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breast numbness after open heart surgery

I know its a long list but I would appreciate any one replying and perhaps if you conquered it I can too. Support and understanding/encouragement is so important!! If sensation hasn't been achieved by then, sensation may be regained in 12 to 18 months. Time heals all wounds. Was not particularly religious but have dug deep to stay sane and realise our bodies are miraculous creations. Dr. Badhwar is a leading heart valve surgeon having performed over 3,000 heart valve repair and replacement operations during his 20-year career. 12 visits total on Home Therapy, Outpatient Cardio Rehab 2-3 x/wk since then. Never thought 5 months ago I would be talking about this but here I am. Hoping upcoming cardio PT helps. I sit here now, same chair 5:50pm and the pain has pretty much subsided..although my breathing intake is, still somewhat impaired. I am now on Eliquis. No no, Im too young 52. I expected no pain post few weeks of surgery , but understood that it is normal to have pain, numbness around chest . Routine Office visit with no prexisting signs. working daily 5 hrs, sleeping like a baby, BP Good, Colesterol not so good. The upshot? She writes, "Adam, I am 55 and had open heart surgery to replace my valve about three weeks ago. I havent left my house in over 11 weeks. Milk ducts can become clogged, causing a firm, tender lump. However, I feel emotional. Incisions healing well but very sensitive. Many patients will experience some amount of numbness and tingling as part of the recovery process. Doctor was hoping to do a triple but ended up only getting the widowmaker which was 100% blocked. By clicking Accept All Cookies, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. He brings up my spirits cause in the hosp he told me all looks awesome and I should last another century lol. Id love to know where else to look for support/answers/advice/etc. But the wizzy head is my main problem plus the leg weakness plus the balance issues plus the tiredness. If you were on your side during the surgery with your arm stretched out over your head your shoulder may have been injured. I was feeling fine until I went into my yard over the weekend to do some raking of leaves from last fall. Hello, I had OHS via thoracotomy couple of months ago. The area immediately around an incision (the surgical cut) is often numb after surgery. What if I died? I have been using a power breather daily. I went to a hospital 3times, walk-in center twice and an orthopedic dr and they all said same thing cause my EKG came out fine as well as my heart monitoring and BP was all normal. Simply scroll down to share your experience or read over 300 other comments. I have forgot how it could effect others. Hello Mark, good to hear your story and truly hope youre recovering really well. Doctor wasnt sure how I survived as I had 100,99,99,99 blockage on 4. Now being 59 may have a little to do with that, but the week in the hospital and even this moment as I type all feel really difficult, physically and mentally. I was an extreamly healthy 33 year old man before my OHS and hospitalization this year. With Diuretic & Exercise, the Pleural Effusion seems to be shrinking on its own, (I will have another Chest X-Ray in Jan. for the Follow-ups w/Cardiologist & Surgeon) Around 4 weeks, Edema set in the feet/ankles (PA said normal), at 5-6 weeks , I moved from the recliner to sleeping in the bed with my legs on pillows, feet above my heart, (really worked, the best remedy!) Now almost three years later and I still have pain my incision has keloids. Can anyone tell me about the pai, I'm a young woman that needs to have mitral valve surgery. I have to keep my head above water & just keep trying to move forward regardless of how slow that may be. Im 60 years old, thought pain would be bad. Thank you for sharing your experience. If you were put on bypass, it can cause these issues. Hi, I am 58 and had triple bypass 6 months ago. My cardiologist says that the problem is fluid buildup and will increase my lasixs but it doesnt resolve the problem much. While we cannot give you medical advice, we may be able to help you find an FH specialist. So tired of being sore, how long still??? I agree to get it check by all means, I just want her to know it happens. I am 60 years young, recovering from quadruple bypass surgery about 1 month ago. I am sharing my own experience with this inherited disorder, and how I manage it daily from what literature I read on the topic and what my doctors say to how I live my life (what I eat, what medicine I take, how I exercise, etc). And it may be unavoidable. Overview. Sometimes i feel dizzy, head heaviness but somehow overcoming this feeling. It works about as well as a nerve conduction study and is less invasive (8). Like I said, three weeks ago I considered myself on deaths door I couldnt breathe day or night I was critically ill and dying fast. I have 2 children mid 30s and 4 grandkids that I want to see grow up. All shortness of breath was gone after about 6 days of Home Therapy and walking on the treadmill. Otherwise, continue to check back to our discussions, or consider joining our FH Support Group here:, Hey Folks, Im on my ninth week and it has been a challenge, Im having trouble sleeping and my hands feel very strange. I am horrified that I will have to undergo another OHS! An implantable loop recorder is a device that records the heartbeat continuously for up to three years. I hope you continue to recover well. Fortunately, there are more good days than bad days now that I am at this point, but I do feel that if I have a busy day, I do feel tired and sore the next day. Please stay positive. Ive been dealing with this since I was 7. This is solely a personal account that might or might not offer some insight on what to expect when diagnosed with this condition. You may know how this feels. A mini-thoracotomy avoids your breastbone and instead uses small cuts between your ribs. The most common symptoms of nerve damage after surgery are usually numbness, tingling, burning, muscle weakness or atrophy. Everything is fine except for my breathing yes it gets me down a lot because i cant go anywhere. Two other specialists recommended no surgery as the dizzy spells were probably related to the medications. Now about nine months out still have some minor tingling at incision and drain tube scars. Think of a nerve as a garden hose. They can occur because of anesthesia, inability to move during the procedure, or the surgical cut itself. It is common for a larger percentage of patients to experience nipple numbness in the first few months after their surgery. Biggest issue is still my head, many issues to deal with as a result of the surgery. Alsoyou say you made it 14 yearshow much warning / degradation did you have & for how long, prior to this 2nd surgery? I am so thankful To the Lord that after a heart attack in August with one stent, followed by quadruple bypass on Sept 11, here it is early December and I am able to Do mission work in the Middle East. ASRA practice advisory on neurologic complications in regional anesthesia and pain medicine. Hope this post helps someone. For sure the first few months had its moments. I dont feel it all the time. There is probably more. Two days ago my GP cleared me to go back to the Gym. It went well, the mammary artery was harvested so no digging anything out of my leg and was home at the end of the week. hungry all the time- eating heaps of nuts. . Im just praying and taking one day at a time. Im sorry to hear of your constant pain. Around 5 percent of the women who undergo breast augmentation will experience permanent nipple numbness after surgery. Best wishes to all of you. Is this normal? All that said, I am not back to normal. I was in the hospital for 5 days. Im a 62 year old male 5 weeks post quad bypass. Heres hoping that it passes soon. My husband is still driving me and I hope to not need the wheelchair for distance soon. By far the hardest thing for me has been anxiety and depression. the only thing like i said i was doing a little yard work and it started to brun . Please always consult with a professional and certified healthcare provider to discuss if a treatment is right for you. Is this pain a result of pt? When mentioned to doctors . Maybe its the heat in the south but I cant seem to breathe and I tire so easily it hurts. Lots of scientific studies, but nothing particularly helpful until finding this blog. I guess the discomfort never goes away. boshar. Jennifer Whitlock, RN, MSN, FNP-C, is a board-certified family nurse practitioner. Normal? I send good wishes for healing to all of you- in both body and spirit!:-). It was as well you got it checked out but there can be all kinds of reasons, including infections, which can be quite serious, or wires breaking for example and that's why it's important to check out pains even if it turns out to not be significant. To straighten my shoulders and stand up straight hurts so au am hunched over. I have since goggled them all after STOPPING all medications and medicines. I am 5 months now since the surgery, doing cardiac rehab which is almost over and overall so much better. Hope this passes soon, I had double bypass on April 3. I dont have good days or bad days, I have long hours of feeling really well, combined with night time, still shallow breathing and chest pain, reduced kidney function could be responsible. Well I seemed to have passed the initiation on 11/19, so this is day 8 since my quad bypass. My cardiologist & hence my wife day I am fine & doing well. I am going to try to get back to walking and watching what I am eating. Had full set of Labs last week. All I can say is you will not go one day sooner than God wants you . One of the biggest issues we see after surgery is scarring around the nerves (1). I had my mitral valve repair 3 years ago, and am now getting upper back pain, like Scot A. above -which no one had warned me about, (but thinking about it is fairly obvious side effect, as the chest is pulled open and the ribs are moved far more than they were designed to). Hi. I was told I had a congenital heart problem at 63 years of age. So the not so good. I had just had a complete physical and it showed up perfect. Blessings to all! I am back to work at my part time job at Home Depot. Otherwise doing okay p.s. Im 59 and live in Western Australia on the 24.4.2020 I took myself to A and E with what I thought was a chest infection, it wasnt it was fluid around my heart, not had any symptoms always tried to do the right thing exercising and watching weight, never smoked hardly ever drink and here I was with an ejection fraction of 15%. I am 67 and had a double bypass for 3 blockages August 2017. Three weeks ago had my aortic valve replaced for the second time along with the ascending aortic artery and part of the aortic arch replaced. So glad to see this page! After spending 3 weeks in the hospital I dont think I ever got my muscle strength back. Anyone else having issues this long? You sound like me. My breasts hurt all the time. Trying to stay positive throughout this whole process has seemed to be one of the most helpful factors in my recovery. Orthop J Sports Med. I know that my God is a healer and I am healed. Turned 61 yesterday and am grateful that I did. My dr has prescribed me inhalers but they dont help much. My story May 3 2019 in need of triple bypass surgery, blockage 100%, and 80 to 90% in two, outcome was quadruple bypass. Both this and nerve pain can be similar, but by and large, nerve pain tends to feel more like electric shocks. 1 I have good and bad days, but considering how Im just short of 5 weeks removed from the surgery, I feel, based on my progress so far, that the good outweighs the bad. I have lingering angina like chest pain and general soreness that is slowly dissipating. So sorry for all the suffering and fear out there Why am I on this blog? Wayne2 questions: #1 are you walking every day? I had to reduce my work hours. Stay tanned and you ll have a hard time even getting sympathy. I have been suffering shortness of breath since having a DBP 9 MTHS AGO and was told to stop taking Metroprolol I stopped taking it and still have the shortness of breath so will discuss this tomorrow. I hope you are doing well and have found some peace of mind with all of this! Stress may cause your adrenal gland to produce more cortisol. I went back to work 2 weeks ago. Upper body arm shoulder pain. Im a year older than your son and had bypass surgery about month and half ago. Finding some comfort, ease, in reading your posts. Thank you so much for sharing. Providers listed on the Regenexx website are for informational purposes only and are not a recommendation from Regenexx for a specific provider or a guarantee of the outcome of any treatment you receive. Still sleeping in my recliner, which oddly is a lot more comfortable than I would have thought, especially surrounded by a lot of pillows. I try to eat healthy and try to go the holistic/ natural way of life. Read our, Skin Numbness After Knee Replacement Surgery. Back on the Harley Davidson at 12 weeks, other than a little initial nervousness, no issues at all. Our hormones are different and our bodies handle all of this different. But I will say. In fact, one leg swelling is worse than two swollen legs . TYPE OF SURGERY Most women have spare tissue on the chest wall and under the arms so this tissue can be used to fill the space where the tumour has been removed. I am sleeping fine on my side now. Scars from heart surgery Heart surgery leaves a distinctive mark that can be challenging to accept. Have a few more weeks of cardio rehab. Ive been reading comment after comment. My quad bypass was done in September 2014 after successful stunting in 2002 decided to block. Anesth Analg. My condition was geneticborn biscuspidtwo cusps instead of threecaused problems I thought would be resolved once the op was done. Discomfort in not being able to move in certain ways yes but even then not discomfort. Just doing little things like getting out of bed without help sometimes or making coffee is a challenge. I am still amazed that I was home 3 days after open heart aortic valve replacement. Causes. I am happy for your recovery. Women's Heart Disease Support Group and Discussion Community, I am 8 months post-op. He does not like me nagging on himI am only trying to get hin to do what he needs to do so he can come home, but he has been through so much, the nurse said when the patient is ready to do the work they will. I was VEEEEERY irritable on ANY noise. Initiallly it was fairly painful , and felt like there was a tendon under the skin creating the pain. I like cardiac rehab but I still dont feel 100 % and it is very frustrating especially when I see people in rehab that are so much older than I am, that are doing better. But everyone cant do it bcoz the process of finding the suitable remedy is quite rigorous. I dont know exactly where to start! but i really do not feel like a normal person of my surgery. Id hoped this would go on a good few years before I needed OHS. It hasnt been easy but then I had no choice. When you're released from the hospital, follow the set of instructions for post-surgery care exactly. That will help increase your stamina. Repeat until you are bored or you suffer increased pain. No one would listen. I am scheduled for Open Heart Surgery on 4/13. My concern is the top of the scar around and above the top of the incision is a big protruding lump. I had 5 bypass surgery with 95% blockages done last November a week before Thanksgiving. My recommendation: listen to your heart because its usually right and go seek out another doctor. Hi everyone. NO WAY I could stay at home, so I went straight OUT in Mother Nature, so I walk every day between 5,000 and nearly 10,000 steps, if I take 2 walks, which is equivalent of 2.5-5 miles a day. Recovery was, as all of you know, very tough. This surgery is the pits! Thanks! The biggest downside is depression. Welcome back they said.. A month in now, doing better, but started with some trembling, i eat something, drink water, feel better, but it dont last. When does it get much better? All I can say as that I am thankful to be able to spend time with my children, it is easy to talk about not being around when you are not sick. ), I had the same. So just checking with you guys and share your experience too. Tanya had a plastic surgery procedure on her gluteal area and ended up with a severe infection that caused scarring around the sciatic nerve. They have me on a beta blocker which I am sure is part of the issue because at times my BP is 99/60 which to me is too low. To view original post visit: 3. Im happy to read your stories. The pain now is much less and only occasionally, but, the numbness at the top of my breast and up into my, chest area is still there and the soreness is always, there. Are any of you taking this drug and if so how did it affect you? Ive never smoked, never been overweight, eat healthfully, have low cholesterol, and drink in moderation. I had quadruple bypass after care flight got me to the hospital on Christmas Eve of last year. I am thankful for my many doctors, family, friends and technology. And the longer the surgery, the greater the chance that numbness will occur. I have had such an emotional and spiritual journey. In this procedure, a nerve is visualized with ultrasound. My doctor said evetyone heals differently. However, that information will still be included in details such as numbers of replies. Keep doing it it will slowly stretch the scar tissue and connective tissue. Idk. At this point, I really wish I had smaller breasts, cause its really uncomfortable and still cannot lay on either side or flat on my back. The chest pain has been significantly less but is still there. Please keep your spirit going Maryann. I just cant seem to get with the program and am very scared I will not be able to. And called me on the second day, and I can see he is also not too too well alone, due to covid19. But, after Christmas Im dont do anything but what I have too. Take the surgery, prepare for six months rest and rehab and enjoy the next 15 years or more of your life. I have never been in a discussion group, so forgive me if i'm not doing it right. Andr Simon, Consultant Cardiac Surgeon at Royal Brompton Hospital, tells us how heart surgery has developed during his 21-year career. I have become somewhat active again and walk about a mile and a half a day. Asymptomatic prior. Heart beat is 130.blood My MVR by open heart surgery is due this month.i am worried.what to do?? One problem that is now occurring is acid reflux. Finally to mention the team at Nottingham City Hospital Trent Cardiac Centre were fantastic, absolutely first rate led by my surgeon, Mr Naik. Still it was a shock to be told after a routine stress test that he had to have immediate CABG. I did them daily for a year. Then fast forward to early 50s. Its very hard to make myself slow down, but pushing yourself too far has no benefits. I had quadruple bypass surgery 12/23/19; I learned on 12/20 that I had four clogged arteries and the valve that is referred to as the widow maker was 95% clogged/blocked with the remaining three bypasses from 75% to 85%. Reading through these reminds me to think more about others than myself. And love is one of the greatest healers. Bev. I started having heart problems in my mid 40s. I appreciate he has been through a major ordeal, both physically and mentally, and it is so unfortunate that it has happened bang in the middle of the Covid-19 crisis when life is in a turmoil for everyone. And if so how did it affect you two other specialists recommended no surgery as the dizzy were! In 12 to 18 months: // ; Adam, I am 8 months post-op Therapy and walking the. 63 years of age hospitalization this year but I cant seem to back. 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breast numbness after open heart surgery
