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james wilcott jfk assassination

The November 14, 1961 date came from Leon, Sexton branch manager in Dallas from 1961 to 1964. Mr. WILCOTT - Yes sir; at Oakland Technical High School, at the invitation of -- the social department asked me if I wanted to speak and I said yes, and so I spoke to two classes at Oakland Technical High School. Dorothy Ann Garner was a former office supervisor of Scott Foresman. Mr. CORNWELL - Is there any chance that that record stil exists? The building is a large, one-story, concrete tilt-up, ideal for storing and moving huge quantities of material goods with forklifts and palettes. Mr. WILCOTT - The principal reason. Mar 26, 2017, 6:30:52 PM to The dubious allegations of James Wilcott, a former CIA finance officer who testified before the HSCA in executive session, are still repeated by theorists promoting. I asked Mr. Peets if he knew of any member of the band who disappeared in Dallas in the mid-1970s. Mr. GOLDSMITH - I am not sure that that is responsive. ASSASSINATION OF PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY James Wilcott worked out of the Tokyo CIA station at the time of the assassination. Mr. WILCOTT - Well, actually even prior to the Kennedy, assassination, my wife and I both became disturbed about the stories that we kept hearing about things, control of newspapers and so on. He passed away on November 15, 2019, after a fall causing brain injury. SILENCED! Unknown adversaries tormented Cason so much at his home on Druid Lane, that he was forced to relocate to another part of the city. I apologize. Mr. GOLDSMITH - What do you mean by the term "agent"? Mr. GOLDSMITH - Can you give the Committee the names of any persons who might corroborate your allegation? And I will ask the question again, okay. Supposedly, he fell asleep at the wheel, or committed suicide, when he rammed into the back of a semi-truck. These ebooks can only be redeemed by recipients in the US. Mr. DODD - When you were told all of this? Two retired Sexton officials told me that they moved out of the building on November 14, 1961, and that it remained vacant for at least a year. Mr. SAWYER - How long were you associated with that? Find all the books, read about the author, and more. Mr. WILCOTT - Yes. [18], Less than a minute after the assassination, two Scott Foresman employees, Victoria Adams and Sandra Styles, who were on the fourth floor, ran down the stairs to the first floor. Mr. WILCOTT - Yes, sir; I believe that happened. Mr. SAWYER - What were they? James Wilcott's Testimony Intro Author: Jim Hargrove <> . After completing the questionnaire, the two F.B.I. Mr. WILCOTT - Yes. Mr. WILCOTT - Yes. Shelley told Glaze that he himself was arrested for the assassination. There is a very large spider guarding this web of secrecy. I don't recall its origins with clarity, but I think it was given to me by a professor at Southern Methodist University here in Dallas. I was in too much of a hurry to remember what the three men looked like. He said he went back inside and went into the basement for ten minutes, supposedly eating his lunch.[25]. His mother was a strong, confident woman before the assassination, but afterwards she suffered a complete breakdown in her health and had to be hospitalized. Mr. PREYER - He stated that as a fact and not that he believed it was drawn out for Oswald or it could have been or something like that? Mr. WILCOTT - No, sir; that was a smaller station. If you should need to contact me, you may do so in care of the Lubbock Avalanche Journal newspaper in Lubbock, Tx. Upon exiting the elevator, he saw a short hallway. Below is Mr. Glazes letter: House of Re. For instance, in accounting, when we had our audits, for instance, in most of the audits, he would call up somebody -- let's say in China Branch -- and say "I know you were having problems with this, would you like to look it over before the auditors come? From April of 1965 to April of 1966, I was at Miami Station in finance, and I was handling the staff payroll. Mr. WILCOTT - In 1968. William Weston examines the curious letters of Elzie Glaze and considers potential connections between the CIA and the Texas School Book Depository. Learn more. Mr. WILCOTT - No. Mr. WILCOTT - That is correct, sir. Mr. SAWYER - Who told this to the community development, people? Mr. GOLDSMITH - So, does that mean you were able to check back only thirty days from the time that you were given this information? At my request, he sent me a copy. Mr. DODD - I am a little confused, I suppose, Mr. GOLDSMITH - Were you ever able to check those particular files? Since then, he has written numerous articles on the subject for various periodicals, including The Fourth Decade, Dealey Plaza Echo, and Probe. Mr. SAWYER - Well, what were your antiwar activities that you refer to? Mr. SCHAAP - Do you mean, how many people who were in the CIA or how many people in the general population? It was a guard-type function at the station, which I worked for overtime. About a year or two after her death, while his father was away, someone broke into the house and set it on fire, creating a furious blaze. Mr. WILCOTT - It was right at my window, my disbursing cage window. I will be back in about 10 minutes. He thereafter went outside and stood around for five or ten minutes with foreman BILL SHELLEY, and thereafter went home. Had the seemingly insignificant trail of bread crumbs I stumbled across had not been so he avidly guarded, I might never have given it a second thought. Do you follow the question? [11] Glaze misdated his letter as 12/12/74.. Mr. WILCOTT - Not to my knowledge. Mr. WILCOTT - I don't understand. However, while visiting the vacant building in 1983, Hurt saw seven large wooden boxes on the sixth floor, left behind by the TSBD when it moved to a new location in 1970. Mr. WILCOTT - No. Mr. CORNWELL - It was not normally part of your duties or the scope of the knowledge that you routinely acquired on your job, as I understand it, for you to know what the cryptonyms meant; is that correct? every CIA Case Officer who worked XXXXXXXXXX in 1963? At the time of the assassination of JFK, Wilcott worked at the Agency's Tokyo station where he said he was told by other Agency personnel that funds he himself had disbursed were for "Oswald" or the "Oswald Project." Mr. WILCOTT - I heard references to it the day after, the assassination. He learned this after the fact through various sources within the Agency, who all recognized what had happened after the assassination and the association of Oswalds name with the crime. Also Present: Elizabeth Berning, Chief Clerk, and Charles Berk, Betsy Wolf and James Wolf. He followed environmental concerns and space exploration, and he enjoyed playing and watching sports. Mr. CORNWELL - On that occasion to whom did you speak? You may have noticed that at the end of my letter to Alternative Views I carbon-copied to my will. It was intended as a jab at myself lest I get too full of myself rereading it 50 years from now. Mr. DODD - And this was a view shared by you and your, wife -- (At this time the school book depository had been relocated to a warehouse near the intersection of Royal Lane and Interstate 35.). This is an indication that the covert side of the schoolbook business had shifted to the Scott Foresman and Southwestern building, perhaps because the notoriety of the TSBD had hampered its ability to conduct smuggling operations and thus had to be discontinued. Afterwards, Joe visited him in his office and could hardly believe the change that came over him. How much exact knowledge they had it is impossible for me to say. Support JFK Facts Here's how you can help: We will. Mr. CORNWELL - But your testimony or your statements on the subject hadn't been made a matter of publicity on any other occasion? Mr. WILCOTT - Yes, I did. Mr. DODD - And the information given you occurred sometime three months after the actual assassination. Mr. CORNWELL - What, if any, investigation did the Agency do with respect to that? Mr. GOLDSMITH - And did you check any other records? Mr. GOLDSMITH - During what years did you work for the CIA? Mr. SCHAAP - Excuse me. Mr. GOLDSMITH - As a matter of routine, there would be that reference? That is all I have. James B. Wilcott worked for the CIA from May of 1957 to April of 1966. files -- my internal files, prior to the end of the month. In the closing paragraphs of his 1977 letter, he wrote, "I must admit that my own fear of getting involved in the investigation has prevented me from writing you earlier. Mr. GOLDSMITH - I take it, from your testimony, that in November of 1963, you were stationed in XXXXXXXXXXXXX Station, is that correct? In 1938, he became a salesman for Scott Foresman. And do you know for a fact that he was given Russian courses? Mr. WILCOTT - My current one that I had on my counter. The home of Joe Bergin, Sr. and his wife seemed to have been a target for persecution, perhaps because Mrs. Bergin was strongly pro-Kennedy and actively worked for his election in 1960. She & her husband left Dallas shortly afterward. (Whereupon, at 12:55 p.m. the subcommittee recessed. With perhaps two CIA agents on the same premises, a careful scrutiny of the company they worked for is needed to understand what happened the day President Kennedy was killed. Mr. WILCOTT - Not directly, no, sir. (3) if there is/was an Alternative Information Network in Austin, or if Kellner and Morrow are real persons and remember receiving the letter. The CIA and the JFK Assassination. Mr. GOLDSMITH - What were these people's names? Learn more. But in the light of the information in this essay, it seems interesting that it was Shelly and Truly who took the name of Oswald to the police. Dedicated to the political vision and legacy of John and Robert Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr., and Malcolm X,and to the investigation of their murders. All I remember is that her husband was previously a member of the musical group The Nitty Gritty Dirt Band. She didnt show up for work the next day and didnt pick up her final paycheck. Mr. GOLDSMITH - When was that? From June of 1960 to June of 1964, I was stationed at XXXXXXX Station, and my primary duty was finance and cash disbursements. But their manner was very relaxed. CIA finance officer James Wilcott said, Several different individuals or firms in Dallas had been involved in one way or another with acting as cut-outs for arms shipments to Cuban exiles for the invasion. When Doug Kellner answered the phone, I described to him the contents of the letter. His father died on November 2, 1990. Two men, who identified themselves (with I.D.) Did you recognize any part of it, the first two letters or the last portions of it, as referring to any geographic area or any type of activity or anything like that? On many occasions he had conversations with CIA personnel concerning Lee Harvey Oswald's employment as a CIA agent. The fact that he went and got his gun afterwards and then walked to the Texas Theater, perhaps to meet with someone, this suggests that he had some kind of agenda to fulfill. [17] Gladys Cason, One Life, self-published book, 2004, pp. During a phone conversation, he told me that he had a letter that mentioned Shelley joining the CIA. Why would men who had just shown their FBI identification badges suspect that new employees were concealing the fact that they too were connected to an intelligence agency? Findings of the Select Committee on Assassinations in the Assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in Memphis, Tenn. April 4, 1968. Mr. PREYER - Under our committee rules, Mr. Wilcott, a witness is entitled, at the conclusion of the questioning, to make a five-minute statement if he wishes or to give a fuller explanation of any of his answers; so that at this time we make that five minutes available to you if you care to elaborate or say anything further. Told to report to base by the tower. Mr. WILCOTT - I don't know. . Mr. WILCOTT - I think the most significant thing that can be actually substantiated is the circumstances surrounding my employment with the community renewal program in Utica, and I was the finance analyst for the community renewal program in Utica. The two new employees were administered a written questionnaire asking about their opinions of current topics of the day, especially social issues. Mr. GOLDSMITH - Where is Concord located? Please publish modules in offcanvas position. As we shall see, this might have been designed to conceal the fact that some people working there were being harassed and bullied. Mr. GOLDSMITH - Did you have any basis for thinking that their security was poor? Thank you for your kind words and interest. As Rose points out, this is a bit odd also, since most of the building witnesses were taken to the sheriffs office, which was much closer to the TSBD than police headquarters. One of said employees, her husband, and child, disappeared without a trace a few hours after granting me an interview. Consider the following letter: Re: THE ASSASSINATION OF PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY, While working as a journalist in Dallas late in 1974 and early 1975, I met and spoke with Lee Harvey Oswalds supervisor at the Texas School Book Depository in Dallas, Texas. Investigations of the CIA in the 1960s and 1970s shows that the agency had embedded agents in a wide variety of organizations and institutions, including labor unions, airlines, college student associations, foundations, law firms, banks, savings and loans, investment firms, travel agencies, police departments, post offices, publishing companies, newspapers, call girl services, and mental health institutions. She died in 1969. . Those are discussions with people who gave the indication that there was every certainty that Oswald was an agent of CIA, runout of XXXXXXX Station, and that he was freed from Russia there in the final courses in Russia and was trained by CIA people at Atsugi. Henry Hurt, author of Reasonable Doubt, discovered such boxes while investigating the claims of an alleged conspirator. As far as I know, the unknown Dallas author who interviewed has not published his book. Mr. WILCOTT - No, sir, not that I can recall. I asked her if the new building was near the intersection of Royal Lane and Interstate 35, and she said yes, on Gemini Lane. Like Frazier, who was eating lunch in the basement, Oswald went to the first-floor lunchroom to eat his lunch. The Warren Commission did all they could to delay the arrival time on the first floor by Adams and Styles in order to remove the two girls from the stairs when Oswald would have likely been on them. I was up to my neck before I realized it. * JFK Facts editorJefferson Morley will personally answer your JFK questions. Mr. WILCOTT - Well, George Breen, again, after we came back from XXXXXXXX, for instance, XXXXXXXX was a person that I knew before I had gone to XXXXXX Station, and I met with him, and I had dinner at his house with his wife and my wife. Mr. WILCOTT - Yes, sir. The day after their disappearance, an estimated 20 Dallas policemen pulled up on front of my apartment. So, when the Case Officer made reference to a cryptonym, you didn't know whether the cryptonym referred to Oswald specifically or to a project in which Oswald had been involved is that correct? Mr. Shelly claims to have been an intelligence officer during World War II and thereafter joined the CIA. Mr. WILCOTT - The "need-to-know" principle was not all that we followed, and just about every one of the big projects that the agency was involved in, information leaked out, and we especially within the CIA knew about it, and someone would go to a party and have a little bit too much to drink and start saying things that they really shouldn't be saying to keep in mind what the "need-to-know" principle was. Did you cover this ground? By comparing the window next to them, which measured 14 inches off the floor, one box was about 15 x 30 x 60 inches, and thus had an estimated capacity of 15 cubic feet. There is an interesting paradox about this issue. as members of the F.B.I., approached the two new employees at work & took them to an empty room inside the building. Mr. WILCOTT - Oh, no. Last modified on Tuesday, 21 April 2020 03:08, The JFK Assassination Decoded: Two Reviews, Malcolm X's Family to File $100 Million Wrongful Death Lawsuit, Alleging Cover-up of His Murder, A Personal Encounter with the Warren Commission, JFK Medical Betrayal: Where The Evidence Lies by Russell Kent, The CIA and the Texas School Book Depository. In late 1977, while working as a reporter for the Avalanche-Journal newspaper in Lubbock, Texas, I submitted written testimony to the United States House of Representatives newly-formed Select Committee on Assassinations. Not long after Oswald departed from the scene, Shelley told Truly that Oswald was missing. Mr. GOLDSMITH - I realize this is testimony 15 years after the fact. Mr. WILCOTT - The first time I heard about Oswald being connected in any way with CIA was the day after the Kennedy assassination. She said that no one by the name of Glaze was currently working for the newspaper, nor was that name among the files of past employees. I found it very, very difficult to talk about these things that I think ought to be talked about, very difficult. The first contact I had with any reporter or any newspaper people or any media people was with Glad Day Press. Mr. CORNWELL - Did they request that you leave? Mr. WILCOTT - Yes, for a limited period. This is the story of the Wilcott file. Mr. WILCOTT - Yes, I have opinions. (Whereupon, a recess was taken while the members of I the Committee went to the floor of the House for a vote.) We publish here the Wilcott affidavit and interrogation by the HSCA, declassified by the Assassination Records Review Board. Mr. GOLDSMITH - Why not? He was not questioned by the Warren Commission. I was on the executive committee along with doctors and lawyers and some of the most respected people in the community. In 1947, the year when the CIA was formed, the Dallas city directory lists William Shelley as a clerk for the Hugh Perry Book Depository (the old name for the Texas School Book Depository), and that he had a room at 515 Martinique Avenue. I have entered other webs, but this one is different because the spider leaves the web and stalks its preysometimes for many years. Mr. PREYER - So that in XXXX, you indicated, six or seven people talked to you and were, as I understood it, rather definite about the Oswald connection? Mr. PREYER - Well, that is the other question that I want to be very sure on. The Three Barons proves that it is possible (with enough research), to reconstruct the organizational chart of the JFK plot. The incident interested me enough to question the F.B.I. Mr. WILCOTT - Generally so, I would say, at that time. The memo said that Oswalds FBI informant number was S172 and that his CIA number was 110669. Mr. GOLDSMITH - Did you discuss this information with Roy Truly, who started working for the book depository in 1934, took a part-time job at the North American Aviation plant in Arlington, Texas during the war years. Mr. GOLDSMITH - Was he a CIA employee? She and three co-workersVictoria Adams, Sandra Styles, and Elsie Dormanviewed the shooting of the president from their fourth-floor office window. Mr. GOLDSMITH - However, your testimony is that you spoke to only six people as an estimate who indicated that Oswald was a CIA agent -- and when I say six people, I mean six CIA people, is that correct? Mr. GOLDSMITH - Assuming that Oswald was an agent for the CIA, would the agency's cash disbursement files have referred to either Oswald or to his cryptonym? Mr. SCHAAP - For the record, I have made a list of all of these spellings of the names which have been mentioned, which I will give to the stenographer so that he will have, them correctly. In 1970, the TSBD and the schoolbook publishers moved out of the old 411 Elm Street building. Mr. GOLDSMITH - Mr. Wilcott, how long were these advance books retained? Mary Lea Williams, a receptionist for Allyn & Bacon, said the move occurred two or three years before the assassination. He was not questioned by the Warren Commission. Mr. WILCOTT - Not at this time. Mr. CORNWELL - In other words, that is, the first two letters or the last ones would have been the same as this? [2] Midnight/Globe, February 14, 1978. Two weeks later, he wrote back: Received your letter of July 7, 1999. Mr. SAWYER - Thank you. Mr. GOLDSMITH - Well, if I understand your correctly, then, you answer now was somewhat different from what you testified earlier. We think our readers would be interested in reading his evidence./p>, (Click here to open the document in another page.). EXECUTIVE SESSION Mr. GOLDSMITH - And your testimony has been truthful and candid? Mr. PREYER - Why did you resign from the CIA? Mr. GOLDSMITH - So, you never checked the cash disbursement files to see if any reference was made there to Oswald's cryptonym, is that correct? Mr. WILCOTT - Well, I believed it to be a little more than speculation, that the source at least of this kind of talk was, I believe, to be something more serious than speculation. 3 By James Mathis and Martha Wagner Murphy Enlarge A photograph from Warren Commission exhibits shows the open limousine that carried President and Mrs. Kennedy through downtown Dallas. To his left was a door that led into the office of Scott Foresman. Mr. SAWYER - Now, did the XXXXXXX station have any jurisdiction over the Russian operation or within the Soviet Union? Mr. GOLDSMITH - And you have had access to the cash disbursement files at XXXXXXXXXXXXX Station? There was XXXXXXXXXXXX Branch, who had XXXXXXXXXXX cover. They were co-hosts of a program called Alternative Views featuring news, interviews, and opinion pieces from a progressive point of view. Many notes and gifts, often created by him, are left for us as a tribute to his kindness and love. Mr. GOLDSMITH - How did this information concerning Oswald first come to your attention? Mr. GOLDSMITH - How do you spell XXXXXXXXXX last name? Download the free Kindle app and start reading Kindle books instantly on your smartphone, tablet, or computer - no Kindle device required. He enjoyed giving to others, and loved the companionship of his four dogs. Mr. WILCOTT - Yes. Walther was sure they were not as high as the sixth floor. Mr. WILCOTT - Yes. Wilcott swore in a secret session As mentioned, I was forced to flee Dallas until another day. Mr. PREYER - I will ask a few questions. I have entered other webs, but this one is different because the spider leaves the web and stalks its preysometimes for many years.. Since the CIA has the capability of engineering car crashes to look like accidents, Harriss name should be added to the list of mysterious deaths, along with Warren Commission witness Lee Bowers, who died when his car ran off the road and ran into a freeway abutment. In my letter to him, I praised him for his courage and expressed the hope that someday he might fill in the gaps of his story for the sake of history. The rationale for these restrictions was to prevent unscrupulous people cajoling them for information or committing hostile acts against them, because of the notoriety Dallas was suffering. Mr. WILCOTT - Yes. Mr. DODD - You liked him? Mr. GOLDSMITH - Do you have that list with you? Mr. PREYER - Thank you. Its also includes links to many hours of online videos you can watch on the evidence covered. He said there were two musicians who had been with the band since the beginning and he would speak to them. Mr. GOLDSMITH - Just give us their names. Mr. WILCOTT - My. Mr. WILCOTT - I think it must have been two or three omths (sic) after the assassination. Mr. GOLDSMITH - Do you have any personal knowledge that any records at CIA Headquarters were ever destroyed? Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. at the best online prices at eBay! 359-360, 386-387. There was a fourth calm man, perhaps unnoticed by MacNeil, who was getting a coke on the second floor. Mr. WILCOTT - No, sir. He was not questioned by the Warren Commission. Mr. WILCOTT - That is right. Mr. Wilcott, maybe we can expedite this somewhat by asking you this: Do you have any first-hand knowledge or information as to a link between the failed Bay of Pigs operation and the assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy? Mr. DODD - And your dissatisfaction with the Agency and with the course of American government preceded the actual assassination of President Kennedy? Mr. GOLDSMITH - And for purposes of clarification, now, if Oswald was already dead at the time that you went to this book, why did you go back to examine the book? Mr. WILCOTT - We had -- in Utica there was a group called the Vietnam Educational Council, which was informed people, formed to inform people as to what was going on in Vietnam, and we didn't feel that there was coverage enough in the media as to what was going on, and the purpose of the Vietnam Educational Council was to inform people as to what was going on. Mae Brussell showed copies of this document to the editors of Globe. Mr. WILCOTT - My name is James B. Wilcott. Mr. GOLDSMITH - Have you received a copy of the Committee's rules? Mr. SAWYER - Who is the public safety commissioner? Mrs. Bergin paid a great deal of money for that dress. Mr. GOLDSMITH - What was your response to this revelatic as to what Oswald's cryptonym was? Two weeks later when I made a follow-up call, Kellner said that his partner Frank Morrow vaguely remembered the letter, but could not provide any additional information. Mr. WILCOTT - Yes. Mr. GOLDSMITH - So basically, you checked only one of the advance books, is that correct? Mr. WILCOTT - My boss, Frank O'Connor said that this was told him by the public safety commissioner and that the FBI had told the public safety commissioner. Mr. CORNWELL - What year was that? Mr. WILCOTT - Did you vote for President Kennedy? Mr. WILCOTT - Yes. Enclosed is a copy of the response from G. Robert Blakey, Chief Counsel and Director of the Select Committee on Assassinations. Mr. WILCOTT - We thought every year, my wife and I and the friends that we had -- we said, "Well, this is one thing that they aren't going to keep a lid on." Shelleys second claim was that he joined the CIA. Retired TSBD vice president Ochus Campbell said the move took place about five years prior to the assassination. (Its address, I later learned, was 11310 Gemini Lane.) [10] Larry Ray Harris at the age of 44 died in an automobile accident on October 5, 1996. Mr. CORNWELL - What did they say along those lines? Mr. SCHAAP - My name is William Schaap, S - c - h - a -, a - p (spelling), and I am an Attorney here in Washington. He refused to let me quote him or use his name in print. DL 100-10461. I was scared until the Carter Administration. What it was is hard to guess. One man had blonde or light-brown hair, wore a white shirt, and was armed with a rifle. He was sickly looking, and, like his father, had lost weight. Mr. WILCOTT - That is true. They told me that I had passed both of those. Mr. WILCOTT - Yes. Mr. WILCOTT - On two other occasions, I was on KPOO Radio in San Francisco and I discussed in detail, in quite a bit of detail, the speculations and also the incident of the case officer contacting me at the window. Mr. WILCOTT - Well, the payments that were made especially to substations like Oswald's was operated -- it was a substation of the XXXXXXXX station, and they had one in XXXXXX and they had one in XXXXXXXXX-- and it may be six months or even a year after the intial allocation that the final accounting for those funds were submitted, and they would operate out of revolving funds or out of their own personal funds in many cases. JAMES WILCOTT'S TESTIMONYJames B. Wilcott, a former CIA accountant, swore in a secret session of the House Select Committee on Assassinations that he was told by other CIA employees that Lee Harvey Oswald was paid by the CIA, and that money he himself had disbursed was for "Oswald or the Oswald project." It was just a three-ring binder, and we would list down the advances by cryptonym and the amounts and then reconcile that with the daily disbursements. Mr. WILCOTT - Yes. I went immediately into the clear space on the ground floor and asked where there was a phone. Mr. WILCOTT - No. [26], Pierce Allman, a local newsman, later said that after he approached the TSBD, a man he recalled as Oswald near the front of the building, directed him to a phone inside.[27]. Mr. WILCOTT - Yes, sir. Last modified on Sunday, 10 November 2019 23:45, The JFK Assassination Decoded: Two Reviews, Malcolm X's Family to File $100 Million Wrongful Death Lawsuit, Alleging Cover-up of His Murder, A Personal Encounter with the Warren Commission, JFK Medical Betrayal: Where The Evidence Lies by Russell Kent, Whitney, the Ambassador, and Batista's Tax Break for Freeport Sulphur , The Wilcott Affidavit and Interrogation by the HSCA. Mr. GOLDSMITH - And were you dismissed by the agency or did you resign? 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Will personally answer your JFK questions Miami station in finance, and he would speak to them first to. You spell XXXXXXXXXX last name on any other occasion, Oswald went to first-floor... Child, disappeared without a trace a few hours after granting me an.! This might have been designed to conceal the fact that he himself was arrested for the CIA Officer... New employees at work & took them to an empty room inside the building address, I later,. Inside and went into the clear space on the ground floor and asked where was. Access to the community development, people respect to that thereafter went outside and around... Mentioned Shelley joining the CIA on your smartphone, tablet, or committed suicide when... You know for a limited period eating his lunch. [ 25 ] was missing if should. In finance, and I was in too much of a semi-truck disappeared in Dallas in the general?! About the author, and opinion pieces from a progressive point of view dismissed the! 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james wilcott jfk assassination
