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slate advice column care and feeding

My stepbrothers dad died about a year after their mom married my dad, so my dad and their mom have full custody of them. And you didnt do that. Have a question for Care and Feeding? She is leaning toward the private school. How Do I Get Them to Back Off? One of the main jobs of parenting is to raise children to become productive members of society once they reach adulthood. Image Credit: James Gardiner Collection via Flickr Creative Commons. Any advice on how to deal with this divide? All contents 2023 The Slate Group LLC. Have a question for Care and Feeding? Is there something about your relationship that you think could scare her from talking to you about her sexuality? January 30, 2021, 7:00 AM. My husband runs his own business and works crazy hours. Your baby is HUGE!. Call me heartless if you want, but I have plenty of reasons to have this opinion. You may want to dial that back a bit unless you want to be greeted with eye rolls and side-eyes. If you determine through therapy that she is of sound mind, then at least your mind will be at ease, too. Curated by J. How online advice columns teach us to tell our own stories. First off, its not like shes an 18-year-old fresh out of high school in fact, shes almost double the age of that person. There are two new voices behind Care and Feeding, Slate's parenting advice column, who are going to offer a wide range of guidance to curious and concerned parents. Part of being supportive of your stepdaughter is giving her room to feel all the things shes feelingbeing angry with or disappointed in or hurt by her mother, sure, but also loving her mother. Submit it here or post it in the Slate Parenting Facebook group. He has a temper that he cant control and will not do anything about it. But now we have solid evidence: Do we just pretend we dont know until our daughter feels comfortable enough to talk to us? Then she suggested she call over the upcoming weekend so we could have a longer chat, as she had to leave for work. But if your confronting them goes nowhere, take heart: Youve got only four years left of living in this battleground. Ive never believed in the notion that stealing names for babies is wrong, but what about names for grandparents? Slate Plus Members Get More Advice From Jamilah Each Week From this week's letter, My Daughter Broke up With Her High School Boyfriend. But, in general, that "demand" is coming from a little one. In the meantime, I wish you fortitude. What I know for sure is it shouldnt be a time when youre allowing your daughter to walk all over you as she has been. If you need to talk, or if you or someone you know is experiencing suicidal thoughts, text theCrisis Text Lineat 741-741 or call or text 988 to reach theSuicide & Crisis Lifeline. Now I see my mom still living that life. When they got home, they were apologetic that he hadnt gone to sleep the way he usually does by that time, and I said he was probably a little hungry because he had only had half of his first bottle and hadnt taken the second. I Despise My In-Laws. And as time passes and your son gets older, you can make a decision about whether he needs to be excluded from these visits too.). Photo illustration by Slate. Tough love is certainly not the most pleasant type of love, but its pretty damn effective when someone is in desperate need of a wake-up call. So my question, how do I involve my children in this relationship? Ask him to take a walk, if possible (well-masked, staying away from others! Submit it here or post it in the Slate Parenting Facebook group. He likes gloveslet him play with gloves. Intentions arent everything. And of course they may have other reasons, having nothing to do with you, for wanting or needing to stay together.). Many parents feel this way (and its often true, too). ); if thats not possible, ask him not to disturb you when you are in a session. There was a lot to unpack there, though: We never knew he had a girlfriend, and our daughter never came out to us. I Played a Card Game With My Fianc to See Who Does the Most Housework. I deeply wish your friends and others in your life had done more to find the joy in your childs birth. And, I remind you, I am 64 years old. I tell him his sister isnt into it (obviously, shes not), and I usually tell him I dont feel like putting on gloves either. How Do I Get Them to Back Off? Thank you in advance. And everyone I know with grown kids seems to have much more frequent contact with them. Or dinosaurs. Id also find out more about why shes considering commuting to collegeshe must have her reasons, and maybe some of those are reasons you could try to understand and respect, even if you still dont agree. This isnt going to be easy, and youre probably beating yourself up about making such a life-altering move, but I hope you know that its the right thing to do in the long run. Im always glad to hear from you, and leave it at that. My Daughter-in-Law Is Blowing Up Over the Tiniest Little Thing. All contents 2023 The Slate Group LLC. ), As to your second question: For goodness sake, stay out of it. Care and Feeding Care and Feeding is Slate's My dad is very stubborn and gets offended at any suggestion that hes getting older, which just makes my siblings even more scared. First, congratulations on welcoming your third child, who is obviously very loved by her parents and, Im sure, her older siblings. Submit your questions about parenting and family life here. The dreaded red cap has them so upset they're firing off letters to parenting columns for advice on how to handle MAGA-wearing relatives. My 8-year-old son loves reading the books and getting to talk with other kids about them, but he also really likes Kaylie, the girl running the book club. If your goal is to help them to achieve a level of independence, it will never happen if you keep swooping in to save them. My wife feels strongly that this is a kind of appropriation, and that this title should be something special for my mother. Guess what? When we first married we saw them maybe once every other month and could go months without them around since they don't live close by. Perhaps the whole familyyour husband as well as his parentswill not or cannot address this. If you missed Fridays Care and Feeding column,read it here. You say your husband is obviously hurt by his parents seeming to favor his sister, but unless he has told you that, I think youre projecting. This is not your problem. If you and your wife dont want your mother-in-law to use the honorific from your native language, tell her, and tell her why. My husband is obviously hurt by this, but he doesnt like to talk about it. But like I said, I really dont think it will come to any of that. Im an identical twin, and I am shouting from the rooftops to not give your future daughters rhyming names. I let him play with my old, no longer used gloves of all kinds. The help of a good therapist could be crucial in helping you hold space for your justified pain and anger and figure out where [you] go from here. You might decide you need to have hard but necessary conversations with some of the people who ignored or hurt you, while cutting your losses with others. Ive read about how to support children with emotionally abusive parents, and all the experts recommend giving the child tools to handle it and encouraging a relationship with the parent until the child turns 18. Please dont do that either. She does, however, like to sneak snacks. Care and Feeding is Slates parenting advice column. Three-year-olds are the weirdest people on the planet. Weve told our son to get rid of that whole section of the answer because his prospective employers do not need to know that much about his personal life. View more recently sold homes. His reaction to her discipline is to escalate his upset behavior. As a former suicide survivor, this triggers some powerful emotions in me. Submit it here or post it in the Slate Parenting Facebook group.. Dear Care and Feeding, My mom never remarried, but when I was in high school my dad married a younger woman with two toddlers. My Ex Wants Us to Vacation Like One, Big, Happy Family. Lately, I have been teaching my 6-year old daughter about death and grieving. We received pitying text messages and notes of condolence. My Ex Wants Us to Vacation Like One, Big, Happy Family. Its college-selecting time for my 18-year-old. You dont say much about Daisys father, which seems curious to meI cant figure out how he fits into these conversations about Daisys reluctance to spend time with her mother, what his relationship with his daughter is like, or what he has to say about his exs relationship with their daughter before the Solomonic splitting of herbut he needs to be brought into the conversation now. Remember, were not talking about toddlers herethese are grownups who need to take some responsibility and ownership of their lives. Its also time to do some reflecting about your relationship with your daughter. Recently a friend of a friends brother died of cancer. I cant say exactly what will feel right for you, what will allow you to move forward without denying your feelings or your fears. Im finally realizing that I think my dad is verbally and emotionally abusive. Some new parents have no trouble leaving their infants with a grandparent or other trusted sitter; some hate to leave them, no matter who is available to care for them.) Three to six months is plenty of time to get on-track if properly motivated to do so. Whats the alternative? Have a question for Care and Feeding? Edgy content focused on teens and kids can easily cause trouble. I have read her many picture books and have had many candid conversations with her about death, but I really want her to see the grieving process up close. Do whatever you can not to insert yourself into it. I grew her myself. I live in a small town and would hate to alienate others in my community with a harsh response, but I wish they would stop focusing on her appearance! Weighing even heavier on my heart, however, is that we will be moving our almost 5-year-old son to a new part of the city, and a new school, in the middle of his pre-K year. At the time they were 11, 9 and 7, and I was . When will it end? Dear Care and. Heck, if the relationship with my kids and future grandkids was on the line based on whether I spoke to a mental health professional or not, Id be in a therapists office before dinnertime. Any kind of gloves: winter gloves, rubber gloves, gardening gloves, moisturizing gloves. When I peek at him, he is just trying them onit may just be a sensory thing. Or can I still let him read them, and create other consequences for the language? How a Bizarre Swedish Docuseries About Men Parenting Tore the Country Apart. I realize that this challenges your desire not to speak ill of your ex; however, shes planting seeds about you in their minds and you owe it to them and yourself not to let the slander go unchecked. Have a question for Care and Feeding? If he responds in anger, then you can use that as a real life example of what youre referring to in the hope that hell have some self-awareness. Care and Feeding is Slate's parenting advice column. As for how you build and nourish a good, happy life for your children, youre already working on that. Its clear that your dad has some serious issues, and I think youre right to be wary of having your kids experience the same feelings you have now. Dear Care and Feeding, My daughter is beautiful. When Daisy asks why she should continue to have a relationship with this awful woman, you might gently point out that the awful woman in question is her mother, not her biological mother. I have a sneaking suspicion, though, that the person this needs to be pointed out to is not Daisy. Submit your questions about parenting and family life here. It may very well be that her mother is being verbally/emotionally abusive. The thing is, Im also really worried about my dads health. I never want them to feel the fear that I had. She took the baby and left the room to feed him. Dear Care and Feeding, I have a 14-year-old son, "Charlie.". My youngest daughter is 10 months old andat her birthwas diagnosed with a very rare genetic disorder that brings with it a wide range of physical and intellectual disabilities. My Daughter-in-Law Is Blowing Up Over the Tiniest Little Thing. If youre being honest with yourself, you already know what to do and thats to ensure your children arent exposed to your dads outbursts, and to inform your dad to change his ways. It had better be one that doesnt include the declaration that you raised two kids of your own successfully, because that too is beside the point (it will not reassure her). At the young age of four, she can be downright stunning. Shes so lucky youre her daughter! Submit it here or post it in the Slate Parenting Facebook group.. Dear Care and Feeding, My husband and . Now youve moved from nice guy status to pushover with no end in sight. All rights reserved. Some of their friends have grandparents who are in their early 60s. Every day that you take care of your family and love them and worry for them and get silly with them, youll be doing it, bit by bit. Even if your MIL were right about him needing more help or support, the course would then be for her to discuss this calmly and respectfully with you, not try to intimidate him into being whatever her version of an ideal 5-year-old is. My younger siblings friends have dads who are in their 20s, 30s, and early 40s. Ive always been of the mind that regardless of whatever bad feelings there are between me and my ex, it is in our kids best interests to maintain a relationship with both parents. If they are as miserable together as your letter suggests, its possible that theyre staying together for what they believe is your sake, because they fear it would be devastatingor at least extremely destabilizingfor you if they divorced. They mostly manage because they have no mortgage, although when an unexpected expense comes up I often pitch in. And a 14-year-old who is being encouraged, however subtlyand Im not so sure it has been subtleto complain about her mother may be feeling emboldened to find things to complain about. They live. Sign up for Slate Plus now. Hes a loving man so she stays and I understand how tough that would be. John has always struggled to settle on one career (he tends to job-hop a bit) and with the pandemic, he's struggled. I remember it as if it happened yesterday: Having multiple people approach me at once to tell me to get my life together when I was dealing with a drinking problem and untreated depression is what ultimately saved me. The babys mother was anxious about leaving him for an evening. We met, got married, and live in her hometown. It seems very unfair to prohibit my bisexual teen from having sleepovers just because they happen to be attracted to both genders. Now our son keeps saying f*ing sh*t. Weve tried telling him we dont say bad words like what Daddy said, but that didnt work. He asks for privacy when he does, and I say sure. slate advice columns care and feeding; July 13, 2022. slate advice columns care and feeding. Photo by Getty Images Plus. Heck, I would even go to a marriage counselor or therapist with this but dont give in. Want to know the differences between a gravel bike and a road bike or mountain bike? This kind of talk shouldnt be written off as her being a dramatic tween and should be viewed as a sign that shes hurting in some way. I am single and have a small home of about 800 square feet. I know its not an ideal scenario, but it may provide a way to force her to confront how she has behaved and push her in another direction. Your baby is HUGE! For her 40th birthday, they gave her a very expensive watch. I just accepted a new job, an exciting career opportunity for me, about a 2-hour drive away from our home in a big city. And other than supporting my husband, is there anything else I can do? My son went in with her and came out a few minutes later and told me I should go home. Photo by Getty Images Plus. What I dont feel proud of is my anger and jealousy towards friends and family members who have recently had babies or announced pregnancies. They say it mostly to me, but within earshot of my daughter, and sometimes directly to her. slate advice columns care and feedingconejos river outfittersconejos river outfitters I am a woman of color; my wife is white. That could include hiring a professional cleaning service to make their house as close to spotless as possible and pay for the immersive therapy program you suggested. Would it be inappropriate to bring her to my friend of a friends brothers funeral as a learning experience. To be honest, I cant tell for sure. If you missed Mondays column,read it here. Discuss this column in theSlate Parenting Facebook group! She feels controlled and trapped. He takes the bus to work, and often finds himself out of breath after walking up the same hill from the bus stop to our house that hes been walking up for 15 years. Its anonymous! I told him I just wanted them to have a couple of hours out of the house and obviously the baby hadnt been THAT hungry if he kept refusing bottles. You and your husband need to make the most out of your lives, and I trust that you can do it.. He gagged and spit up. Some days wont be so great, and youll get up the next day and take another shot at it. England only existed in his mind-his mind, stuck here in this dank smelly steel-lined spaceship. They can see the difference between their family and their friends families. Im at a loss for how to keep her from alienating my kids from me without directly telling the kids their mom is behaving in an unethical, harmful, and manipulative way. Please advise. I dont want them to see me as a burden. Regarding your main question of what you can do to help his kids through this, you just have to keep telling them that everything will be OK. Nelson's Column had gone! Additionally, youre cooking meals, cleaning, and shopping for her and her kids, and you have no input on how the kids behave? The other day I sent my 35-year-old daughter a link to the weather report for where she lives (about icy, dangerous roadsI was concerned about her morning commute), and she phoned me to ask that I not send such things, as if you think Im incompetent. I took this as her setting a boundary and told her Id respect that, even though doing things for the people I love is my love language. For a while I tried writing letters insteadat their suggestionbut then thered be no answer, or the response would come only months later. A wave of claustrophobia closed in on him. Theres not a doubt in my mind that the twins you mentioned had their lives ruined because of their similar names, and you shouldnt allow that to happen to your precious children. My daughter's friends tell me I look great I was about 17 at the time " I've been searching for my father my whole life and through 23a Hes always been a grouchy kid, but school is just turning him into an angry kid. According to her, they haven't had sex in three years, have very little in common, and are basically roommates raising children. Its time for this man to do the same. My Daughter-in-Law Is Blowing Up Over the Tiniest Little Thing. Dear Care and Feeding, Our local library has a teen volunteer program, where high school students come and help shelve books and lead children's activities and story time. 2.5 Baths. But when Daisy asks me why she should continue to try to have a relationship with this awful woman, I just want to tell her to stay far away from her. I dont think she has a chance of making this team. If he hadnt picked up those words from books, he would have learned them elsewhere, so I would probably just encourage him to read lots of other books as opposed to forbidding the ones you mentioned. He is constantly saying that he doesnt see the point of some simple task, that its stupid and easy, that he hates it. (If they protest that their marriage is perfectly happy, that you are sorely mistaken, you are probably out of luck. Personally it would shake me to my core if my kids said they wanted me to get my life in order, and maybe that would help as well. Here's everything you need to know,Wondering what makes a gravel bike a gravel bike? Today its gloves; next month it could be snap-shut purses. The following exchange is from "Care and Feeding," Slate's parenting advice column. We did dishes so the kitchen sink could be used to wash our hands, piles of laundry so we could access the washer to wash wet items from the basement, and picked up five bags of trash and four of recycling so we could walk around the house. Indeed, she was ambivalent, at best, about going in the first place. All rights reserved. Uh, No Thanks. When you talk with your son, I would explicitly name the problem with the language, as opposed to focusing on the books: Ordering someone to shut up is rude; stupid and idiot are words that can really hurt people. You cant do anything about that now, so you want to make sure your daughters experience is different. Hes been going on about Kaylie for a month nowtalking about what Kaylie said at the meetings, how nice/pretty she is, etc.and Im starting to get concerned. (Questions may be edited for publication.). Uh, No Thanks. He does the bare minimum (at most) of what's required in school, in extracurriculars, at home, etc. Their parents have always allowed this now 45-year-old woman to act and talk this way. I hate watching these new or expectant mothers accepting congratulations, hugs, and well wishes. One way to look at this is that it would be an affirmation that your native language/culture is central to your familys understanding and presentation of itself. I can say this honestly and without bias. I dont think this is going to change and I am bereft about it. I try to maintain a neutral, kind tone when I respond, though I admit the requests are making me uncomfortable. Well-intentioned friends make comments like, Wow! Were having a harder time coming up with names for our twins, in large part because my husband wants names that sound similar. Why would any rational parent put their children through something like that just because he thinks it would be cute? Have a question for Care and Feeding? He needs to understand that talking about something as intimate as this could damage his relationship with her if she ever learned about it. You are absolutely right when you say that those types of names only succeed in making your kids out to be a sideshow or a novelty act instead of individual children who happen to look alike. The Slate advice columnists have a wide range of quality but I actually really like a lot of the parenting ones (particularly Nicole Chung and Jamliah Lemieux), even though I am not a parent. I know you are a good man, but unless you get help for your issues right away, Ill have to limit your time around my kids.. If youre not already, you should seek therapy to help unpack the feelings youre experiencing. England no longer existed. In our day-to-day lives, though, we often keep our guards . You must realize that youre not doing your daughter or your grandkids any favors by allowing this to continue. SOLD FEB 15, 2023. slate advice columns care and feeding. Yes, I completely understand how upsetting it is to watch your daughter struggle, but she has to learn to figure out how to deal with this on her own, or else youre looking at a lifetime of enabling her, and I know you dont want that. 'The Signal Man' is a short story written by one of the world's most famous novelists, Charles Dickens. Explain this to him, and tell him that not all words are for him to use, even if he reads them in a book. She has been publishing "Nicole Knows," a potpourri of beauty, pop culture and general life observations and advice since February 2018. All rights reserved. After these encounters, I always remind her of her inner beauty, her kindness, and her loving heart. Uh, No Thanks. I am big believer in therapy, so that could be something you both explore together. Dear Care and Feeding, My brother "John" and his wife have three children. Submit it here or post it in the Slate Parenting Facebook group. I hate my sister-in-law. You absolutely do owe her an apology, and it had better be a heartfelt one. But recently her mother has repeatedly declared that our kid, her first (and likely only) grandchild will use the word from my native language that we use for grandma, along with her name (i.e., Grandma X). I have my own big feelings about it, and I want to make sure we are helping him to manage his as well. Through something like that just because he thinks it would be cute response come! I was to act slate advice column care and feeding talk this way they reach adulthood, but about. From you, and leave it at that kindness, and I to! Room to feed him mind-his mind, then at least your mind will be at ease,.! This but dont give in and came out a few minutes later and told me I go! He asks for privacy when he does, however, like to talk about.... To sneak snacks earshot of my daughter is beautiful something you both together... 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slate advice column care and feeding
