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my husband chooses his family over me islam

That way your husband does not get to choose his family over you. Confronting and forcing him to choose between you and his family should never be an option. If you dont say it, your husband wont know it. And your husband ends up giving more importance to that because that is what he has been used to seeing in his family. Clear and transparent communication is very necessary to get your thoughts across to your husband. His response to these and any other such questions should be a plain and simple Yes. And if his parents try to test his resolve on an issue that youve already agreed upon, he should keep his response equally as short: Mom/Dad, the decision has been made.. You will not get to crib then that your husband chooses his family over you and he will be satisfied by doing his bit for his side of the family. You have dont nothing wrong. Marriage is a life-changing decision and must be taken . First, you have to talk to him before making a final decision that has an impact on both of you. Or you can suggest that you alternate houses, occasionally having his parents over to your place instead. Show him that you know how he feels. And lets just be clear: joining him for family gatherings and respecting his right to spend time with his family outside of your relationship is an important part of that relationship. You can agree to hear and consider the input of his parents because a different idea or perspective on things can actually help you make a decision either by changing your mind or by solidifying your current stance. Realize he is their child first and he lived with them much longer than he lived with you. Basically, by behaving the way hes doing now, hes in breach of contract. Sister, I am sorry that you are in such a difficult position. Instead of arguing, try to be a team player with your husband. As such, he needs to understand that compromises need to be made. And i told him I understood. Trust me, youll feel instantly better when you open up to him. And that schedule should be something his family are aware of, too, especially if they have a habit of turning up at your place unannounced. Your husband may have lived in such a dynamic for his entire life. He says I am trying to dictate to him and his family . Seek your spouse's help. Understand husband chooses his family because he doesnt know how not to. Whats the point of marriage when it becomes sex-less eventually anyways? Sure, he may be very close with his blood family, but he chose you to be part of this family. It shows honor and respect for your spouse. First, take a step back and breathe. But he sats none of my business. Some people might be absolutely okay with older family members making decisions for them and ruling their lives so they dont have to adult, but if one of you is okay with this and the other isnt, then theres going to be conflict. Should he balk at that idea, or insist that you back down and accept abuse and ill treatment for the sake of maintaining familial harmony, then youll have some tough decisions ahead of you. Ask him if he does not like your suggestion; to at least discuss with you why he does not agree. As a consequence, your man spent a significant amount of time with his family, be it family dinners, gatherings, or game nights. Sister, assertiveness is a very important tool for communication. The way to approach situations where his parents feel that it is okay to force their views and wishes upon you is to do so tactfully and respectfully. Then make it very clear to your relatives without being rude that you have work to do when they are dropping in so if you remain confined to your room, they should not hold it against you. Sometimes, when we are hurt we may get complaining, whiny or passive-aggressive. If you dont, then you could be alienating him from you. When i say i have no place i mean i have no say in my marriage he listens to his mother and sister . But why do men choose their families over their wives in the first place? Your email address will not be published. Tell your husband to ask his parents to choose one destination and the second holiday destination will be your choice. Tell him to have the weekends for such visits. But you cannot always choose your family over your spouse. As a wife, you have to realize when your husband chooses his family he is actually making a tightrope walk and succumbing to a lot of pressure. The thing is, when your husband lived with his parents, his priorities were different. Inshallah Copyright IslamWeb 2023. You two are a united team in a world that can be incredibly difficult and hostile to negotiate. See what makes him feel compelled to pay or spend on his birth family. This could get really annoying because this is one of the tell-tale signs your husband puts his family first. Patients is something we have to do in marriage but upto limit talk through it if still havent changed then I would say dont waste time on him before you have children from him and they suffer too like you are get out of this relationship after giving sometime to him he dont change then dont wait long take the step to separate from him This is a reality many married women face in India. ), 9 Highly Effective Ways To Deal With Condescending People, Help! Pray to Allah SWT for guidance, mercy and help. And I know that this kind of situation can be very hurtful and you just want to let all the anger out and say whats on your mind. Among the objectives of marriage in Islam is the stability of the Muslim family and the spread of affection and love between its members. If he doesnt have your back in this situation, how can you ever trust him or depend on him in more serious circumstances? Marriage, in reality, is not like it is portrayed in Hallmark movies. Youll either need to establish dominance in this hierarchy, making it absolutely clear that this awful behavior wont be tolerated, or leave. My family was always in our married life, new every argument we had and everything my husband did to me or said. I dont have a Wali and my mother is haunted by Jinns. He may get really defensive, and tell you that youre being over sensitive or that things arent that big a deal. He has always been prioritizing them in small ways and does not realize how much he is hurting you by giving you a second-citizen treatment. Related Reading: 5 ways to deal with your husbands parents. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Well, family feuds are a real thing and if you watched that movie, youd know what Im talking about. Yes, that includes your spouses attachment to his family. Maybe you just imagined that hes been neglecting you. Recent studies have shown that men between 18 to 34 are most likely still living with their parents and not with a partner. I daily think of leaving him as I feel low of my self. Maybe youre wrong and hes right. Instead, hes allowing you to be mistreated, disrespected, and made to feel like crap. Share your feelings with him and see how hell react. Its always a good thing to see your husband spending time with his family and friends, but overly prioritizing one over the other can have a huge impact on your marriage. On top of that, if your husband accepts he has a problem and hes willing to cooperate, that shows you that youre still his priority. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. I lived with 4 cousins in one apartment and had to do household works in huge bulks. He and I have no privacy. While this can become a sore point in the relationship, its not something you may want to jeopardize your marriage over. Women's inheritance laws in Islam. Thats not how issues are solved. He was treating me as his maid. Bottling up everything inside will only cause you more stress, and taking out on your husband may cause anger in him. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". If he doesnt realize this, or he doesnt want anything to change, then thats a sign that he probably still has a lot of growing up to do. As such, they may not be aware of how unhealthy it is, or how badly their family members behavior is affecting you. Does Islam allow this. Its just that the bond that he has with his family is strong and you have to show him that he has a family on his own now. Try expressing to him that putting his marriage first is good for him, too. Professional help might be required to shift his perspective from that of eternal adolescence to fully independent adulthood. He treats me so. Really close. All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. He grew up with them, so things cant change overnight. . You are doing the right thing. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. My husband has 3 elder sisters. He vowed to stand by your side for better or worse, and now hes reneging on that vow. Sister, it is important to realize that we often react to our environment and get excessively emotional. Praise be to Allah. Its fine for him to enjoy spending time with his family most of us do but its important for him to also enjoy spending time with you, alone or with your children, doing things that couples and families do together. His father too follow hanafi teaching. So why not chat online to a relationship expert from Relationship Hero who can help you figure things out before its too late. Get your dose of relationship advice from Bonobology right in your inbox. Being with such a man is a real struggle. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Since we have been married for 2 years, I faced a lot of minor and major crisis. You have answered a lot of your questions and gave reasonings. His mother passed away three years ago, unexpectedly. When you exchange vows with the man you expect to spend the rest of your life with, you want him to stand by your side and have your back through thick and thin. When Team Bonobology puts a story together be sure to find strong research-based content. We celebrate the happy, imperfect love without judgment or bias, and strive to help people love more mindfully by viewing their relationship patterns from the lens of mental health and psychology. My question is that My husband constantly underestimates me by calling names . I'm very suspicious to live with him cause it might be a danger to my life he might kill me that's why I have taken a decision for a divorce. }[Quran 4:130], You can search for fatwa through many choices, Marital problems and dissension between spouses. Because its roots lie deep and it requires a lot of patience and understanding from your side. 1. A caring son could also mean a caring husband. Privacy Policy | About us |Contact us 2023 Think Aloud. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. 1. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. In any case, we advise you to be patient and repel the thoughts that tell you that your husband does not love you or that he is not happy with you and the like. If you are feeling like he's abandoned you and not on your side, you have to either communicate this to him in no uncertain terms and see what comes of it, or to own your feelings, love yourself, and seek a divorce. Ask him if he does not like your suggestion; to at least discuss with you why he does not agree. You feel betrayed and abandoned by your husband. It involves putting across your message in a clearer and confident way. Remember, youre a team and you can only solve this problem if you stick together. What can I do about it? Dont let your emotions govern your actions and dont let them turn into resentment. Why? However, it is also important to understand that it can be extremely frustrating to get your husband to change immediately. This brings us to the perennial dilemma of what to do when your husband is too attached to his family. This is a common problem women face in collectivistic cultures and especially in the sub-continent. To this day, all their conflicts around Meenus complaint, My husband always supports his mother. No matter how much she resents him for it, Rajesh continues to be the dutiful son. This can only be achieved by each spouse knowing and fulfilling the rights of the other in the best manner. is the couple-relationship destination for Indians everywhere! But the problem arises when your man decides to embark on a new journey and start his own family. Be careful to always approach him with respect and try to be patient. But if theyre hurting you and making you feel disrespected, then yes this is a big deal indeed. I know that youre hurt now. Still not sure what to do about your husband taking the side of his family over you? Instead, show compassion and understanding. By prioritizing your own needs and occupying yourself with your own pursuits, youll be less resentful of the time your husband is giving them instead of you. That is not done. Resentment would create negativity in your relationship. 17/02/2020. Sit him down and make it very clear to him that this is absolutely not cool with you. Even when I have an illness, he doesn't take care of me. He feels guilty for not spending enough time with his family. But the thing is, when the problem occured he was not my side. Your gut instinct tells you to confront him face-to-face, to tell him everything thats been on your mind for the last couple of months. In many cases, it has also happened that a husband has relocated his entire family abroad because his parents wanted him to stay near them. Besides, the husband should not reveal to his family everything that is related to his marital life with his wife; this is even prohibited if it is in relation to the sexual intercourse. Here are 12 things you could do to make the dynamics of your relationship with your husband vis-a-vis his family more streamlined: They could be working or they could be homemakers but it is a fact that the Indian mothers life revolves around children. Healthy communication with your partner means you always talk about everything with him and make all of your decisions together. Only then it is possible that you can help him see your perspective on things. The famous mamas boy. And, quite frankly, if he cant change his ways and treat you as an equal to his family, there are any great choices. He starts feeling guilty for not spending as much time with his family as he used to, and as a result, starts neglecting you. His conscience is killing him and he feels compelled to go back to his old habits. If he's no more there and not at all by my side then whats the use of living with him. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. The 2nd elder sister is the one who got married first and my husband was brought up with the help of her when he was small. Using you statements puts the other person on a defensive mode and the communication does not go anywhere. Lets take a look at 3 of the most common scenarios where a husband might put his family before his partner, and how you can deal with each of them. And for them, you have been giving that zip-lining and bungee jumping holidays a miss. My husband always supports his mother the more you let this thought fester in your mind, the harder it will be to accept their bond. Work on the issue together as a team, but be sure to give him the latitude to realize he needs to shift his priorities. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Unfortunately, not everyone has enough money to buy a house once they find the love of their life. jj Practice assertiveness when it comes to communication; communicate Using I statements. Ask for his perspective on things, so he doesnt feel like youre barraging him with a volley of issues about the people he loves, and allow for the possibility that there might be some situations in which theres misinterpretation. Even by those he loves. Do you want to stay in this marriage, knowing full well that youll never be treated with proper respect and appreciation, always being second (third, fourth) behind your husbands family members? I receive a commission if you choose to purchase anything after clicking on them. Your husband is in control of his life, not you. You shouldnt hold any grudges or ghost him he doesnt deserve that. They three are united to an extent that i have no place. Things will only get worse if you let your hurt feelings turn toxic. Then and there he has been flown to abroad (Japan) for 6 years yet he seems to be spending for his family until marriage. My husband has always catered to his family. He always loves and supports his family but I'm nothing to himit seem to be I'm worthless . Fighting wont resolve the issue at hand, ever! She has been known to subsist on coffee and soup for days at a time, and when she isn't writing or tending her garden, she can be found wrestling with various knitting projects and befriending local wildlife. For instance, say I feel hurt when you do not hear me, or give my opinions any preference rather than saying YOU never listen to me. When children are socialized in India it is drilled into their head that your parents will always be your priority and even now when sons want to have a separate residence after marriage there is severe criticism not only from parents but also relatives and the neighbors who keep saying: there goes the son tied to the wifes pallu. You sure wont have your happy-ever-after if you do. Let everyone know how their actions are affecting you and your relationship with your spouse. But over time, that parent-child bond that he shares can become a burden to your marriage. If he heads for his parents room after office, you tell him thats just fine but he has to ensure after that when he is with you the door of your room is closed and you have your own space. His daily routine changes and hes confused since his priority list has changed drastically. I feel like a nobody in my own home. Dear Dr. Buckingham, I've been married for eleven years and have one 8-year-old child. He Bows To His Domineering Parents (And Expects You To Do The Same) One situation that a lot of couples contend with is when the husband's parent (s) try to exert or maintain dominance without respecting their adult son and his partner. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. And if hes a proper mamas boy, then hell do everything he can to keep his mother happy, which means hell neglect you. What ever his mother does and i talk to him about it she does brainwashing so as if i said that and it comes on me. Help Your Husband Look at Things From A Different Perspective. Pray to Allah SWT for guidance, mercy and help. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. Battle lines have been drawn, so to speak. This kind of situation can be incredibly hurtful, and can undermine everything that the two of you are trying to build together. But if you try to turn his family against him, things will only get worse. Manage Settings The relationship between a man and his family should not get in the way of his relationship with his wife and children. However in the past three years, it has gotten worse. Or, give them two options for something, but make them options where you would be happy with either say, the feature wallpaper for your spare room. Pour your energy into hobbies and personal pursuits. Leaving him. He is islamic and so am i but my parents follow the hanafi teachings and i didnt tell him before getting married as I thought its not important now he doesnt talk to my parents n ill tteats me because of that. There were some problems with my husband, and at work, and he could not leave the UK and did not see his family for eight years. 3. speaking to someone via, chat online to a relationship expert from Relationship Hero, How To Deal With A Husband Who Wont Talk To You About Anything, 7 Simple Tips To Be Happy In An Unhappy Marriage, 13 Sad Signs Of A Selfish Husband (+ How To Deal With Him), 5 Reasons You Feel Trapped In Your Relationship/Marriage, 16 Surefire Ways To Get Your Marriage Back On Track, 14 Signs Of Emotional Neglect In A Relationship, How To Deal With Someone Who Repeatedly Disrespects Your Boundaries, How To Get People To Respect You: 7 No Bullsh*t Tips That Actually Work. Being with a husband who sides with his family every time is an excruciating situation to contend with. If hes not willing to cooperate, then theres not much you can do about it alone. Have an honest and open conversation with your husband Were your one-stop destination for unraveling the mystery that is love. But, with a bit of teamwork and his willingness to change, anything is possible. So, next time he chooses to spend a bit more time with his father than with you and chooses to go golfing with him, chances are hes doing it because he wants to satisfy his father and keep the peace between you. Plus, we are sure, you wouldnt really appreciate a man who is not there with his parents when they genuinely and really need him. It is natural that you will feel put down and dismissed. 970K views, 16K likes, 288 loves, 78 comments, 136 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Watsicao: Ngi n ng thy nh m mnh trong nh t ph Whether she is a virgin or a previously married woman, her consent must be obtained before her father or guardian can act on her behalf in any marriage contract. Learn how your comment data is processed. And thats a beautiful thing. If your husband isnt willing to support you and stand up for you while youre being disrespected by his parents, siblings, or extended family members, then you need to ask yourself whether youre okay facing that kind of abuse forever. You need to constantly work on your team-playing skills as youre not born with them. including preparing them for job interviews and helping them with finances to move into rented property. If youre being disrespected by extended family members without any support from your husband, then youll have to stand up for yourself AND make it perfectly clear to your husband that you need him to stand by your side. Most of the time he is not realizing the pressures he is putting on his wife by having an entourage of relatives always at home. Person on a new journey and start his own family and especially the!, mercy and help his family should not get to choose his family every time is an excruciating to... 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my husband chooses his family over me islam
