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national cavy club

l/ Be mindful that Best in Show judging is a prestigious event, meetings must be avoided at the same time. Finally, there are links to adverts posted by Specialist Breed Club members and contact details for key posts within the BCC. Sam Richardson (Webmaster) 2023 Happy new year to all our members! Click here to view the Solid Agouti Breed Standard. The action points of the meeting are available here. c/ If an exhibitor has won an award they should make sure they are available when they are being presented. You will find on this site the minutes of the ADM, all information on developing new Breeds in Australia and the Australian Standards. The club started out in 2013 but we have made it into a proper club with regular shows. Accessibility help. The intention of this website is to provide the one stop resource for all things ANCC, here you will find the ANCC Constitution which contains the aims of the Council, the ANCC Rules and Regulations and you can get clarification on the requirements to obtaining a Stud Prefix in Australia. g/ A judge must give adequate time to fully evaluate each cavy. No cavy should be placed in a judging stall or returned to its pen without an ear label. The BCC is charged with maintaining a Stud Prefix Register. 3.8.1 Members of a partnership or those who exhibit using a prefix or stud name are ineligible to exhibit in any class where the age of the exhibitor is limited if one or more of the members concerned are outside the limits specified for the class. e/ Carry the exhibit to the table, one hand firmly under the body by placing the palm of the hand between the front and back legs. The Register can be viewed on screen, and information can be found on how to apply for a prefix. d/ When retrieving exhibits from a pen, carefully open the door, lift the cavy with both hands, one under the body, and the other lightly over the top, bringing the exhibit out head first, taking care not to injure the cavy on the door frame, paying special attention to the legs and feet. Interest . f/ Never hold a cavy with a tight grip; this can lead to internal injuries. Show secretaries should ensure that the Regulations are understood by appointed judges who are not on the NCC Judging Panels, and/or who judge less frequently. In all cases the Judge shall have no contact whatsoever with his or her exhibits until such time as judging has been completed both by the judge and in any relevant shows at the same event. If the problem persists, seek help from the show secretary/manager. Note 2: While some exhibitors may like to groom their pets to purebred standards, and newcomers may practice grooming on their pets, the presence or absence of guard hairs on smooth coated exhibits must not be used as a point of judging. All NHL logos and marks and NHL team logos and marks as well as all other proprietary materials depicted herein are the property of the NHL and the respective NHL teams and may not be reproduced without the prior written consent of NHL Enterprises, L.P. j/ Ensure that all exhibits have an ear label showing its pen number. Examples: NFL, The National Agouti Cavy Club caters for Agouti cavies in Golden, Silver, Cinnamon, Lemon, Cream and Chocolate, and Solid Agouti cavies in Golden, Silver, Cinnamon, Lemon, Cream and Chocolate. d/ The vendor should supply their contact details to be given to the purchaser at time of sale. Exhibitors will be expected to explain the background and objectives of the breed and the judge will be able to comment constructively on its potential. The Regulations may be temporarily updated by the Executive Committee if circumstances are so required, but any changes must then be ratified by the members at the next AGM. It is not a club or an association with members, rather it comprises representatives from each of the thirteen Specialist Breed Clubs in the UK, plus a Chairman and a Secretary/Treasurer. It is in the interest of the cavy fancy that members have Show Regulations or Show Guidance Rules that are universally agreed and exist in one unified form throughout the hobby and throughout our country. Please contact Kathy who is more then happy to help resolve your. 2.1.2 Those breeds accepted by the English Self Cavy Club shall be called Selfs. hope you enjoy the video and feel free to tag yourself or post a picture of your winning cavies from the show. Use arrows to navigate between autocomplete results. 4.8 Other regulations applying to exhibitors at cavy shows. The aim is to achieve consistency in pet judging, while allowing the judge freedom to express their own preferences. These Points will be included in the final total at the end of the year. a/ No changes to entries shall be permitted after the advertised closing date except where a bona fide and obvious error has been made on the part of the show secretary. Simoneau will be available to answer questions from the media after the Rocket's morning skate beginning at 10:00 a.m. today at Place Bell. The Regulations present positive agreed principles that will be promoted by the National for the benefit of all cavy fanciers. Bell Canadiens Escape. b/ BEHAVIOUR/TRACTABILITY/FRIENDLINESS: the cavy should be tame, easily handled, friendly and calm on the table. Those members of the RVCC Standards Committee that are in attendance will also be expected to review exhibits shown in Assessment classes. If an animal is showing symptoms of ill health at a show this should be reported to the secretary or appointed veterinary officer if one is available. Note 3: The size of the cavy is not in itself important. Note 4: Purebreds are acceptable as pets. Any animal that is suspected of suffering from an infectious disease must to be removed from the show hall or moved to an isolation area. The purpose of the BCC registration certificate is simply to confirm that a fee has been paid by someone to give him or her the sole use of the stud name when exhibiting stock at UK cavy shows. k/ Always ensure the welfare of the exhibit, and if a cavy is injured in any way, this must be reported to the judge immediately, who will report this to the show secretary and in turn to the owner of the exhibit. The NCC will only challenge conditions put forward for the Regulations if they are considered to be detrimental to the exhibition of all breeds of cavy or are considered to have detrimental welfare implications. The British Cavy Council has produced a Code of Practice that outlines the welfare needs of cavies. March 2 - Sensory . Cavy exhibitors may exhibit their stock under a stud name and be recognized for any results using that name provided the name and the appropriate registration fee have been received and accepted by the British Cavy Council. National Cavy Club Spring Stock Show 2021 SATIN RESULTS Judge: Julie Gallagher 1/ Alston & Joyce Satin adult 2/ Malibu Cavy Stud's Satin Crested 5-8 3/ Malibu Cavy Stud's Satin Crested 5-8 Use arrows to navigate between autocomplete results. Enter Search Term. The Information tab provides a library of useful articles on breeds of cavy and related matters, as well as links to other cavy-related web sites. 726 views 2 months ago The National Cavy Club Combined Stock show is one of the highlights of the cavy show calendar, over 800 guinea pigs on display, with most of the breeds represented and. In this event half of the sample taken shall be given to the said exhibitor for his/her safe keeping and half shall be sealed in an envelope which shall be signed by the officiating judge and the show secretary and shall be sent by the judge with the report on the disqualification to the NCC Secretary. The monthly CAVIES magazine is the official publication of the British Cavy Council and the National Cavy Club. This would particularly help newcomers. Look out for the first issue of CAVIES magazine be published by the National Cavy Club! Whichever method is used to submit an entry, it is the responsibility of the exhibitor to satisfy themselves that an entry has been received. d/ Potentially dangerous items should not be placed in show pens. From 01.01.2017, the Self Slate has been awarded a Full Standard, and the Self Blue and Lunkarya have been awarded Guide Standards. m/ It is the duty of judges to submit a written report for publication in the cavy press, and to ensure that this report concurs with the conditions in terms of format and time restrictions laid down by the cavy press. All Rights Reserved. Shows are three star shows open to both members and non members and we aim to promote the welfare and care of cavies in East Kent with an emphasis on encouraging breeding . Click here to return to schedule of Breed Clubs, Wash 2: Designed by Simon Neesam for the British Cavy Council 2020. Thank you to all who made this weekend's National Cavy Club show at Oswestry such a success. h/ Where possible host clubs should book an uneven number of judges if joint decisions are to be made. 3.6.2 Any person judging at a venue and also exhibiting in accordance with the provisions of show regulation 3.6 shall immediately on arrival at the venue hand his or her exhibits to the show secretary or the show secretarys authorized representative, who shall be responsible for the penning of such exhibits. b/ Judges must arrive in time and be prepared to start on time, with allowances made for briefings, etc.. j/ Politely ask anyone blocking movement to stand aside. 3.4.1 An exhibit may only be shown in one age group at any one venue. You can also find out more about the Breed Clubs that it serves and the breeds that they cater for, including details of the Breed Standards, galleries of photographs, links to Breed Club web sites, and Breed Club contact details. 6.7.1 These are faults that are not sufficiently serious to disqualify the cavy, but will penalise it when in competition with cavies not showing these faults. 6.6.1 These are faults which are of such seriousness that they warrant the disqualification of the cavy: Break in skin whether an open wound or scabbed over, Head tilt/torticollis may be congenital, but could be due to an infection. In no circumstances should the animal be returned to its show pen. Copyright 1999-2020 Montreal Canadiens and the National Hockey League. Modifications have been made to eye colour in the Self, Agouti and Solid Agouti Breed Standards, and to the recognised colours of Dutch cavies. All long-haired exhibits can be brushed out and dried if necessary but no other form of preparation can be used. It also has some useful guides to how to show guinea pigs along with a list of clubs and their contact details. j/ Judges officiating at a show should only pass comments to exhibitors on cavies they have actually judged unless asked to do so by the appointed judge of another section. Click here to view a gallery of cavies catered for by the National Agouti Cavy Club. below are the links as promised 4.6.2 If any exhibitor does so communicate then the judge may request the show secretary to disqualify any or all the exhibits of said exhibitor from the show at which the said judge is officiating. As well as a range of articles and features. The minutes are available here. into ears.). The National Cavy Club Combined Stock show is one of the highlights of the cavy show calendar, over 800 guinea pigs on display, with most of the breeds represented and all the top exhibitors and judges in attendance, we had a full team of Self pink eyed Goldens out at this show and the obligatory Black Himalayan, but you will get to see lots of different breeds, including tortoiseshell and white, Dutch, rex, Abyssinian, Shelties, cresteds and much more. 8.1.1 The show committee should satisfy the following regulations when providing sale pens for exhibitors at cavy shows. e/ Provide judging tables and, when required, a table for exhibitors of longhaired cavies to brush out their exhibits. Cavies with genetic or acquired abnormalities (physical deformities) may not be exhibited either in the purebred or pet section of shows held under NCC rules. Each club caters for one or more breeds of cavy. MONTREAL -- Montreal Canadiens general manager Kent Hughes announced on Wednesday that the team has agreed to terms on a two-year, entry-level contract (2023-24 to 2024-25) with forward Xavier Simoneau. Students are selected based on exemplary academic achievement. Use of Prefix Certificate This applies to any animal that the judge suspects is suffering from any infectious condition. e/ A club may restrict entries to an Open Show if by not doing so the number of exhibits or exhibitors would breach health and safety legislation and/or the terms of insurance for that venue. 2023 NATIONAL CAVY SHOW We are pleased to announcing our four International Judges for the 2023 National Cavy Show to be held in our new National home of Dubbo NSW on 19th August 2023. A fit larger cavy should not be given preference over a fit smaller one, purely on account of its greater size. Click here to view the National Agouti Cavy Club web site. we aim to promote the welfare and care of cavies in East Kent with an emphasis on encouraging breeding excellent animals towards the breed standards. The Official Site of the Montral Canadiens. A maximum of three u/5mths, two 5/8mths or one adult will be allowed in each pen. National Cavy Club 2016 | Washlane Design. The English Self Cavy Club. The above show regulations shall not prevent a show secretary from nominating a referee judge who has been showing, providing that he/she does not have any pigs involved in consideration for award in joint duplicate classes. Enter Search Term. The American Rabbit Breeders Association is a non-profit organization dedicated to the promotion, development and improvement of the domestic rabbit and cavy. The Regulations reflect the National Cavy Clubs objectives of promoting good and fair competition and enabling all fanciers to derive maximum enjoyment from sharing their common interest or hobby. Ratified at National Cavy Club AGM: 5th March 2017. MONTREAL -- Montreal Canadiens general manager Kent Hughes announced on Wednesday that the team has agreed to terms on a two-year, entry-level contract (2023-24 to 2024-25) with . 6.2.1 The Judge shall be responsible for marking all necessary awards on the judging slip after completing each class and, after signing the slip, must send it to the show secretary (or a deputized officer) as soon as possible after completing the class. 4) Banq Montreal. c/ In order that days programme can be maintained, not more than a 1 hour lunch break should be taken; the show manager to be informed of any variations. It is not usual to acknowledge entries made by post. If the prize money is paid out at the show and an exhibitor does not collect that due to him/her, then the show secretary/treasurer may deduct from the prize money due the cost of forwarding the same to the exhibitor and shall do so within 30 days of the show. e/ Each exhibitor is responsible for emptying their show pens at the end of the show and removing all the rubbish, and taking it off site, to be disposed of in a responsible manner. Size must not be the winning factor in judging pets. Such a care sheet is available for clubs to download and print out from the NCC website. For example, hay racks and suspended structures are not considered appropriate. From 01.01.2019, the Self Blue has been awarded a Full Standard, and amendments have been made to the Himalayan standard. The BCC recognises 14 Specialist Breed Clubs. c/ The club should provide an advice/information sheet on care of cavies for all purchasers. g/ Never carry an exhibit next to the chest or cover the back of the cavy by placing a hand completely on top; this can affect the condition of prepared rough coated cavies. 9.1.1 The NCC together, with the British Cavy Council (BCC), fully concurs with the guidelines for the welfare and keeping of cavies in the UK as detailed in the following document, the full transcript of which is available on the NCC and BCC websites: WELFARE GUIDANCE FOR THE PROPER CARE OF CAVIES, as produced jointly by the National Cavy Club, the Southern Cavy Club and the British Cavy Council. Amendments have also been made to the Swiss Guide Standard and to BCC Rule 2.2. Individual Games. Excrement, etc. The Regulations may be temporarily updated by the Executive Committee if circumstances are so required, but any changes must then be ratified by the members at the next AGM. k/ Ensure that no person gives the judge any indication as to the ownership of an exhibit not already placed and that no attempt is to be made in any way to influence his/her awards. This is the website for the Scottish National Cavy Club where you will find information on up coming shows, show results and more. 5.1.1 These guidance notes are to be available at NCC affiliated shows and NCC Stock Shows, and all stewards should be familiar with them. In no way are they intended to be draconian or to engender an autocratic culture. The site will be updated as frequently as possible with any new information but obviously work can sometimes get in the way of this. If no results appear, use Enter to do a full site search. b/ Wherever possible, exhibitors should help to clear up and tidy the show hall at the end of the day. m/ Junior exhibitors aged 12 to 17 years can steward unsupervised if competent, either for open classes or junior purebreds. March 1 and 15 - Family Wednesdays. Subban and Price bring back the triple low five, Danick Martineau invites you to skills competition. f/ Sales pens should only contain cavies of the same sex. a/ A Judge may exhibit at any show held at the same venue on the same day, providing they are not officiating for any common award for which their own cavies may also compete. The Regulations are presented at each National Cavy Club AGM, where they are ratified in their contemporary form or up-dated as decided by the members for a further twelve months. The monthly CAVIES magazine is the official publication of the British Cavy Council and the National Cavy Club. The show secretary/card writer will ensure the reverse of the first prize card of every breed class shows the number of absentees in that class (the front of the card must show the number entered in the breed class, including absentees). An announcement should be made when the Pet Judge is available. Montreal Canadiens and are trademarks of the Montreal Canadiens. It is produced monthly and is the official publication of the National Cavy Club and the British Cavy Council. The NCC will always consult with recognised experts and specialists before adopting any new or any changes in the present Regulations. The NCC set a minimum sale age of 8 weeks. There is an expectation that junior exhibitors will be present at the show; if this is not the case, then the secretary should be informed. The British Cavy Council met on 26th September 2018. If you would like to know more about Breed Standards, there are links to pages that explain how standards are developed and how they should be applied. The National Cavy Clubs Show Regulations (the Regulations) are a constantly evolving set of guidelines that are drawn up to ensure that the exhibition of cavies in the United Kingdom is carried out in a common and accepted manner. The judge shall then notify the Secretary of the NCC in writing of the nature of the disqualification, the name and address of the owner(s) and any other relevant details. They should attempt to arrange penning of the exhibit by another junior. In 1967 all varieties of cavy accepted by the National Cavy Club had their own specialist club, except the Tortoiseshell and the Brindle. Brindles, Tortoiseshells, Tricolours and Bicolours, have become Guide Standard breeds, and the Ridgeback has become a New and Emerging breed. Where shows are fun and atmosphere is friendly, National Cavy Club Show Regulations The thumb and forefinger of the other hand should be placed over the top of the shoulder just behind the ears. b/ When penning, the exhibitor must provide sufficient bedding to keep the pig clean, dry and comfortable all day, show adverts should clearly state whether shavings and hay are permitted at the show venue. NEB classes are confined to varieties for which there are Guidance Notes agreed by the Rare Varieties Cavy Club (RVCC) Standards and Executive Committees. Closing date for our southwest Championships is 8/6/19. c/ No one should ever carry more than one cavy at a time. Press alt + / to open this menu. It is up to the show secretary to ensure that judging starts at the advertised time. b/ No person appointed to judge at a show of cavies shall exhibit in any other livestock section of the same show if there is a common award for which cavies may compete. In this case, the host clubs paid up members must take priory over visiting fanciers. e/ Undersized cavies should be refused. All exhibitors of long-haired cavies may provide show boards not more than 50cm (20 inches) square with a flat top to be covered by plain, natural hessian and not higher than 15cm (6 inches), with no distinguishing marks or colour; all as approved by the relevant specialist breed club. 4.6.3 The NCC condones and encourages judges if they so wish to verbally describe their findings and decisions during judging (this can only be a one-way exercise), and encourages open discussion after judging. All cavy keepers should at all times be vigilant for any signs of disease in their animals. 1 Overdale WELCOME TO THE SNCC WEBSITE. Regulations ratified at National Cavy Club AGM 05.03.2017 These Regulations are available on the NCC website; hard copies are also available on request from the NCC secretaries. National Cavy Club website page concerning the British Cavy Council's role in registering cavy breeding studs East Cornwall Cavy Club ( as one example of dozens available of) a local cavy club referencing the British Cavy Council, here in relation to the recognition of new rare breeds of cavy M. Championship Certificates are awarded to cavies winning five first prizes under club rules. Wash 2: Designed by Simon Neesam for the British Cavy Council 2020. They may announce that all cavies being considered for BIS may have 10 minutes preparation prior to the final challenge class. 6.4 Disqualification for excessive or improper preparation: 6.4.1 In the event of the judge disqualifying an exhibit under 6.3(b) above, he/she must report the matter to the show secretary who shall inform the judge of the name and address of the owner of the disqualified exhibit. 4.4 Preparation of exhibits. f/ Ensure that no exhibitor shall be refused entry without the NCC Executive being satisfied that there is an appropriate reason. Is available will also be expected to review exhibits shown in one age group at any one.. An announcement should be placed in a judging stall or returned to its show.! Oswestry such a care sheet is available Enter to do a Full Standard and. Sometimes get in the final challenge national cavy club one Cavy at a time exhibitors should to... For any signs of disease in their animals Place Bell some useful guides to how apply! 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It Ends With Us Casting Call, Articles N

national cavy club
