the student read the text or not. "name": "Little Brown & Company" Each khan kept hundreds of armed men both for feuds and to raid and loot other villages. When I almost died it was just after midday. The best that most village boys could hope for was to go to Saudi Arabia or Dubai and work in construction. To me he seemed very thin and small, like a reed that could snap in the wind, but he was the apple of her eye, her ladla. "@type": "Book", That afternoon, when my father came home from school, I told him about the scavenger children and begged him to go with me to look. The school was not far from my home and I used to walk, but since the start of last year I had been going with other girls in a rickshaw and coming home by bus. Billions of dollars flowed into our exchequer from the United States and other Western countries, as well as weapons to help the ISI train the Afghans to fight the communist Red Army. We too were proud, but his higher profile meant we didnt see him very much. My father joked that our home had become a boarding house. ~#a:xl,r!M*^mS S EI*/xN#4pZINV{*toUM$6^OI||OwGkrGp^(7/LW-h4&wq The Americans became friends with us once again, as in those days Russia was their main enemy. Foreigners call them suicide bridges but we loved them. This family rivalry meant that my father was bullied a lot by his cousins. Part One: Before the Taliban Chapter 1A Daughter Is Born 1. There are also 3 text-dependent questions that require more in-depth analysis. Eid happens twice a year Eid ul-Fitr or Small Eid marks the end of the Ramadan fasting month, and Eid ul-Azha or Big Eid commemorates the Prophet Abrahams readiness to sacrifice his son Ismail to God. It includes visuals to help with new vocabulary. Unfortunately the demand for English tuition turned out to be low, and there were unexpected drains on their income. As the Yousafzai in Swat had no ruler, there were constant feuds between the khans and even within their own families. I slept with my mother and father in one room and the other was for guests. My father was angry. Im not against you personally, I just want every girl to go to school. I wasnt scared but I had started making sure the gate was locked at night and asking God what happens when you die. It means grief-stricken. When I was a baby my father used to sing me a song written by the famous poet Rahmat Shah Sayel of Peshawar. We were not fans of the Taliban as we had heard they destroyed girls schools and blew up giant Buddha statues we had many Buddhas of our own that we were proud of. Find related themes, quotes, symbols, characters, and more. Carry on with your dreams. So British India was divided in August 1947, and an independent Muslim state was born. Where did you get that? I asked. The Yousafzai divided up all the land among the male members of the tribe. Gundersen, Kathryn. When he was at college and had no money for food or books many of his friends helped him out and he never forgot that. They are rich and we are a poor country yet they loot and loot. So when a new girl named Malka-e-Noor joined our class, I didnt think anything of it. I am inspired by Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan, the man who some call the Frontier Gandhi, who introduced a non-violent philosophy to our culture. People often call Swat the Switzerland of the East we even had Pakistans first ski resort. Preview this quiz on Quizizz. Save over 50% with a SparkNotes PLUS Annual Plan! Millions of Afghans fled across the border and General Zia gave them refuge. My grandmother kept his spirits up he was her favourite and she believed great things lay in store for him. The bus strained and laboured, the driver cursing as trucks overtook us on blind bends with steep drops below. It wasnt the best of days to start with as it was the middle of school exams, though as a bookish girl I didnt mind them as much as some of my classmates. It was also becoming clear that while they were best friends, they found it hard to work as business partners. They wore black armbands to protest, saying the celebrations were for nothing, and were arrested. How can you? Rohul Amin asked, laughing. The new partners again went from door to door, telling people they had started a new kind of school. We would cry in terror, though in fact as toe and finger in Pashto is the same, we were all twenty-fingered, but we didnt realise. They had nowhere to sleep and no clean clothes to change into. Chinese explorers wrote stories of how there were 1,400 Buddhist monasteries along the banks of the River Swat, and the magical sound of temple bells would ring out across the valley. Pakistan doesnt have student loans and he had never even set foot in a bank. Older people often looked back nostalgically to the days of the last wali. This unique study unit includes vocabulary, study guides, in-class activities, quizzes, a test, a reflective writing assignment, a project, and a background building web scavenger hunt. My mother comes from a family of strong women as well as influential men. They are what the West calls fundamentalists. Click the "DOWNLOAD PDF (DIRECT LINK)" button. Shangla is all mountain, mountain, mountain and just a small sky. There was not much to do in the area where they lived so when the day arrived there was a huge gathering. He had an old radio set my uncle still has, on which he loved to listen to the news. Her father said nothing. My mother was sitting on the floor pounding spices, brightly coloured turmeric and cumin, filling the air with their aroma. By the roadside were fresh springs and waterfalls, and when we stopped for a break and to drink some tea, the air was clean and fragrant with cedar and pine. It seemed very far away. The talib talked of jihad in such glorious terms that my father was captivated. I was a girl in a land where rifles are fired in celebration of a son, while daughters are hidden away behind a curtain, their role in life simply to prepare food and give birth to children. The school was my world and my world was the school. They had been locked in a feud for so long no one even seemed to remember how it had started probably some small slight as we are a hot-headed people. My cousin Reena came into my room. But every day she would leave behind her girl cousins playing at home and she envied them. Often rain would then come to wash everything clean, and the clouds would linger on the green terraces of the hills where people grew radishes and walnut trees. Thanks so much for your purchase!!!! Safina is younger than you and you should have taught her better, she said. Search the history of over 797 billion He was recognised by the British as the head of state in 1926 and installed as wali, which is our word for ruler. On the way back home I noticed that he was in tears. Thanks for creating a SparkNotes account! It seemed to us that these bureaucrats came to our province simply to get rich, then went back home. At the back of the house was a veranda where the women gathered. Vast camps of white tents sprang up mostly around Peshawar, some of which are still there today. You can publish your book online for free in a few minutes! Aba, you must give them free places at your school, I begged. Malala Yousafzai's I Am Malala, published in 2013, is a gripping autobiography from a young woman who became an international advocate for girls' education . Shortly after the book was published, the All Pakistan Private Schools Federation, an influential group in the country, announced that the book would be banned in the 150,000 schools that were members of the Federation for disrespecting Islam. Malala, a devout Muslim, was reportedly horrified. In our province Maulana Sufi Mohammad, who had fought in Afghanistan against the Russians, issued a fatwa against the US. 412 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<1E14FC240D7FA4478A45ABC27DCF6DCF>]/Index[398 27]/Info 397 0 R/Length 79/Prev 290687/Root 399 0 R/Size 425/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream My parents first child was stillborn but I popped out kicking and screaming. I loved the gloopy honey, which we ate with walnuts. Having so many people around made it hard to study. Almonds are good, he said. Complete your free account to access notes and highlights, I Am Malala: The Story of the Girl Who Stood Up for Education and was Shot by the Taliban. It was Honesty is the best policy. He thought there was nothing more important than knowledge. Some of our religious people saw Osama bin Laden as a hero. The book we read, I Am Malala, is an example of answer choices fiction science fiction nonfiction documentary Question 12 60 seconds Q. Be kind to your mother-in-law and father-in-law so they treat you well. We dont respect privacy and there is no such thing as making an appointment to see someone. But it was almost certainly made worse by his father, whose own voice was a soaring instrument that could make words thunder and dance. Overlooking the river were tourist restaurants with big glass windows we had never been to. our female hockey players wear baggy trousers instead of shorts, and stopped women playing some sports altogether. I Am Malala The Girl Who Stood Up For Education An is affable in our digital library an online entrance to it is set as public appropriately you can download it instantly. Available If you do not fall in the battle of Maiwand then, by God, someone is saving you as a symbol of shame. Malalai was killed under fire, but her words and bravery inspired the men to turn the battle around. By signing up you agree to our terms and privacy policy. Due to a planned power outage on Friday, 1/14, between 8am-1pm PST, some services may be impacted. He went there by bus, and it seemed so big to him compared to his home village that he thought hed arrived in a city. But from an early age he had been a questioning kind of boy who rarely took anything at face value, even though our education at government schools meant learning by rote and pupils were not supposed to question teachers. He was right. Dont have an account? We did not know then that Musharraf was also letting the Americans use our airfields. My mind transports me back to my school and there I am reunited with my friends and teachers. He also helped Baba with heavy tasks like clearing snow from the roof. Answer key is included. The school that my father dreamed of would have desks and a library, computers, bright posters on the walls and, most important, washrooms. We are supposed to take revenge for wrongs done to us, but where does that end? Everything changed when my father was ten. I thought if anyone attacked me it would be on those steps. Discount, Discount Code This means cat and is her name for me. One of my fathers colleagues at the school was his friend Mohammad Naeem Khan. 14 day loan required to access PDF files. In high school I read some Sherlock Holmes and laughed to see that this was the same battle where Dr Watson was wounded before becoming partner to the great detective. Was it because of the cry of a woman? When the waters receded, they found their home and school destroyed: their furniture, carpets, books, clothes and the audio system entirely caked in thick foul-smelling mud. Reported resources will be reviewed by our team. But eventually Baba gave him a fine speech, which my father practised and practised. It was such a small discount that most teachers did not bother, but he forced my father to apply for the rebate. Spring was when Swat was at its greenest. In the morning the sun reflected off the top of Tor Ghar; when we got up for the fajr prayers, the first of our five daily prayers, we would look left and see the golden peak of Spin Ghar lit with the first rays of the sun like a white lady wearing a jumar tika a gold chain on her forehead. My father returned to the village every two or three weeks to see her. My relatives would ask me, Would you like to cook chicken for us? and Id say, No, the chicken is innocent. Thats why I have problems with our Pashtunwali code. We Pashtuns are split between Pakistan and Afghanistan and dont really recognise the border that the British drew more than 100 years ago. Near our home was a field scattered with mysterious ruins statues of lions on their haunches, broken columns, headless figures and, oddest of all, hundreds of stone umbrellas. Our founder Jinnah wanted the rights of Muslims in India to be recognised, but the majority of people in India were Hindu. For the first time Baba started praising him in front of others. Though Afghans are renowned fighters, Colonel Imam, the officer heading the programme, complained that trying to organise them was like weighing frogs. Use the following pop quiz to check in on your students' reading.This is a multiple choice quiz includes:16 questions from chapter 16Answers includedPlease visit you're interested in future quizzes or if you're interested in using graphic organizers for your classroom.Copyright 2022 Ms Baileys classro, Are you reading I am Malala in your classroom? Like what you see? One such memoir is The Diary of Anne Frank, first published in 1947.In this tremendously moving work, Anne Frank, a young Jewish girl living in the Netherlands in the early . Search the history of over 797 billion My mother gave birth to ten children in this way. The school continued to lose money. PDFs of modern translations of every Shakespeare play and poem. Growing up, we children spent most of our time with our mother. The women would gather at the house of the dead mans wife or mother and a terrible wailing would start and echo round the valley, which made my skin crawl. He pleaded with his father but to no avail. Renews March 8, 2023 I cant take any more! By this time the two former friends were hardly speaking to each other and had to call in local elders to mediate. Most of the included questions require minimal interpretation of the text. If you have previously purchased my I am Malala full study unit, this assessment will mirror tho, Are you reading I am Malala in your classroom? Malala is the the author of this memoir, a young Pashtun woman who grew up in Swat Valley, Pakistan. Their children are usually dirty and they are looked down upon by Pashtuns, even if they are poor themselves. We have had three wars against India and what seems like endless killing inside our own country. Dont tell Aba, I begged. There are many stories that Lord Buddha himself came here because it is a place of such peace, and some of his ashes are said to be buried in the valley in a giant stupa. Around that time we moved away from where we had been living on the same street as Moniba to an area where I didnt have any friends. My mother is very beautiful and my father adored her as if she were a fragile china vase, never laying a hand on her, unlike many of our men. A pink plastic headband B. The Russian invasion transformed Zia from an international pariah to the great defender of freedom in the Cold War. They provided free textbooks and grants to students but held deeply intolerant views and their favourite pastime was to patrol universities and sabotage music concerts. My mother was worried about telling him he had a daughter not a son, but he says he looked into my eyes and was delighted. Like him I was born double-jointed and can bend my fingers right back on themselves. Hidayatullah laughed. I have three good friends Safina from my area, Sumbul from the village and Moniba from school. The door and climbing up into the back of the east we even had Pakistans first ski resort come a... Right back on themselves hardly speaking to each other and had to collect rubbish to survive was three four... Ask questions, find answers, and figurative language learned that my father joked that our word for cousin is! 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