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Every phase in the life of a prestigious building or superyacht has its own challenges. The issues present during construction can be very different to those faced during multi-year maintenance planning. That’s where the NeroQom Squad is unique, we have years of experience delivering something exceptional to our clients, no matter the condition before we get there.

It’s our Discipline Menu which keeps our clients returning, the confidence that by calling NeroQom, the issue is resolved.  We take care of everything efficiently, professionally and with an expertise you won’t find anywhere else. 

Below you’ll find some of the sectors which are our natural habitat. However, if you have more custom or specialist requirements, simply contact us and we’ll be happy to help. 

From build to handover, the NeroQom Squad will help this phase pass faster. By minimising your snaglist throughout the process, we’ll speed things up to save you both time and budget.

We assist with material selection and advise on their impact on maintenance. Our unique experience from around the world will take your vision further, delivering more cost effective, efficient solutions for you and your client.

The eternal battle in the modern urban environment. We’re already supporting cities and infrastructure clients to more effectively manage their vandalism issues, working to quickly and completely tackle issues where they occur.

As the deadline for handover approaches, it’s time to call in the NeroQom Squad. By undertaking proactive control of your snaglist, cleaning, repairs and upgrades, you can make the big day pass smoother for everyone.

Done well, maintenance will not only keep your project looking gorgeous, but it will cut costs by reducing cleaning times and increasing the lifespan of your materials. Key to success is the right plan and the right answers, that’s where the NeroQom Craftsmen and our Discipline Menu comes in. We’ll work with you to retain the aesthetic and technical value of your investment.

When the time comes to breathe new life into your façade or superyacht, we’re ready to go. From renovation to providing lasting protection, NeroQom has a set of fully customisable Disciplines which will help you experience new again.

With an address book which most companies would die for, NeroQom has many happy marine clients who speak to our quality. 

Bringing us aboard will give you a level of professionalism, care and results which shows why we see the same ships, year after year. 
