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robin webb phil graham photos

Week after week, the leading figures of the Nixon Administration lambasted Graham and the Post for the Watergate stories. Renewed Activity. Robin Webb. Robin Webb was raised in England, UK. It was all kept very private; our one idea was to conceal what had happened not only from the world but from our friends, my family, and even our children. He was the publisher (from 1946 until his death) and co-owner (from 1948) of The Washington Post. When she spoke to her daughter, it was often in the barbed rhythm of insult. He told me that he wanted to preserve our marriage and our family; he said that he loved Robin but would tell her the affair was over, and that he would stay with his family. D.C. In fact, Graham played a significant role in convincing JFK to appoint Johnson to the vice presidency instead of Missouri Senator Stuart Symington. Yet, the publisher must realize that he has obligations which transcend any commercial interest.". In 1962, Phil Graham met Robin Webb, a young Australian woman who had been working in Newsweeks Paris bureau, and he began appearing with her at Newsweek bureaus all over the world. Those first few years of marriage, Phil and I had a very happy time. The babushka melted. He said he felt trapped, no longer able to go on; that everything was black. . While the Times and the two wire services, A.P. The End. Graham had every reason to refuse or defer publication of the Pentagon Papers. In doing so, she and her editor, Ben Bradlee, dragged the Post out of the sea of the ordinary and made it great, made it a rival of the New York Times. "So I restated the matter urging him not to count on Johnson's turning it down . Mumble Sauce, About Us . The whole idea of buying Newsweek and adding yet another huge responsibility to his already too-full plate made me nervous. Phil viewed this whole sequence of events, with some reason, as a violation of his rights and civil liberties. Baseball Surrounded by her male editors and executives, Graham could recognize in herself the same reflexes of deference she had learned as a daughter and as a wife. He sparked ideas, praised and persuaded, criticized and cajoled. He left no note of any kind. With time, Katharine was becoming more and more troubled, less and less secure. Graham was from a Florida family whose financial prospects, while far from dire, were a matter of occasional drama. On Aug. 3, 1963, former Washington Post publisher Philip Graham, having struggled with severe bouts of depression for at least five years, went into the bathroom of his family farm near Marshall,. Despite Katharines fear of living out her life alone and unaccomplished, she soon met one of the brightest young men in her Washington circlePhilip Graham, a protg and clerk of Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter. He told me that he loved me and said we would be married and go to Florida, if I could live with only two dresses, because I had to understand that he would never take anything from my father and we would live on what he made. It was incredibly exciting. I had begun writing so-called light editorials and laying out parts of the editorial page. I was expected to perform all the pulling and hauling; Phil gave directions and put the fun in my life and the childrens. The subject of the cruise seemed to cause her, so many years later, intense painpain beyond the loss of her husband. A nice full head of hair, and well combed. . There is still a vital distinction. Theater They had a natural affinity. She hardly exists in Woodward and Bernsteins books, and she is portrayed in cardboard terms almost everywhere else. District Line Daily: Our news, politics, arts, food, and sports coverage in one email every weekday. Under Philip Graham, the Post had no prayer of even pretending to match the standards of the countrys best paper. I would be recalled to the home office. The Life and Death of a Ukrainian Photographer. Tenants in Rent-Controlled Units Could See as Much as 8.9 Percent Increases, The Cranky Redskins Fans Guide to Dan Snyder. His temperament, his interests, and his style are quite different from his mothers. Some of my deepest friendships began with an administration person whom I got to know because of my association with the paper.. When she suggested to the Newsweek editors that it might be a good idea to hire Aline Saarinen, of the Times, to edit the back of the book, they brushed the suggestion off, saying that the closings were too late, that the physical demands of the job would be too much. . AKA Philip Leslie Graham. Her story was not easy to figure out. 2023 Cond Nast. The book has been republished twice by small presses. . Kennedy went back to his headquarters and, according to Arthur Schlesinger in "Robert Kennedy and His Times," told Bobby, "You just won't believe it. As a way to solidify this code, Ochs developed the idea of a paper of record.. Dr. Phil McGraw and his wife Robin McGraw attend the ceremony honoring Dr. Phil McGraw with a star on The Hollywood Walk Of Fame on February 21, 2020. My father had indeed given Phil the major part of the stock, and Phil had run the company well, but it was the millions invested in the paper by my father that enabled it to survive the years of losses. It was a fleeting, mystifying moment, but a very real one. I was earning about $1,500 a year. Philip Graham was publisher and later co-owner of The Washington Post. In addition, Farber believed that labeling something, giving a name to a disorder, changed how the patient viewed himself and was viewed by those around him. If you think that it's important to have high quality local reporting we hope you'll support our work with a monthly contribution. Robin was sent away with too little care or attention. The phone rang and I picked it up, not realizing that Phil, too, had picked it up, in his dressing room, with the door shut. In his first, brief tenure at The Post, Ben Bradlee was deeply distressed by the side of Phil that used the paper to achieve his political purposes, however worthy. Only a few minutes later, there was the ear-splitting noise of a gun going off indoors. He felt he owned it because he had worked for 17 years to make it a success, so from his point of view the paper was his. During the 1988 visit to Moscow, I remember, Mrs. Graham said that perhaps she ought to telephone Nancy and tell her about the lengths that the Kremlin was going to in preparing for an imminent summit. The legends of correspondents and their varying abilities to cope with a royal visit were countless. The Post was his instrument, his means of being listened to. My feelings about The Post, however, were very clear. community.". Phil went to school in Miami. On July 5, Johnson held a press conference at which he announced his candidacy. I also think that he realized the illness would recur. Then He Tested Positive for COVID. Philip L. Graham. the tiny fringe of arrogant litists who infect the healthy mainstream of American journalism with their own peculiar view of the world. The fact is, though, that two days after making that statement Colson talked to Howard Hunt about the need to supply more financial help to the defendants in the Watergate trial. There was, of course, no way to press the point. Her obeisance was institutional and political, not merely personal. Events, Football Phil Graham was forty-eight when he died. Grahamone always referred to her as Mrs. Graham, even in private and at great distancesdid not travel in the style of the British Raj, but she was not arriving on a Eurailpass, either.. It was unendurable to him not only that he couldn't make any of it right but that he might cause more hurt again. After lunch, we went upstairs to our bedroom for a nap. Simple Pleasures. On the appointed day, I put on my good blue suit, fired up the office Volvo, and proudly drove the hairdresser to Mrs. Grahams suite at the National Hotel. And by the same token, I would add that my continuing and genuine pride in the papers performance over the past few monthsthe period that seems to be at issuedoes not proceed from some sense that it has gratified my personal whim. (According to some accounts, Philip also threatened to divorce Katharine and marry Robin Webb, a Newsweek stringer with whom he'd been having an affair.) Katharine soon learned of their affair, when she picked up the phone and heard Phil and Robin talking to each other in words that made the situation plain.. Attention would have to be paid. In one case, there were 200 whites arrayed against an equal number of blacks -- with Park Police on horses in the middle. He stepped up his connection to Lyndon Johnson. Page Three He had the ideas, the jokes, the games. In some ways, this was the bottom moment for me -- very confusing, very difficult, and very painful. Certainly he saw his whole endeavor as useless unless he could project a future for The Post in the family. Despite his early apprehensions about my father's wealth, politics, and possible impulse to control, Phil gradually grew very close to him. (One area that, surprisingly, started to shift under my feet was the Posts editorial quality. He remained seriously depressed but seemed to me to be quite noticeably better, even after only a week or so at Chestnut Lodge. Once married, we were confined to running houses, providing a smooth atmosphere, dealing with children, supporting our husbands. City Desk At one point, he wanted to fire the highly respected editorial writer Alan Barth, who had dared to defend the right of Earl Browder, the former secretary-general of the Communist Party in America, not to name names before a Senate subcommittee. You cant go. Robin Webb Retweeted Franklin Graham @Franklin_Graham 4 Dec 2017 TOMORROW morning Jack Phillips' case will be coming before the Supreme Court. It introduced him to Felix Frankfurter. In the process of blowing his stack, as only he could do, Ben felt a tap on his shoulder and turned to find Phil, who said, "Okay, buster, come with me," and led the way to his office. Phil firmly stated his intention to divorce me and marry Robin. On an August afternoon, Phil and Katharine went together to their farm, Glen Welby: We had lunch on two trays on the back porch at Glen Welby, chatting and listening to some classical records. Despite Phil s constant self-flagellation about being the son-in-law of a rich and powerful clan, he did not shy from the advantages for long. We don't have one. I had visions of that fellow in the balloon, high above the plain, floating into journalistic obscurity, so I did what one cannot ordinarily do with a babushka. If there are any smart literary agents around these days, one of them will copyright the title The Breaking of the President, the piece said, for it is becoming more obvious with every passing day that the men and the movement that broke Lyndon B. Johnsons authority in 1968 are out to break Richard M. Nixon in 1969.. For nearly all Post reporters and editors, even those few who ventured to call her Kay, she was the woman who signed our checks, the Queen Mother, a cartoon figure with a lockjaw voice that sounded, to us, like money. He has an example to follow. Terms & Conditions At that point, Phil got together with {columnist} Joe Alsop to discuss the merits of Lyndon Johnson as Kennedy's running mate. In England, she lunched with Harold Laski, but then went off to Salzburg to meet her mother, who treated us to the Hotel Bristol and tickets to the music festival there. While a friend went on to visit the socialist experiment in Moscow, Katharine, on the stern advice of her father, did not. Graham, Katharine (1917-2001) American newspaper publisher who guided the Washington Post through its most turbulent period when it published the "Pentagon Papers" and investigated the Watergate affair. In 1934, when Phil was 19, his mother died of cancer -- he later confessed that he had cried himself to sleep night after night in college. I got it for her. The car, at least, was waiting and its driver was sober. Nixon told his men to treat the Post absolutely coldly and spoon-feed scoops to its local rival, the Star. I did not go to help you. and U.P.I., were infuriating the White House with reporting that showed the contrast between the official statements of the generals and the dire situation in the field, the Post could not keep pace. During that Leningrad trip, the only moment that hinted at something mysterious and human came when we were in a map room at the Hermitage Museum. James Reston, who was then a friend of the Grahams and was the most eminent figure at the Times, repeatedly declined offers to go to the Post. Into this vacuum, Phil moved swiftly and with great assurance. Bradlee now sees himself as the self-appointed leader of. In 1966, Truman Capote, her neighbor at the U.N. Plaza, where she kept a New York apartment, threw his famous Black-and-White costume ball for her. Robin Webb. . . The second week in February, he called me at work late one afternoon suggesting that we have dinner at Harvey's, a famous old seafood restaurant next door to the Mayflower, where we could buy the early edition of The Post. Mrs. Graham looked quite handsome, I thought. Katharines mother, Agnes Meyer, was descended from Lutheran ministers. All that was mostly over now, though I tried to be with them as much as possible. This is not the sort of moment one could hope to find in the self-examination of Andrew Carnegie or Colonel McCormick, much less of Bill Gates or Rupert Murdoch. As for Phil, at the same time that he was building me up, he was tearing me down. Im here If you need me and I love you. At the beginning of August 1957, Johnson, who was then Senate majority leader, asked Phil to help him win passage of what became the Civil Rights Act of 1957. She went ahead with the publication of the Pentagon Papers, and she backed her reporters and editors during Watergate, when the Post Companys survival was under threat and the paper was all alone in pursuing the story. between the constitutionally protected expression of dissent. Phil was born in 1915 in Terry, S.D., and moved as a boy to the Everglades, where his father, Ernest Graham, was manager of a sugar cane plantation. Under Philip Graham's management, the newspaper, thanks to its collaboration with the CIA, experienced an upswing and its empire expanded, including the purchase of the then-moribund Newsweek magazine [1] and other media properties. Local Dining Guide, City Lights That Christmas Eve afternoon, the world I had known and loved ended for me. He refused to be used, particularly by my mother, or to be dominated by her. The cost of failure was incalculable. His widow was left to confront all the myths and all the insulations that her marriage, her class, and her sex had imposed on her. Dr. Phil McGraw has worked extremely hard over the years . But what of it? I began keeping a little accounts book, dutifully noting every penny spent, including the cost of gas and oil for the car, stamps, groceries, even our personal allowances, which were $9 each per week. In 1962, he began an affair with Australian journalist Robin Webb, for whom he would later threaten to divorce his wife Katharine Meyer Graham. The Young Publisher, In many ways, Phil was at his very best as a publisher in these years. It was he who instilled in Phil a distrust, fear, and horror of any drugs, not to mention shock therapy, claiming that these treatments reduced people to something less than human -- something tranquilized and fishlike. If one compares the approach of the liberal media (the Post, the Times, etc.) . This being Russia, however, I could not bet with any confidence against the possibility that he was at this very moment converting his cash into a refreshing liquidity at some local bote. My father received a confidential letter from his friend Kent Cooper, former general manager of the Associated Press, who was living in retirement in Palm Beach. He contracted polio at less than one year of age and, due to the lack of metal immediately after the second world war, was placed by doctors in a plaster of Paris cast for two and a half years. He and his girlfriend flew to Phoenix to attend a meeting of The Associated Press. He had all the symptoms of severe depression -- overwhelming doubt about himself and his abilities, a desire to seclude himself from the world, indecision even about what pair of shoes to wear, guilt, and occasional talk of suicide. @robin.webb.100. By June 17th, thanks to his national editor, Ben Bagdikian, he had his own set of papers. At once he became my father's close collaborator. I told him I had the feeling that he thought my point of view was different from Phils, but that in general Phil and I had agreed. What made the situation even more complicated was the status of the Post. Phil also wanted Frank Stanton, still CBS president, to become COMSAT's president and operating head. The Post publisher took a mistress, Robin Webb, whom he set up in a large house in Washington and a farm outside of the city. Grahams mentor, Felix Frankfurter, talked him out of firing Barth, but Graham did print an apologetic note in the paper undermining the original editorial. I found him captivating. Gradually, I became the drudge and, whats more, accepted my role as a kind of second-class citizen. As I began to lead the way down the steps, a bus-size babushkathe usherfixed me with a hard look and said, Nelzya. Impossible. ), it is preposterous to say that the rules of the game are the same. As the administration got rolling, Phil and I went to the first of several dinner dances at the Kennedy White House. City Lights: Your weekly guide to artsy goings-on, hitting your inbox Thursdays and Sundays. John Ehrlichman, Ronald Ziegler, H. R. Haldeman, and Nixon himself all charged the Post with disloyalty. His anxiety as a son-in-law was in place before the wedding vows. By this time, Robin had returned to Paris. Later, she developed an infatuation with the work of Thomas Mann and seems to have made endless demands on the authors time and patience. Museums/Galleries It is not usually advisable, or possible, to argue with a Soviet bus, but my priorities were clear. I remember his commenting on how well Phil wrote and how much he'd like to have him work for The Washington Post. Courtesy photo Editor's Note: This story originally appeared in the summer 2019 edition of. He replied, Oh, yes, very. Son: Stephen Meyer Graham (b. . Openings Lets go, lets publish. And by doing that she opened the way to Watergate and to the Posts position as a rival of the Times. 1952) Mistress: Robin Webb (Newsweek journalist, 1962) High School: Miami High School, Miami, FL I found it impossibly difficult to learn and never really did, although my children tried having me learn by stamping out cigarettes and drying myself with bath towels. An exception is David Halberstams 1979 book, The Powers That Be, which provides a vivid group portrait of the men and women behind the Post, CBS, Time, and the Los Angeles Times. I grew up considerably, mostly thanks to him. I was not about to give up the paper without a fight. This is a surprising piece of work on every level. Mrs. Graham spotted a map of the Aegean and Black Seas and began to talk about a cruise she had taken in the summer of 1963, not long after her husband died. But that statistic has to be balanced by the conservatism of nearly all publishers. After the war, Phil Graham was even more national security conscious than before. It worked, but at the same time it hurt the paper. Under Phil Graham, the Post had a well-respected editorial page and mediocrity nearly everywhere else; it was not even the best paper in the city. Philip Leslie "Phil" Graham (July 18, 1915 - August 3, 1963) was an American newspaper publisher. Since architects can't go up, they feel like they have to use every inch, so it's a striking building that takes up 80 percent of its block near 12th and F streetsthere are trees and an open area. And yet his periods of lucidity and humor, of lively intelligence, were frequent enough to confuse her and delay any sense of reckoning. The Post Company had gone public just two days before getting the papers, and publication could easily have affected its stock prices for the worse. I was already committed to Kennedy. Years later he told me that he had developed his wit and humor as a way to deal with his younger-boy social and athletic disadvantages. Robin Webb. He even got the patients to take a vote among themselves. At dinner that night, Phil stood up and went straight to the lectern, where he began to speak. Curiously I was in complete accord with this idea. Sometimes Katharine glimpsed her parents as they were dressing to go out, or as Agnes was being massaged and manicured in preparation for the evenings entertainment. Phil, who had been helping him prepare for this moment for months, was at his side working on his statement. The story, of course, revealed nothing of Mrs. Graham. I think he felt he'd done such harm the last time around that he just couldn't deal with it, couldn't fix everything. The talent level in the newsroom began to shift, and so did the culture of the place. We in Moscow had neither the time nor the luxury that would allow us to confirm these legends. Film/TV Even when Katharine was the publisher of the Post, David Halberstam writes in The Powers That Be, she felt as if she were in her mothers shadow. I almost rather died!. Like many members of his class and generation, his postwar view was shaped by his work in wartime intelligence; a classic Cold War liberal, he was uncomfortable with McCarthy, but quite friendly with the personnel and policies of the CIA. So, on June 18, 1946, The Post announced that my father was withdrawing from active direction of the paper. Graham was one of four children. I didn't hear the term "manic-depression" until some years later. He was in charge of a losing newspaper in what was rapidly becoming the capital of the world. She did not have to. Katharine's husband Philip battled alcoholism and mental illness throughout the marriage. Weymouth's brother, Stephen Graham,. In 1949, riots were taking place, as members of the Progressive Party led black children to swim in Washington's previously all-white public swimming pools. Robin Webb (Songbird) See Photos. That. Five months later, Phil Graham, once again in a trough of depression, ended the affair and came home.}. Phil knew he controlled The Post because my father had given him the majority of A shares. For whatever reason, I liked to be dominated and to be the implementer. Robin Webb. Around the table in Phil's office sat Secretary of the Interior Julius "Cap" Krug, Undersecretary Oscar Chapman, President Truman's special adviser Clark Clifford, and two or three others. My God! she said, covering her pearls with the tips of her fingers. . But, always, it was he who decided and I who responded. His health, already frail, was affected physically and mentally. At that meeting he offered him the vice-presidency -- both because he thought he had to and because he thought that Johnson would not accept. Gravely, as if we were negotiating the Treaty of Ghent, I gave her an annotated copy of Vogue, a mug shot of Mrs. Graham, and a hundred dollars. He was quite a success. Everything except Phil's personal expenses was carried by me from the modest trust started for each of the Meyer children by my father. Up to that time I had been a fairly present mother, attending school functions, driving teams to sports events, trying to be back in the afternoons when the kids got back from school. Mixing Politics. Robin, who is a philanthropist, entrepreneur, and best-selling author, opened up about their marriage on her husband's podcast, "Phil in the Blanks." "We don't have the perfect marriage," she admitted. According to Otis, who told me all of this only much later, Phil was disheveled and spinning out ideas, some of which were unintelligible. That decision may have been right for me, she writes, but it was so wrong for Bill and Steve and even for Donso wrong that I wonder how I could have made it. It was featured, with a photograph, in the next days edition of Pravda. When she travelled to Paris, she quite naturally took up with Brancusi and Rodin and Stein and Satie; she took fencing lessons with Mme. Coronavirus, Carry-out Critic It's hard to describe my devastation after my discovery of the affair. Was the Posts editorial quality of American journalism with their own peculiar of... Father was withdrawing from active direction of the place affair and came home }. Is a surprising piece of work on every level in fact, Graham played a significant role in JFK... Could n't make any of it right but that statistic has to be dominated by her of... I tried to be balanced by the conservatism of nearly all publishers felt trapped no... Still CBS president, to become COMSAT 's president and operating head when he.... 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robin webb phil graham photos
