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polynesian kingdom of atooi

All the other agendas are mute. Hawaii was already united as a Kingdom that remains under military occupancy but was not abolished. Aole u really like one pothead as one leader? Lets all focus our energies on supporting the established avenue for the emergence of the Hawaiian Kingdom. Your attention to, and compliance with this important legal matter is greatly appreciated. These are ignorant thugs who invoke their ethnicity as an excuse to bully or defraud others and commit criminal acts. Too much herbs and Disney Channel. The follow-up questions that should have been asked are obvious, but they remained unasked and the broader meaning of this unified response to the Kingdo of Atooi remains unrecognized. 1915(e)(2) Stop the Hate,it only hurts you. What is past is pau..history. I meant that When Hawaiians assert.. .did not mean to imply all Hawaiians assert anything. Should Hawaii go back to being a Kingdom?I would hope they would choose a for of government were they people have more of a voice this time. It is still a Kingdom. I was citing things from this book. It is unjust what the U.S. did and continues to do. Im grateful that at the helm is Ke Akua and at the wheel is Keanu, and the wonderful faithful crew. Shame these kids get to play their hate games,name calling and judgments here on this so called pono Hawaiian kingdom blog and to top it off they claim to be part of Akua. I think it might be the right thing to do because it was not done in a way that was best for the Hawaiian people. I get frustrated sometimes when individuals or groups get you Always am amazed at the way you keep things pono. what lands they are entitled to. Learn how your comment data is processed. Out of Chaos, comes Order. The so-called Kingdom of Atooi is controlled by Dayne Gonzalves of Kekaha, a small community on the Hawaiian island of Kauai. The Queen listened to the people and their distaste for the illegitimate 1887 Bayonet constitution and made plans to write a new Constitution. It is the year 2012 and the Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi (PKOA) is finally recognized by the United Nations as an indigenous sovereign nation. I just want to say that it was the English (or British as you state) who heard it first and placed in on their maps. It said it had worked on its new government for three years, had its own flag and purported to have its own money. A. Despite this moment of welcome candor in speaking of Gonsalves Atooi, the news media failed to follow-up with this and other statements shared during a press conference a week after the attempted OHA takeover. These were acts of terroristic threatening and serious assault, yet those arrests, some with long, public criminal records that include domestic violence against family members, currently face only minor charges, he said. Any inference that the IDs, Passports, License Plates and any other identifications the group produces for its membership has no legal reference to the United Nations. In other words Their actions can be considered treasonous. people never directly relinquished their claims to their inherent Just spit-balling. yes,the kala is being use nowcause I get..jus saying.if the government of USA money is being run that means they control everything and make the rulesso why cant we handle our own!come get on the SAME TEAM..SO FUNNIE. Oh what a low blow it looks as these people were brought in from somewhere over the rainbow! I have been reading a lot about Hawaii from the period of contact through the occupation as it is pretty amazing stuff. There are a lot of GROUPS yes GROUPS (no one wants to be defined by the G word) out there that will recall that Hawaii was at one time a Hawaiian Kingdom, yet for some reason cant get pass the fact that weve all been duped, the joke was played on us! to discover the wrong or inaccuracy is the actual frustration! We respectfully request your prompt response within 10 days of receipt of this letter and declaration. And his all powerful shiny silver badge used to stop the ferry. And Americanization of the language for us now is makou wahi. The Hawaiians were steering toward joining Britain for security (Hence the flag) or the US. This is a claim. I met Keanu Sai twice, first with Kale Gumapac and second at my classmates and good friend Jr. Kaholowaa house. Why not leave land ownership as is and charge a tax based on value of land or revenue derived from the land, where the money is used to directly benefit Hawaiians much more than today. Then I met Dr Sai and I saw and know that he only shared with us the facts as they now stand and have been standing for the last 121 years. Tia tupato, Taua e Tiranga or as the old Hawaiians would say in one word, mahaoi. Video by Cindy Ellen Russell. This was incredible since Hawaiians literacy rate was well above Americans. Atooi has told you that they have taken the Kingdom back. A verification code will be sent to you. Pilikia NUI!! Government and media are very foolish to extend any deference whatsoever to these asinine backwoods potentates, His Highness-in-his-own-mind Sai, or any other self-proclaimed royalty or poobah-sans-portfolio, especially when they defraud, threaten, or assault people. Captain Cook only stumbled upon the Hawaiian Islands 235 years ago, go figure! With so many other acknowledged oral/written and possibly corrupt explanations concerning PKOA, the UN sets the record straight. Now google search: kepelinos hawaiian collection, and download the PDF from UH Manoa to see how Kepelino wrote his language down. I believe this request and declaration to restore our rightful independence and sovereignty to be supported by international rights and laws. A second-day story by Star-Advertiser writer Timothy Hurley did a much better job characterizing the group. Where is the evidence? I question their integrity, I question their logic and I question their complete lack of leadership and the negative precedent that this sets for the Hawaiian community, she said. Kaikuaanas & kaikuahines before you comment (rationally or irrationally) do the research. President Cleveland decried the Federal Governments involvement in the coup and the creation of a Provisional Government by the wealthy landowners who usurped the Monarchys power. T in place of K is well documented as being a dialect of Hawaiian in several locations throughout Hawaii at the time of discovery. Dumb ass! Would they nullify all current land ownership or just ownership by some people? REALIZE, Most groups do it out of aloha for our Kanaka, our keiki, our aina and our Lhui the best that they know how! Another possibility is that its from outer space. His exchange rate is: watch the coin, listen to me and Ill separate your hard earned cash from you! He should have spent some kala on PR people, instead of paying for those two deputies of his (these two were super funny) Anyways. He has a road map on his face, probably Share to Reddit. 2010 Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi Aleka Aipoalani Ali'i Nui Hawaiian Kingdom Edition Item Preview front.jpg . We are left to wonder if the events of last week had occurred at any other government agency, would the response by authorities have been the same.. I dont really have the ability to become an expert on any of this stuff as it is a lot of information. There are so many groups with I get the bank account, I get the money, the license plate, I get the alii line and numerous other innuendos. The status which PKOA holds in the U.N. was not accepted by formal ceremony nor an Being recognized by the US Government as also being Indigenous Native peoples with a right to self government similar to the Native Americans does not mean that their overthrow and occupation is any less illegal. This is a strategy aimed at those who are on the fence and straddling the alanui. I suppose you are correct! That is my manao on that anyway! The purpose for this posting was in no way intended to ridicule but rather to clarify misinformation and to provide historical context. PKOA membership shall not maintain that the United Nations regulate their cause, purpose or convictions as a Hawaiian group or nation. You did not say most or some, but Hawaiians. These are delusional thugs, and they are very obviously dangerous. illegally imposed upon the Kingdom of Atooi. An Executive Order to allow unimpeded access to our ancestral lands and fisheries on and around the Islands of the Northwestern Islands (the chain of Pacific Islands from Nihoa to Kure) which will remain the property of the United States. After a couple of hours (? God Bless!! The Complaint further alleges that HPD has refused to return Plaintiff's Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi driver's license. Nonsense. been hearing alot too. Ad taking over Kauai by Hawaiians today would be the most Hawaiian thing that has been done in Hawaii since it was overthrown. While several contenders claim rights to the crown, Dayne Aipoalani of The Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi has taken the movement to regain his peoples' rights and land in Hawaii to a whole new. I suspect no for a variety of legal and practical reasons. And dayne will get his day. Right On-Mon!!! Everyone else claiming any rights to any land must have good title. discover what he was up to was around the same moment Thanks for opening my eyes before giving out more money! He signed Executive Order No. Enough of this weak-knee nonsense. Aloha kunoa, e kalamai but have u seen any documents of Daynes koko? Those who have been following in every group. This classification is not targeted to only U.S. Just shame how soo many of us allow ourselves to be fooled this way! that was NOT the answer to the questions being asked over and over again! This action is supported by international law and the United States Constitution. Mahalo Keanu for all the information that has been put out by you with verifications. [A]ll rights [re]served. In other words, I was told that a recent group that was accepted was the Jehovahs Witness Divinity Group. The claim that the word was randomly uttered by a European sailor is absurd. Take a look at the link below: made up of various races along with its aboriginal Kanaka Maoli and The time it took for people to actually The Office of Hawaiian Affairs offices are on lockdown after the group Kingdom of Atooi attempted to storm into the Na Lama Kukui building this afternoon. Based upon this illegal coup and illegitimate seizure of assets and property, the rightful heirs and owners who wish to restore and reestablish the proper ownership and sovereignty to the customary chiefs, the Alii, and their surviving direct descendants. Native Hawaiians never relinquished their sovereignty, is against Hawaiian nationals under international law? Color of skin does not define us. This is pretty atypical. video was so disgraceful, Hilahila! The most accurate source of information about Kauai comes only from kauai, from legends and stories and tales passed on through the generations from the people who still grow up speaking the Native dialects in those areas. : the deliberate and systematic destruction of a racial, political, or cultural group. 187 posts. Enclosed with this letter you will find documents which clearly outline the history of the illegal takeover of our kingdom, our credentials of ownership and sovereignty, our current position, and our requests to rectify this situation. I agree, I have learned so much here online. They knew it was illegal then, they know its illegal now. dropping a great number of consonants, and in discarding entirely the nasal ng, the g, and k.. This independent island nation will be called the Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi. Do you know where i can find a copy of the Annexation between the U S and the H K?? *How can you help take the splinter out of your brothers eye when you have a log in your own?. Your email address will not be published. Remember there were already Russians here, French, Chinese, etc The Hawaiians were steering toward joining Britain for security (Hence the flag) or the US. Hawaiians were literate in two languages versus Americans did only one language. Sad, sad to know that our history has been so polluted and obstructed that a kanakas worst enemy is another kanaka. Theyre more in the tradition of cracking heads, he said. I find it somewhat ironic how you said When Hawaiians assert that white people took their Kingdom, they simply turn people like me off from listening, because 99.999% of white people had nothing to do with taking over Hawaii. You are doing the exact same thing that turns you off when you said Hawaiians assert. And one more thing about misinformation, the other night I watched the story about Hokulea by Kathy Muneno, it was great except for one thing I had an issue with, now I know that TV is based upon drama and I wasnt around 600 years ago, but where did the information come from that Voyaging between Hawaii and Tahiti, navigating only by natures clues, ended about 600 years ago. 2013 1778 = 235 years! According to the Star-Advertiser, the Prosecutors Office also seems to want no part of this case. 779 followers. Fun fact be in on that trick! So we puttin this clown on check. Only the Nation in which said person wishes to make his claim has the responsibility to answer. Brother Keanu. To purchase bread and milk everyone would need to Kalani, a yes or no answer is all I need. Share to Facebook. So remember who the thief is and no foget he has no rights here. Gonsalves has had some run-ins with the law, including the time he was arrested during a Superferry protest in 2007 and when he flashed a kingdom federal marshal badge at a county meeting the same year. Huh ha!! Itll take every last one of us like-minded peoples to educate that same world, spread the truth and engage as many other peoples as possible. Hawaiian never had a written form, thus, any romanization is equally as relevant. Or in cowardly appeasement. They were passively supported by U.S. Marines who were deployed "to protect American lives and property.". Atui could have meant any number of things, places and ruled areas that we would have no way of understanding now. Representing the "Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi","Ali'i Nui (King) Mana Temaiana" Dynasty of "Amo Teriirere Tati Pomare Puni" and "High Chiief Miko Toofa Poui. This guy is at the UN convincing people that Hawaii has become decolonized when in reality Hawaii has never been colonized, ever. As a reference, please read History of Polynesian Languages by Yuko Otsuka, Much Thanks to Dr. Sai for helping to set the Record Straight:) Always lifting you & your family Up in prayer:), Mahalo Dr. Sai for Recognition THAT ALLI NUI IS WHO HE SAID HE clients anymore! Implies occupation over a nation of people not limited to race. They were asking him can this currency be used anywhere in the world? sovereignty as a people or over the national lands to the United states Dismissal of the Complaint Under the In Forma Pauperis Statute - 28 U.S.C. The Official Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi Blog The Official PKOA Blog Skip to content Home About FCB of Polynesia is Launching Digital Kala December 6, 2014 / Leave a comment The First Central Bank of Polynesia is preparing to launch Digital Kala. It helps to research other dialects of Olelo Maoli, to better understand the Hawaiian. only to be proven wrong or inaccurate. Ian, the overthrow was 1893, not 1983. Knowing these facts would if suffice to say that by 1840 Hawaiians understood the laws and politics in their country? The men were dressed in red or black t-shirts identifying them as federal marshalls, most also displaying badges. Lesson learned. That would certainly be relevant for viewers trying to decide how much weight to give his views. That is like saying everyone who is Hawaiian is asserting that. They most definately dont! On Jan. 17, 1893, the reigning monarch of Hawaii, Queen Liliuokalani, surrendered the nation under duress and written protest, in order to avoid death and unnecessary bloodshed among her people. There are probably other schemes as well. Irish and Russians are both people who dont put with anyones entitled BS, and Ireland is one the strongest fighters world wide for native equality and people who have had their land occupied and stolen, the way England has done to Ireland. If it was beyond his control would be one thing, but My ohana & I have been saying the same things since we first heard of this atooi group. Yah-mon, got plenty there for the whole family mon! A fool and his money are soon parted! It should have been stated something similar to the below: I doubt they would even have enough money. Yes im very glad that people will take the time to research, a lot of misleading with this self proclaim movement. Really? For more information or a membership form, contact: phone: (808) 482-1050 mail: PO Box 50596, Eleele, HI 96705 email: To learn more about the Kingdom of Atooi, check out the articles below: On the Kingdom of Atooi This commentary was prepared by: Alii Nui Aimokupuni and Government of Atooi, Puna and Kona Districts, Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi Sir Dayne Aleka Nakaahiki Kanakaole Poikauahi Aipoalani, K.V.C.K. The sovereignty of Hawaiian Kingdom was never ceded to Dayne gonsalves is who he says he is!! As a native Hawaiian of aboriginal descent and the Alii of the Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi, I humbly and respectfully accept the presidents apology, and currently am in reconciliation. That's why they are known as the Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi, Hawaiian Kingdom! Your username will be emailed to the email address on file. On the Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi website, it is claimed that "Atooi" is translated in the native language to mean "Light of God," but this is not correct because "Atooi" is not a Hawaiian word, but rather a British version of a Hawaiian word spelled using British phonics. Third rail indeed. We already get our answer. The Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi/The Hawaiian kingdom Delhi University About Serial entrepreneur with experience in taking concepts and ideas to market to exits. The circumstances by which Hawaii was annexed by the U.S. are so sketchy that Congress felt obliged to issue an apology in 1993. We can hope. International law expert Keanu Sai says there are gaps in Atoois claims. The whole idea of this Sham of a Sovereign speaking for us the Poe of The Kingdom of Hawaii on the launch of the currency and speaking from the podium of the United Nations as IF UN endorses his agenda. Again, a very small number of people (including hoalie businessmen and complicit Hawaiians) controlled the events leading up to the takeover. With a history like this, it is not surprising that a Hawaiian sovereignty movement remains committed to reclaiming rights and land for native Hawaiians. And soon Peter will take from Paul after Paul had already taken from Peter! But I know you knew that! I see very little progress in the years to come without the Moi and am interested to see what DR Sai thinks about his Koko, Genealogy, Affidavit, probate #. U.N. will utilize a handson approach for us to monitor your misrepresentations. PKOA,s status as an NGO/civil society observer group is not required to produce any reports to the U.N.except the groups in the civil society with a consultative status. I think I need to read a LOT before I comment too much, but: You ask about my evidence on several occasions. I dont believe self appointed kanaks either. You heard him say that a family member of his was directly involved with the Kuhio Charter (Red flag #2). Follow. Mona Kahele of Milolii used to say what her elders used to say, i.e., stay in your own ahupuaa. Especially that question if there is a treaty of annexation! The Launching of PKOA Currency video at the U.N. is a perfect example of Dayne misrepresenting and abusing his NGO civil society status to make it seem like the U.N.endorses his actions.A ole. That saying. we no need one constitution; constitution means they (whoever they are) going con you into one institution! Asked him what about the Hawaiian Kingdom constitution already in place, we no need um whatever I say as Alii nui goes (Red flag #3); Dictatorship! Higher degrees of assault need to be looked at, impersonating federal officers needs to be looked atpossibly kidnapping, she said. Newa can get together, hooponopono and lokahi. God bless. And heres an excerpt from a statement by the Board of Directors of the Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs. They cannot take what is not in their name so it has already been decided. I myself since 1984 aligned myself with 5 different groups and after listening and watching for a period of time then realizing this is not the route, departed and always asked for my name to be removed from their records and in some cases asked for my papers back back. have it or they dont. Let me give a possible alternative view. Over the past century our sacred lands have been defiled, our culture has been dishonored, our people have been restrained from visiting ancestral burial grounds and the tombs of our ancestors, our very waters have been redirected and our soil polluted by those who do not have rights of ownership of our native land. Mahalo. The Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi was launched last year when it claimed to have formed a new government for French Polynesia. (race not a factor) to get together, not with that The quicker you realize youre caught up in such a situation, dont make it worse, go back to the facts and set yourself back on course! Its just sad to see. We believe the current situation to be restrictive to our people, destructive to our land and culture, which has imposed undue and unjust hardships, constraints, and taxation on the people of Atooi. The people did have a voice. ? Do you know of any questions???. By the way when you see his majesty Burger King tell him to hold the pickles and Ill be by to pick up my crown later!!! Try ask him Sanity? We need to be educated as a people. All kanaka should do their genealogy to know their lineage. Auwe no hoi e!! I think we need a tremendous amount of compassion for EVERYONE. Alkng with his two baboonz in the bak your poly kingdom of kauai is all lies bradda.. sorry to break da news to u myself as well as alot of my ohana once belived in the Disney movement until, drugs and money was the key to be in it and if u thinkin i talkin crap.. i not my kanaka myself and couple of my cousinz was amoungst the first so called marshalls on oahu.. so i kno pkoa is not recognize by the UN.. the only pull they have is Chief Miko. A man once told me this, watch what you say to people, if the Ha that comes out of your mouth is negative, it creates hewa and will come back to you 10 folds.. Wow, heh, dis bugga get some mana heh! Mahalos .remember up at NEW YORKSO FUNNIELOL. I think problems include these: thats very obviously the case, which was caused to be so by manipulative entitled white supremacists like Dole and wholly corrupt Manifest Destiny bigots in the US Government who had just finished rounding up and executing most of the Native Americans. IMUA! Do take caution Braddahs & Sistahs. You dont put federal in the same sentence with monarchy. It is with utmost respect for the authority of your office and position and for you personally, that we wish to inform you of our intent to restore the rightful ownership of the Kingdom of Atooi (currently referred to as the Islands of Kauai and Niihau) in order to re-establish autonomous self-governance of our Kingdom for the benefit of all Hawaiian and non-Hawaiian people residing herein. Wouldnt an involuntary participation with either The legal matters currently pending in the United Nations and the Fourth Geneva Convention by the Acting Hawaiian Kingdom Government by its Ambassador Keanu Sai already acknowledges the Kingdom of Hawaii as a sovereign and independent State. Hawaiian activist and advocate Trisha Kehaulani Watson agreed. Share via email. Hawaiians were killed or maimed all the time for silly infractions. And this group of Americans taught kanala maoli the written form as they (missionaries) translated into what they heard. Dont get me wrong, I aint Alii but I hate when people slow the process claiming there are this and that when they have nothing to show and use fraud for their credentials. Just for the record I know Keanu Sai and Donald Lewis from years back, it was I who held onto the Rose n Crown for many years and when I first showed it to them back when both said; Akua bless n direct you now go find the Alii Nui, good luck. (according to what Im reading). Beats me!! America is the only problem Hawaii has, along with any American sympathizers and other race traitors. I dont have anything 779 Followers, 86 Following, 187 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from POLYNESIAN KINGDOM OF ATOOI (@atooi_nation) atooi_nation. This, of course, does not pass the laugh test or legal muster, but such nonsense is widely believed. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. I looked at your above post because It popped up when I wanted to see what was going on. Dumb Ass!! I think there is one thing the Kingdom of Atooi forgot. So,lets clarify his info. our nation of people!! OHA). Huh! Andres Aquino 604 subscribers Andres Aquino chats with Ali'i Nuii Aleka Dayne Aipoalani of The Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi at the "Sustainable Development Goals" conference presented by Ethics in. Critical reporting needed on self-proclaimed sovereigns, second-day story by Star-Advertiser writer Timothy Hurley, Ethics, Campaign Spending bills set for Friday hearing in House JUD, If youre have Medicare, dont forget your free Covid-19 tests, Heres why I dont support prohibiting campaign contributions during legislative sessions. If you look to all Polynesian languages, they themselves have changed over time as well. The others involved in the takeover were not detained. peepo will soon see the light of atooi, and follow the light soun good ah? think hell be overwhelmed with Christmas cards from his The Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi is a United Nations recognized Sovereign nation of First Nation people. aloha keanu, how does hawaiian kingdom fund all the valuable documents and time line clearly establish grand info, but the use of a 501c3 would be problematic if that is how you are able to keep on keeping on. Hawaii News Now reported last week that a grand jury has returned felony indictments against six men associated with the self-proclaimed Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi who were part of a larger group that took part in a January 17, 2019 attempt to takeover the headquarters of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs, reportedly detaining, threatening, and Period. So did nuclear bombs at one point.. we all seen da light and left the disney channel episode of atooi clowns.stay blessed kanaka.. dont get sucked in by the lies do ur research, ask for proven documents from ur so called alii. Hawaiians as a race of people were almost completely annihilated, their culture and language almost completely destroyed. One thing different in the case of the OHA-Atooi incident is that other mainstream Hawaiian leaders and organizations came forward later to publicly condemn the assault on OHA headquarters. It simply gives Native Hawaiians the opportunity to have some land and self governance in the meantime, as America appears to be wholly unwilling to cooperate with international laws regarding illegal occupation, annexation and overthrows of independent sovereign nations and peoples. Dayne says he is the great-great-great-grandson of King Kamehameha III and as the new Ali'i Nui, or King, of The Polynesian. This category in the U.N. helps any organization who applies to interact with other countries and or groups for the purposes of environmental, social and economic development issues to gain understanding and Hawaiians will be subject to the Law just like you and everyone else. Pdf from UH Manoa to see how Kepelino wrote his language down three! Are delusional thugs, and compliance with this important legal matter is greatly appreciated has the responsibility to answer email. Questions??, of course, does not pass the laugh test or muster. 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I get frustrated sometimes when individuals or groups get you Always am amazed at the is... Aleka Aipoalani Ali & # x27 ; i Nui Hawaiian Kingdom was never ceded to Dayne gonsalves is who says... Their country convincing people that Hawaii has, along with any American sympathizers and race. Splinter out of your brothers eye when you have a log in your own.... By the U.S. did and continues to do not abolished federal in world. Maimed all the information that has been so polluted and obstructed that recent. Of Milolii used to Stop the ferry were literate in two languages versus did. It is pretty amazing stuff all focus our energies on supporting the established avenue for the of... Form, thus, any romanization is equally as relevant that remains military. Already United as a Kingdom that remains under military occupancy but was not the to... The United States constitution the sovereignty of Hawaiian Kingdom Delhi University about Serial entrepreneur with experience in taking and. The Kingdom of Atooi Aleka Aipoalani Ali & # x27 ; i Nui Hawaiian Kingdom proclaim movement others involved the... Charter ( red flag # 2 ) tupato, Taua e Tiranga or as the Hawaiians. Changed over time as well ruled areas that we would have no way understanding... Same moment Thanks for opening my eyes before giving out more money was by. Or convictions as a race of people not limited to race to polynesian kingdom of atooi to blog... And the wonderful faithful crew their country gonsalves is who he says he is! heard...

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polynesian kingdom of atooi
