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6 relationship lessons from the book of ruth

The story has three main characters: Naomi, Ruth and Boaz. Naomi became a mentor to her, teaching her the ways of the Hebrew people and walking with her through the process of securing Boaz as her kinsman (more on this later). The good thing is that Boaz wasnt concerned about Ruths past. Bethlehem was where Jehovah was worshipped but Moab was a place where heathen, false gods were worshipped. Thankfully, she had Naomi to help. But it could also mean a term of endearment. The story of Ruth the Moabite is the unusual biblical tale of the trials faced by two women, touching on profound themes such as grief, familial loyalty, feminine dependence and independence, and . Her country of origin already made her an outcast, and being a childless widow gave her plenty of reason to shrink back into a shell and simply live her life in obscurity. The relationship between Ruth and Naomi is a reflection of the faithful love of God offered to Israel and to us in the gift of covenant. When you least expect it God provides His children with the things they need in life. Men and Women should respect each other equally. The Book of Ruth provides us with a great story about love. Books to Keep You Company When Youre Walking Through Suffering, When All You Want for Christmas is a Baby, When Everything in the World Seems Wrong, Its Worth Keeping House, why God never calls us from something without calling us to something, When Christmas Leaves You Feeling Lost and Disappointed. Copyright by Michael Bradley and Chris Bradley, When People Let You Down: Dealing with Disappointment. When two people fall in love its a beautiful thing. The past is the past. Naomi knew this and so she cautioned Ruth to wait until Boazs stomach was full and he was pretty much at rest. Even though Ruth wasnt a Jew and was a Moabite, God didnt allow those titles to change His love for Ruth. Whether youre going through a break-up or divorce, there is a reason for all of the pain. Even though Naomi knew that a new marriage for Ruth would change their relationship, she still played an important part in arranging the marriage of Boaz and Ruth. Boaz saw the beauty in love and accepted Ruth for who she was. At the very beginning of the book of Ruth, shes living in Moab, her home nation. The book of Ruth is packed with so many lessons about, life, love and faithfulness. She is known for her faithfulness, loyalty, virtue, and love. Like Ruth, we also need to work to be women and men of integrity. If you want to share this resource with others, please share the link to the blog post. Having this information made all the difference in the world. But she did not. When John the Baptist was born, Zacharias was speaking in the future about the work of Christ, announcing: Blessed be the Lord God of Israel; for he hath visited and redeemed his people. (Luke 1:68). Ruth is a woman of great character who embodies many positive traits. She lived a simple live in obscurity. The second blessing mentions Tamar, who in Genesis 38, like Ruth, bore a child after . Naomi therefore had no idea that the hardships she was preparing to endure did not have to be her reality. If you intend to move from where you are in life, you have to put some skin in the game. He also gave compliments, protection, and respect. But when God is with you, whatever touches you has Gods permission and in those times, you also have Gods protection and provision. And again, after the night at the threshing floor, he gave barley to take home. But it is important to consider that at that time and in that society, it is very likely that he already had a wife. And Ruth, she also lost her husband. Naomi, later on, lost her husband and she was left with her two sons. She urges Ruth and Orpah to stay in Moab and find new husbands. Just because one couple doesnt live like another doesnt mean that theyre any less or more in love than another couple. While your confidence may be wavering, Gods promises are not. Lesson #1 - There is Hope Even in the Most Devastating Times of Our Life. After they had lived there about . Life is hard but when youre when youre outside of Gods will, its hard with a difference. And whats so amazing is that Ruth was a foreigner. In a place where many would have thought shed be ostracized, she found love with a man named Boaz. Naomi and her husband decided to move away from Judah to Moab because of a terrible famine that was hurting their family. Quite often foreigners are not treated well, not even today. Serving God Requires Faith. The first lesson from the Book of Ruth is that there is always hope. Set in the midst of great hardship and tragic loss, the story focuses on loyalty and faithfulness that starkly contrasts the pagan Moabite . Even though Ruth wasn't a Jew and was a Moabite, God didn't allow those titles to change His love for Ruth. And now, my daughter, fear not; I will do to thee all that thou requirest: for all the city of my people doth know that thou art a virtuous woman. (Ruth 2:11, Ruth 3:10,11 KJV). They choose to stay together and forge a union. In the book of Ruth, we see Boaz as a type of Christ hes the redeemer of Ruth. Lets talk a little about the man Boaz, what was so special about Boaz, and lessons we can learn from them. Look out for a man who is willing to wait for you without pressure. Having dedicated herself to the God of Israel, Ruth, in chapter 2, begins to grow in her relationship and dedication to Boaz. It takes great courage to leave everything you know and love to start a whole new life. We can learn a lot from the relationship of Ruth and Naomi, and loyalty is among the lessons. The Book of Ruth is more than just a story about someone whose life was changed by love, but it reveals how love can truly move mountains and change the course of more than just two people that fall in love. The Book of Ruth provides many relationship lessons that perpetuate the meaning of true love. It was an enemy nation, and Israelites tended to look down on the Moabites. But we explore just a few that specifically have to do with dating. Sometimes were afraid that sharing our questions and doubts and disappointments will turn other people away from God, when actually, sharing about our relationship with God openly can bring more intimacy to our relationships and help draw other people to their own faith. Little Things Can Accomplish Bigger Plans. In the Hebrew Bible, Ruth stands with the Song of Solomon, Lamentations, Ecclesiastes, and Esther; together they make up the Megillot, five scrolls that are read at prescribed times on Jewish religious festivals. Naomi was from Bethlehem and moved to Moab with her husband Elimelek and two sons, Mahlon and Kilion. Now that we have dealt with what it means to wait for your Boaz, there are some other relationship nuggets buried in the story. They see you when youre good and when youre bad. Ruth is also one of the few women who are mentioned in the genealogy of Jesus found in the book of Matthew. The word root for the name "Ruth"in Hebrew, "Rooth"means "friendship" or "friend.". One of the major lessons we can deduce from the book of Ruth and Ruth's story is that choosing to serve God requires faith and determination even in uncertain times. But both of them had faith that somehow things would work out. Your email address will not be published. In fact, Ruth's sister-in-law, Orpah, chose to leave: Both Ruth and Naomi mention Boaz as a kinsman. In Hebrew, the word used is goel, which refers to a kinsman who has the right to redeem or a redeemer., Throughout the Bible, we see that same Hebrew word used several times. Dont over spiritualize your relationship. Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc Used by permission. It seems that Naomi's entire life crumbles in those years. Loss Is Hard. God had every intention of Ruth being part of the story for the lineage of Jesus. They had hope for their future. Providing your significant other with gratitude will show them that you genuinely care and want to make this relationship last forever. Anissa McClain November 1, 2014 English 280 Penny Riggs The Case of Winnie Ruth Judd Winnie Ruth Judd was born in 1905 and raised in Darlington, Indiana, by her parents Reverend and Mrs. McKinnell. So Boaz had to be out there in the rain and sunshine with his workers. Ruth 1:1: " In the days when the judges ruled,there was a famine in the land". Ruth was a Moabite woman and was considered to be a foreigner in Judah, which was a huge deal in their culture at that time. She could not be accused of being idle. Ruth is the festal scroll for Shavuot, the Feast of Weeks, 50 . I will not talk much about Naomi here as I have dedicated an entire post to her. Naomi and her husband decided to move away from Judah to Moab because of a terrible famine that was hurting their family. The Book of Ruth is more than just a story about someone whose life was changed by love, but it reveals how love can truly move mountains and change the course of more than just two people that fall in love. He wanted to make sure she was ok. Look for a giving, unselfish man. Naomi, Ruth, and Orpah are all widows. With love does come heartache this can is seen through break-ups, divorce, or even death. In Boaz, Jesus shows up to redeem, cover, protect, rescue, and restore. Lesson no. Have you ever heard of the saying, dont throw rocks at a glass house? Grief and sorrow do not trump love. She was freshly widowed and scrounging for food. He died where there was plenty to feed his body but nothing to feed his soul. Naomi and her daughter-in-law Ruth decided to move back to Bethlehem in Judah because they were heartbroken and lost. In that instant, she decided, Thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God.. Id say yes but they were definitely not in her control. What makes the story particularly interesting is that Ruth is . Its a popular saying: Im waiting for my Boaz. Ruth laid aside her pain, left her home and family, and turned her face to the future with hope as she journeyed to a new place with her mother-in-law. While the two women have several things in common, they are different in some respects. When it was just a matter of property, it was easy to decide on; but if he must take Ruth as a wife, that was another matter. In those days when men died before they had children, a male relative was responsible for taking his widow as wife and giving her children who would be considered the child of the deceased. This is an outstanding characteristic of Ruth in the Bible because this world has become so full of ungrateful people who are never satisfied and complain about everything. Like Abraham, Ruth left her life of false worship, a life surrounded by a predictable routine and people she knew. Elimelech passes away, and about 10 years later, both of Naomis sons die, as well. We all must understand the importance of being thankful and recognizing others that make a difference within our life especially within our relationships. Read Ruth 1. Even though it may not make complete sense during the time its taking place, its important to recognize how God has and continues to change your life on a daily basis with His actions. Your past is not your final destination when you make a choice in faith. ISBN-13: . The story of Naomi in the Bible and lessons we can learn, The story of Rebekah in the Bible meaning, characteristics and lessons learned . He didnt judge her past and didnt penalize her instead he embraced her past by also providing for Naomi. Hopefully the story of Naomi and her daughter-in-law Ruth will hold additional lessons for us as well. Everyone makes mistakes and no one should judge the other for their past actions as a man or woman. As Boaz observed Ruth in the fields everyday, working and interacting with the others, he compared what he saw with what people in their tiny town had to say about her. Ruth followed Naomi into the unknown. Do they stay in the land of their birth where the God of heaven wasnt worshipped? Both of these women showed faith and clung to the belief that better days were ahead. Whether youre dating or married, your man is flesh and bones. But when it comes to relationships, its even harder. He should have already taken her in to provide for her. When Ruth uncovered the feet of Boaz at the threshing floor, it was a powerful gesture. More often than not, youll find that love mirrors our reality in many cases within biblical stories. Both Naomi and Ruth experienced a great amount of grief, however both prevail Naomi loses her husband two sons. Monday, September 30, 2019. So he did the next best thing. Install Feel The Words on your home screen, and access it just like a regular app. Have you ever heard of the saying, dont throw rocks at a glass house? Or do they follow Naomi into an unpredictable future where Jehovah would lead? Ignorance isnt always bliss. The characteristics of Ruth in the Bible makes for an exciting study! No matter what, they see it all and because they are there each day its easy to get lost in that safety net. The Hebrew word Boaz used to describe Ruth means some one of moral strength, sound integrity and courage. Inside the Core this week, many students are reading the book of Ruth in the Hebrew Scriptures/Old Testament. Ruth soaked up everything Naomi taught her. Although Boaz was in love with Ruth, he never pushed or pressured her to commit to him. He was a wealthy landowner and he earned his keep with his own sweat. Boaz saw the beauty in love and accepted Ruth for who she was. The choice is always yours. Even though we are basically desolate because of our sinful actions, we will all be forgiven and have the opportunity to make our lives better. She doesnt come from a famous family. The world is not kind to widows today, and being a widow was even more difficult back then. Boaz took interest in her and increased his kindness. Be Blessed. We often feel like we need to keep our questions and thoughts about God to ourselves within a relationship. This tells us that Boaz had a good relationship with his employees. Ruth refuses with a passionate speech to Naomi: Entreat me not to leave thee, or to return from following after thee: for whither thou goest, I will go; and where thou lodgest, I will lodge: thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God; Where thou diest, will I die, and there will I be buried: the Lord do so to me, and more also, if ought but death part thee and me. (Ruth 1: 16,17 KJV). Ruth's courage in the face of adversity will inspire you to trust God with your future. In fact, it often takes great sacrifice. At the time this story is unfolding, Israel had strayed from Gods will. 1:1-5: Elimelech and his family go to Moab. Love works in mysterious ways. In that society, kinsmen had a duty to make sure that if a relative of theirs died without children, that relatives name would live on. No matter what devastating situation comes into play, love will conquer all because it is ultimately what brings people together. It analyzes the lessons and events of the book of Ruth and shows how they apply to modern-day life and experiences. They were living in Moab when both of their husbands died. Naomis ability to be open and honest with Ruth about her relationship with God is inspiring. Boaz was a prophetic symbol and his redemptive work lives on even today. Love is a very interesting concept. Rahab was a prostitute whose faith saved her from the crashing walls of Jericho. And after Boaz had eaten and drunk, and his heart was cheerful, he went to lie down at the end of the heap of grain; and she came softly, uncovered his feet, and lay down. Ruth had no family in Bethlehem so Boaz did not have the opportunity to know about her through their eyes. That journey to Israel must have been frightening. Orpah decided to stay but Ruth decided to go with Naomi and start over in a new place. So he put plans in place to ensure no harm would come to her. I imagine that they must have prayed for Gods favor. She might have been married before but now she was practically starting her life over. Ruth was the Moabite daughter-in-law of a Jewess named Naomi. Sell, buy or rent Meditating in God's Word Judges and Ruth Bible Study Series | Book 1 of 1 | Judg 9781953930200 1953930204, we buy used or new for best buyback price with FREE shipping and offer great deals for buyers. Ruth lived in the time of the judges. Even when things are hard. 6 Relationship Lessons from the Book of Ruth There are many things married and single people can learn about in the Book of Ruth. Introduction. The book of Ruth follows the book of Judges in our Bibles because its setting was in that time period. This book will fill you to the brim with hope, as you see an imperfect family be used mightily by God. !!!! Just look at all the immigration issues globally. Some conversations require perfect timing because of the issue that needs to be discussed. There is Always Hope. Boaz redeemed Ruth, but years later Jesus would become the redeemer for mankind. . 2022 28 Jun. While Judges is about breaking covenant and leaving torah, Ruth is about keeping covenant . There were both positive and negative qualities about Ruth but more positive than negative. Rahab, the prostitute who escaped Jericho was Boazs mother. THE BOOK OF RUTH Lesson 3: Chapters 3:6-4:22 Boaz Becomes Ruth's Blood Redeemer Previous Ruth Lessons List. Everyone lives their lives the way it best suits them therefore, others shouldnt judge love. Beloved Lord God, It was Your intention that mankind live in fellowship with You eternally, but in Adam's fall from grace that bond of eternal fellowship was broken and for the first time man was in need of a Redeemer. so powerful and inspirational, may Almighty God bless those that put their head together to establish this work. And Ruth, without being asked by Naomi, saw the value and took advantage of the opportunity. Widows today, and lessons we can learn from them hurting their family Judah because they living. Because one couple 6 relationship lessons from the book of ruth live like another doesnt mean that theyre any less or more in love with a.! And experiences Moabite, God didnt allow those titles to change his love for Ruth her! What was so special about Boaz, what was so special about Boaz, was... But Moab was a prophetic symbol and his redemptive work lives on today... 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6 relationship lessons from the book of ruth
