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i hate being an occupational therapist

For even more on the realities of being an occupational therapist, be sure to also check out these informative blog posts: 5 Things to Consider When Deciding on a Career in Occupational Therapy (Mama OT Blog), Is Occupational Therapy Stressful? Being an occupational therapist assistant (OTA) offers a combination of benefits such as: Enhancing Quality of Life OTAs help people gain or regain an ability to perform tasks in everyday life such as eating, having a conversation, getting dressed, etc. Moving around all day, versus sitting for long periods of time, has been shown to decrease the risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and premature death. Ive learned through my own personal fieldwork and job experiences, along with my occupational therapist friends and colleagues experiences, that not all occupational therapy jobs are created equal. However, if you are there for the right reason--that you are passionate about providing people with the tools to become independent and can celebrate even small gains then you will feel fufilled. With the additional income from the above strategies or through a side hustle of your choice, youll have more time to rest, spend time with family or take some time to do something for yourself, which can really help with that burned out feeling! I will definitely say that some settings are more challenging than others, but this feeling is common in any job. My OT Spot uses cookies to improve your experience. You can read more about ethical dilemmas in my post titledEthical Dilemmas in Occupational Therapy. 11. These are some of the realities Ive discovered after becoming an occupational therapist. ), and it can certainly be emotionally draining given the complexity of the patients we see. The beauty of OT is that there are so many different venues and settings that you can go into so that if you were unhappy in one setting you can go to another one. I would be perfectly happy working as a OT for a while in various settings and then going into academia and teach people how to become OT's and there is always ways to move up through a university setting. Working a job with intense physical demands as well as high productivity challenges five days a week is really rough. I just graduated this year July and I got my "dream job" (rehab center for orthopedics) already last year august. Tips to Reclaim your Practice (OT Flourish Podcast). While our student loans are high and you might feel like you cant afford to take time off to travel or work less than five days a week, there are other ways to add to your bank account. I would like some of you guys thoughts on the future of ot. I don't feel like the person 3 years ago that wanted to be an OT. I have been an OT in the state of Virginia since 1999. Occupational therapists help people who have difficulties caused by physical or mental illness, disability, accidents or ageing. School rankings are mostly based upon application and acceptance statistics, as well as attendance in classes. As a new grad OT as a month, I feel you 100%. As OTs we are trained to analyze and assess-the individual, their skills/needs, the demands of each task, and determine the ways to either bring the person back to a functional state or adapt the task/environment/tools to facilitate success. Another thing I really admired about this article, was the reference to physical demands. If you are not OK with this, you can opt-out if you wish. The is NO accountability, no ethics, and certainly no remorse over the illegal activity. =). As a new grad, I applied three times to my first inpatient rehab job after I already started working at another position that wasnt a good fit for me. I worked in SNFs for over a dozen years, and the productivity expectations were ridiculous, in addition to blatant fraud. My first job was on the MH ward of a mens prison. That is my experience and that is what I have heard from numerous academics in our field. All of this is very true! Im always on my toes switching back and forth from inpatient rehab to very different diagnoses and treatments in acute care. Occupational therapists have a Master's degree in occupational therapy. Its so overwhelming so thank you for sharing your worries and thank you to everyone providing this feedback. The school did not hesitate to take my grandson; however, I had some reservations. It is a little discouraging to see so many people who are unhappy in the OT profession, but I'm guessing for every one unhappy OT there are hundreds of OTs who love it. Occupational therapy is the practice of using specific activities to help treat physical and psychological conditions in order to promote well being and prevent disability. Unless you absolutely love OT and would choose it over being a M.D., or if you have the financial means to be comfortable, I would recommend choosing medical school. Writing Writing is one of the easiest switches you can make, but you have to be willing to put in lots of time, and you might take a pretty steep pay cut at the beginning. Because of this, any time that you arent treating (or even when you are treating) youre doing a lot of paperwork. The disparity in financial compensation is just awful, honestly. Thank you for your contribution. Im somehow hopeful that it will get better, I would ultimately like to specialize in something, whether it be mental health/peds, lymphedema or burns, or something in acute care but it seems with everything you need the experience. I am working through my BA at the age of 34. I would not take too much stock in the Indeed forums..somehow I don't know if it's quite as horrid as many of those posters make it sound. I see many people on here complaining. Thats where I got my mentorship. In order to be marketable as an academic- it is preferable by most departments to have a PhD, or a related are of study MS. For example a masters in public health, a PhD in sociology, etc etc. Im about to start OT school. What an interesting forum. Most ABA therapists don't set out to hurt children. Local government? Working a job with intense physical demands as well as high productivity challenges five days a week is really rough. Its also a sad reality that future practitioners also need to be aware of. ), and it can certainly be emotionally draining given the complexity of the patients we see. However, working with children requires lifting children and managing various movements and positions, which are fine for a younger person, but may not be reasonable for an older person. Hi Ana, Are you working in Brazil or the usa? There is a raging debate about the OTD within our field. You can use our promo code MYOTSPOT for $150 off your yearly subscription if you want to give it a try. It does pay well but you do toilet transfers, see body fluids from wounds and deal with people who are tired and/or cranky. Since Jan, myself and another contracting PT has witnessed a classroom aide pulling speech students (some Medicaid billable) and performing one on one speech therapy with them. The Indeed forum is extremely discouraging and I cannot stand to go there anymore. Completely different roles. So, without further ado, here are 10 things I hate about occupational therapy: 1. The 3 Month (100 Day) MCAT Study Schedule Guide: 2022 Edition, Many PTs and OTs that I know have suffered workplace injuries, particularly back injuries due to extensive demands of transferring patients. A CNA is there to dress, help with toileting, etc. A newly qualified NHS OT can expect to start on a minimum of 21,000, with more experienced OTs earning 25,700-34,500 . Im discussed and fed up with the entire system. Active jobs keep the body in better shape, the mind clearer, and leave you with more . I'm sticking with my decision to pursue OT, but there is a frustration since information and feedback are limited and there isn't widespread knowledge about the profession; thus, the resources that I can tap into to find out more are limited. He lost his family preservation counselor that contracted to the school because of federal cutbacks and he was not given any additional support in the classroom. If so, Ive absolutely been there (multiple times) and I first want you to know that Im so sorry that youre feeling this way! If you answered yes to these questions, being an Occupational Therapist at Select Medical may be a great fit for you! Occupational therapy helps patients to do daily activities or "occupations." Those activities include cooking, bathing, shopping, eating, getting dressed, and caring for loved ones. I agree with OTROX, if the majority of your exposure to OT is coming from these forums then you need to do a little more research on the career. Hybrid remote. Occupational Therapist/Practice Consultant (2086) Norfolk County Council 3.7. You Arent Alone! This one might be a little controversial, since weve been programmed since we were young to think we have to work as much as possible at least5 days a week job from graduation until we retire. I have a pretty generous sliding scale and a handful of clients take advantage of it. The therapist and client form a therapeutic relationship. Occupational Therapist Salary: Data From 2,322 OTs and COTAs, The Best Splinting Guide for Occupational Therapists, 6 of the Best Occupational Therapy Forums, 10 Reasons Why OTs Should Be Using Occupation-Based Interventions, I would also add that just because you dont think youll like a setting doesnt mean you wont! That seems to be the one thing i have noticed i dont like about OT there is not alot of upward mobility. The lady I shadowed did help with toileting with the in-patients but she also did that as her own choice. For kids that are worried about getting soap in their eyes, no-tear shampoo formulas can be a life saver. But, this is especially applicable in home health therapy. CNAs do those things for the patient, whereas the OT is there to make sure the patient can do those things on his/her own (as much as possible) and to educate the caregivers. 11 /15. The therapeutic relationship can be difficult if there is a personality clash. I guess once she had enough of hands on of OT, she was was ready to move on and couldn't. I found that my aptitude and academic achievement was equivalent to, if not higher, than some medical students, who then became, obviously, physicans; yet, in my first year of employment I earned about $30,000 ($15/hour). Education staff can contact the School Advice Line: 0300 421 6976 on Tuesdays 1.30pm-4pm (term time only). My OT Spot uses cookies to improve your experience. While juggling multiple PRN jobs might seem difficult, if your hospital has multiple areas, you can usually cross-train and stay within the same system. This parent informed me that the special ed director called her in to an unofficial meeting at the school board office and upon arrival the superintendent was also present. And yet, despite making ABA therapy fun and positive, the underlying goals of ABA have not changed. 4. You can whine and complain or you can make it better. Reading about the ethical concerns on this forum (I've forgotten which forum or post, maybe it was this one), causes great concern for me. Teddi has become the first child in the UK to receive lifesaving gene therapy after being born with metachromatic Liked by Zo W. Hand therapist Augusta has been fitting splints for 25+ years - supporting or immobilising the hand for medical needs, such as arthritis, trauma I doubt there is a job that is full of sunshine and butterflies 24/7 out there. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. What OT topics are you most interested in? Most (60%) of OTs work in the health service; 40% are career changers. 5. I just got my license in July and started my very first OT job this past September. 10. Itsphysically demanding, mentally demanding (so much documenting! 24.3 miles away from Apple Massage Therapy. The great thing about our profession is that we have theflexibilityto work when we want. Your student loan amount has no impact on your decision to be an OT? How occupational therapy can help you. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. I thought I would *hate* acute care but I absolutely LOVE it now that Ive given it a shot. If you dont mind me asking, what kind of OT dream job did you land? Many therapists find the duties and responsibilities of occupational therapy to be both rewarding and challenging. Theyll tell you how rejuvenating it is to make your vacation time as often as you want while still making a great living. OT came to me like an epiphany and for the past two years I thought I was preparing for my dream career. If given the tools it is amazing what kind of healing a person's body and mind can accomplish. But honestly, being an occupational therapist is hard. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. NOTES: I HATE THIS ABOUT OT :SNF OT EDITION : NOT . Im officially a little over a month in as a OT and I feel a lot of what youre feeling too. I've never known anyone in any field who didn't have at least one not-so-great job. CA and TX used to be great states to try different settings as a newer grad. I am feeling major burnout and depression from my current work situation. This will also increase tuition considerably, without any foreseen comparable pay raises for either OTRs or COTAs with these pricier degrees. Honestly I am not feeling confidet in my knowledge, I'm always pretending I know everything I do but it's just a fassade. I became certified in August 2020, and still havent worked a single day as an OT. You can stay where you are unhappy or go somewhere else. At speech therapy, Nathan goes back without me. I would like to talk to more OTs about this epidemic we are having as OTs being under apperciated, strong armed to keep kids on caseload despite appropriate and clinical reasoning to discharge. Over 40 years I worked inpatient, rehab, outpatient hands, workplace health, nursing homes and home health. It will make you a more well rounded applicant. And let me tell you, I worked 2 weeks there and I questioned my whole life, my career choice, if I can do it, just everything. I graduated in August 2020, and ever since - I have not found a position within OT that feels satisfying to me. Easier to avoid burnout when you know your contract has an end date and you can take time off in between assignments! But in reality, this isnt always the case. I then got an early intervention agency job, and hate it as well for the lack of mentorship and disorganization in the agency. Permanent + 1. Spending several hours in there, however, changed my mind entirely. Ive been an OT for more than 25 years, and each year it seems less and less about patient care and more.about money. This can range from working with patients who require very little physical assist to patients that are dependent. You can learn all these skills if you make an effort to do so , it doesn't mean you can not be an OT, but these are some of the skills you will need on the j. But Im hoping to love every minute of my future career as well. It may be easiest to get a job in a SNF versus landing your dream job in pediatrics, acute care, hand therapy (or insert your ideal OT setting here). Not many positions were available during what seemed like to be peak COVID. You may not know what floats your boat. I absolutely agree with all of your points (I especially love the versatility of OT and its varied settings!). I would love the opportunity to get good and confident in highly skilled areas such as making splints, or treating burns, and lymphedema. I am an OT student, is anyone else in this thread one? Even if there were any openings, I felt very uncomfortable working in healthcare while I lived with family members who had pre existing conditions. What clinched it for me was a seasoned outpatient clinic OT who had been a teacher for years (just like me) and went back for OT and as she put it "I've never looked back since. I'm one of those people that tends to hope for the best in people/situations/etc. Im doing travel right now and its hot. I hope the kiddies heard us loud and clear on this one. Some people are never satisfied no matter what. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Being an occupational therapist can be stressful. I applied for a few rehab positions, but did not get an interviews. I think being an OT part time is very difficult as the work load is rarely reduced on a proportional basis especially in a community role. Reducing my hours to part-time job, allowed me to keep working, while also taking care of myself. The purpose of the OTD is a management degree to help clinicians with experience learn more management oriented aspects of OT and to implement this in our field. There are pros and cons to everything. Our results indicated that the average salary among the participants was actually $70,732. This post was originally published on March 25, 2017 and updated on June 15, 2019 and February 28, 2023. But my daughter is in early intervention and she is making great progress. This article has been incredibly helpful. Wanting to be an OT so badly, the size of the loan didn't affect my decision to which schools I applied to. Being a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist for 17 years and Emotionally Focused Therapy Supervisor for 10 years, IMy specialty is executive coaching couples counseling. Some may also have a doctorate. Answer (1 of 3): Not sure what you are currently doing for work. Audio. In any profession there are upsides and downsides. I'm starting school in the fall and I'm confident that this is what I was meant to do. As an OTA, you will experience unforgettable moments with your patients as well as face . I might have to see 80 students in. It's always best to work with a therapist you connect with. In fact, healthcare professionals spend more time on documentation than direct client care. We have next to zero phd faculty members and my program is in the top 20 in the country, how that happened is beyond me. This generally takes 4 years of full-time study. Whether you are an OT, know an OT, want to be an OT, or just want to hang out with some OT's, you are welcome here. In this video, I will be discussing what I hate about occupational therapy. Also seeing patients really put their hope in you to guide them is kind of motivating, albeit a bit nerve racking as well. I dont mind educating the general population on what we do at all, but I imagine after doing this for your entire career it could get tiring. The post covers the most prevalent situations that occupational therapists may find themselves in, especially as new grads. If you sat in my classes you would notice that there is little empirical justification for OT interventions (it's a problem that we are faced with in our field, hence why a research emphasis is being pursued so much by many programs). Becoming an occupational therapist is expensive. An occupational therapist may work with anyone suffering from a chronic mental health condition, learning disability or physical disability to help them live the best . Unfortunately, there are for-profit therapy companies out there hiring new grads to unknowingly commit ethical violations in order to make the companies more money. . I just started working for a pediatric HH agency; the regulations, compliance, and documentation is enough to drive any sane person crazy. Im so sorry to hear this! And the thought of being despised by other professionals who see OTs as imposing on their territory and areas of expertise is also a little bothersome. I have been an OT for over 36 years, and although I enjoy working with clients, I find the paperwork excessive and unnecessary for quality of care. Whats the setting? Thats part of being a novice. Its a lot of work finding a new job, especially after finally landing your first one, but mentorship is so important your first one to three years of practice. Occupational therapy assistants work under the guidance of an occupational therapist, who conducts the client evaluation and assessment, then comes up with treatment goals and a big-picture plan for accomplishing them. Thanks for all the replies. Answer: Depends on the setting. It is true that some OTDs go into academic work, just as some MOTs do as well. Let me know what you guys think about this. Are You a Burned Out OT? I have been reading the Indeed boards a lot and they are usually so negative. 4. Occupational therapy encompasses a wide array of treatments aimed at improving physical impairments, self-care difficulties, functional cognition (ability to pay bills, sort medications, maintain a schedule, etc.) I ended up liking it there. Oh no, that's so frustrating! I did learn a lot from the setting and it gave me the experience I needed to get my dream job in inpatient rehab. But how to get the training when you're expected to know from the start and the productivity demands don't allow for that kind of time? Of course, you are free to do what you want but it's sentiments such as the one you describe that enable schools to charge exorbitant rates of tuition to desperate students. You chose to want to help people that struggle in life and to that I guess you are a really social person and always know that it's okay to struggle with things. These settings will typically have considerably less physical demands. Try to make hair washing less of an ordeal, and you may find that your child is suddenly more adaptable to it as part of the routine. All of the people working there, including OTs, are extremely positive people, and they make this into a fun environment. I have to say, do listen to the people from indeed. There is absolutely no way youll be able to just figure it out, or teach yourself. Do any of you really think that an ot is a glorified CNA? No particular college major is mandatory for admission to OT school, Tyminski says. Why. An occupational therapist cares for patients with disabilities, chronic illness or injuries that cause them to need help with daily tasks. 2. Nobody really knows what you do or they just say: "Oh you are just like a PT!" These are based on my experiences working in the United States; other countries may differ. OT is a complex, growing field, and who knows how it will evolve in our lifetime. Every career has its ups and downs. Additionally, some states may require that a person using distance therapy be located in the same state in which the therapist is licensed. I have now been an OT for 7 years and have been bouncing around between all kinds of settings to include skilled nursing, home health, hand outpatient, mental health, schools, and everywhere I've gone I have felt like I have to figure things out on my own. We had to hire an advocate and the school did offer to place him in a program that was not suited for children with Autism, not to mention that children in this program often do not transition out. Buy Hate Being Sexy But I'm Funny Occupational Therapist Therapy T-Shirt: Shop top fashion brands T-Shirts at FREE DELIVERY and Returns possible on eligible purchases Hate Being Sexy But I'm Funny Occupational Therapist Therapy T-Shirt : Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry I think it is fine to feel like a bad practitioner the first couple years. Many spokes on a wheel: Using our training, expertise, & skills to meet our clients' needs Our Values Absolutely not! Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Yes, there are problem behaviors, and one patient called me an ******* for trying to observe, but attitude plays a major roll. Look into outpatient OT, where you work with hand or upper extremity conditions. I'm going to strive to keep that idealistic motivation intact throughout my education and career! How to Deal with Burnout as an Occupational Therapist, Burned Out in Occupational Therapy? What OT topics are you most interested in? An occupational therapist will typically do the following: Observe patients doing tasks, ask the patient questions, and review the patient's medical history. How important is it for an OT to have a creative side? I wish I had that option, but I'll probably be stuck babysitting on the side for $10/hour! I went through three before I found me permanent one and even with that I have a per diem one that I keep on the weekends and I often think about leaving this one (but it has a pension and Ive been here so long its no longer worth it.) If youve landed here, you may have been Googling something like Im unhappy with my occupational therapy job or feeling burned out as an OT or maybe even feeling sick of my OT job.. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. The new school assistant principal informed the OT that there was not enough staff or funding to support the additional help my grandson needed. It would depend on if you have a teaching certification or reading specialist certification offer possibilities in education could offer alternative If you like working in schools but dislike an SLP caseload and stressful job. In my own experience, I've talked to a lot of OT's over the years (in outpatient therapy and ped's mostly) and they have never expressed even an eighth of what those people said. I advise everyone to research into the profession and keep an open mind. Its an old-fashioned profession in that many therapists work part time for limited times but are not responsible for the household income as the other spouse is relied upon as the real income generator. I have nothing to add as an SLP, except that I empathize with you and feel the same way about my field from not liking the setting, to grad school completely failing to actually provide therapy, to being burnt out. As you decide what you are going to do with your life there's always going to be someone to change your dreams and there's also that person who will have something negative to say. You must log in or register to reply here. Global health through occupation is contingent upon our understanding of the human as an occupational being. Learn how your comment data is processed. She is still going into grad school, but for something else. It's easier that way because he's more willing to cooperate. Now in the middle of applications I'm not so certain. Or do a lot of on-line con Ed. ugh, that horrid Indeed forum. B) Depending on your setting, you may be the only OT in the department. It is really what you make of it. Brooklynite, I agree with what you're saying and I'd like to think I'm not that weak-minded to just give up OT because of a few negative things I've read. Medicare Benefits and Costs of Occupational Therapy. Fewer and fewer settings are paying for this, so expect to pay for the courses. Were there any profs you connected with? These four areas of study can enhance your knowledge of anatomy and how the body functions. You really shouldnt believe what people have to say about becoming an OT. (My OT Spot), How to Deal with Burnout as an Occupational Therapist (My OT Spot), Burned Out in Occupational Therapy? Thanks for the article. I worked in a school and realized that it's definitely not for me. Look at places like state hospitals or the VA for different jobs. I graduated with a MAOT in 2009 and am currently working in a SNF. If youre passionate about becoming an occupational therapist, you wont regret it! I welcome all replies. Writing is awesome, though. Yet, I know a lot of people who LOVE my old profession both newbies (to be expected, no burnout yet) and veterans. Occupational therapy can help you with practical tasks if you: are physically disabled; are recovering from an illness or operation I really do not want to complain, especially with so much heartbreak and loss in the current world situation. Why???!!!! There is so little mentorship and guidance, and I honestly feel like a terrible practitioner with no community or support. It may not display this or other websites correctly. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. You might find yourself doing the same type of treatment day in and day out, and this will definitely lead to boredom. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. While the Bureau of Labor Statistics states that the average salary for OTRs is $86,280, the average for new grads is quite a bit less (tens of thousands of dollars less). It's very negative and will scare virtually anyone from choosing OT as a profession. Consider applying to hospital positions, many have outpatient clinics in the hospital and you may have the opportunity to 'cross train' even if you're hired in a different setting of the hospital. A sad reality that future practitioners also need to be an OT a. Do n't feel like a terrible practitioner with no community or support shampoo formulas can be a living... Additionally, some states may require that a person using distance therapy be located in fall... An end date and you can make it better 'm starting school in the United ;! Fun and positive, the mind clearer, and who knows how it will evolve in our lifetime vacation as... S more willing to cooperate make it better from choosing OT as a and! The website 'll probably be stuck babysitting on the future of OT, where you work a! Know have suffered workplace injuries, particularly back injuries due to extensive demands of patients... Hours to part-time job, allowed me to keep working, while also taking of! 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i hate being an occupational therapist
